Hi Diary,
Day 38
Thank you everyone for all the amazing, supportive posts....really appriciated.
Great day yesterday.....Bestie bought me box of my fave chocs...(truffles from waitrose)...yummy!
Was soooo good to hang out without a care in the world...................Sunshine...I love it!
BBQ.......was fun........and not burnt!
Been busy today...bed stripped and on line ...back on bed. Took mum shopping to get some plants . We also went to Bicester Village, not really into designer stuff but managed to snag a pair of FitFlops for bargain price.....Thats my workout taken care of now!
Just spoke to my wee one and we are really excited to be seeing each other again. Am going down Friday and coming back Sat, just hope sunshine stays with us as she lives in beautiful part of the country.
Also.......shhhh.......but may have a date on thursday................waiting on a call!
Shiny....if you read this.....saturday night............grrrrrrrrrrrrr......Can't get it out of my head..........What memorys!
Sue xxxxx
Hey Lovely ....
Shinys earworm got you hooked too did it....lol..
Glad to see your week off has started well and roll on more sun...
Used to go to Bicester many moons ago with my job..took me a while to figure out they didn't actually call it Bi-cester....I was pronouncing it wrongly for ages.
Think you need a pedometer to accessorise your fit flops....see how many miles you do.lol
R and D xx
Hi Sue,
So great to see you had such a nice weekend and also a visit with the girlie planned how wonderfull.
so thursdayyyyyyyyyy sue's got a date eh ?... So where is he from, how old is he, is he a fireman if so im soooooo jealous ? Where did you meet him, when is the wedding and does he like wombles lol.
Answers on a postcard please.
Blondie xxx
What what what???...missed that one...how did that slip trough the net??...date on Thurs ....wit whoooo......going in your fit flops?
Need details...Is he good enough for our girl?...Is he the Great Uncle Bulgaria to our Orinocco?
Margery Proops xx
You girlies are soooooooooooooooo funny!
Thanks for making me laugh again!
Can't believe our Rach missed the date line in my post!
Will fill you all in if I get the call!
Sue xxx
Hi Sue,
Thank you. I just wanted to say thank you. Your support really does mean a lot right now. I have to confess I did consider just carrying on and pretending that everything was okay but that is not me. Gambling has already taken enough from me and it is not taking that as well.
The last time I had a relapse a few people who had been posting regularly on my diary dropped me like a stone. I must admit that I was worried that would happen again. It is great to see that is not the case.
Congratulations on staying strong. It is my turn to chase you now. I just hope that I never catch you but always stay the same distance behind.
Thanks again.
Dave X
Hi Sue,
I'm glad uv had a gr8 wknd 🙂
A date on Thurs, go u ..... I hope it goes well 4 u 🙂
U deserve 2 be happy 🙂
Stay strong xxxx
Hi Womble
Thanks for the post on my forum.
Haven't had time to read your thread yet, but I will cos it looks like there will be a few laughs in amongst the heartfelt issues that we all face on this forum.
Well done on getting this far and good luck for your date on Thursday.
One of the things that keeps me going through all this is an ability to still laugh, cos after all we are the same as the rest of the world just with a stupid addiction.
Stay happy and positive cos we all have great futures ahead and can all achieve whatever goals we have in life.
Thanks Sue. That means a lot.
Dave X
miss womble, date indeed .
Not that I am off vogue (blondies your girl for that )
No no no no no , do not do it , are listening DO NOT DO IT !!!
You must not wear flip flops on a first date .
Black number , little bit of clevarage, ( not too much )
, heels most definitely , oh and the reddest lippy they sell in super drug lol
Us BBs (you are one you know) have rules , standards
Widow spider comes to mind for some reason lol
I will be checking your diary first from now on, ......
Searching for updates .
So when's the date ...... Saturday Night ........ Be my baby .
Shiny xxxxxxxx
Hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it , going to go sleep with a smile so wide my jaw will hurt in the morning ..........
Hey Sue...
Hoping your bestie can also be off this week with you..
Am living vicariously through your Thursday date already! lol
It is exciting ...
Agree with Shiny on the attire if its night time although I did go as my casual self when I met my beau but that was in the daytime.
Not sure where you met this chap and no pressure to reveal. I joined an agency a good few years ago where I paid something like 300....I got matched up with about 6 blokes...met them all over a course of 8 weeks in M and S doorways around the neighbouring towns....
No one set my pulse racing but I did have a fair few Italian meals ....lol
I usually go as pub carpark chaperone these days for my pals who are dating....we have a system devised now and the ladies toilet text routine..
Have fun.....no expectations and you never know....what this space...xxx
Hi Diary,
Day 39
You guys are freekin' awesome....................
Date NOT confirmed yet.....I know, I know you all want me loved up......lol
Will prob be trip to a local down by the river Thames....nice food...nice company!
You have all given me such a laugh....thankyou x
Tell you what...I have know him for a while and we are just friends...........but....shhhh.....psttt....He is quite hunky and fanciable...in a womble sort of way! So if the date gets confirmed...will be on here so my girls can sort my outfit out........lol
If I havn't heard anything today will send him a text 2morrow!
Have had a nice day today.....washed curtains and put back up in my room, mowed garden, did a favour for a mate....driving.
Rach....bestie working lates for 2 days.....LOL
She's gutted to be missing this weather.
Did anyone see the interview on tv news channel....all about betting shops......Couldn't believe what they were saying.......They need to get in the real word to see the damage they are doing.....It's just sooooo wrong!
So for today I did not gamble!
Love to all Sue xxx
Hi Diary,
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........Can Always have a moan on here.
My Mum.....who is 80.......Is flippin addicted to on-line solitaire........Doing my head in. Shes lying about time spent on computer......she doesnt know I'm an expert in concealing things!
Have talked to her about it and tried to show her web sites about it but she don't want to know.
Life is full of freekin Addictions.........How do I help her?
We not talking now.........Sad face!
Good Morning Sue,
Ohhhhhh what have i been missing , a date! Go Sue , exciting lol
Sue, you deserve some happiness as you make us feel great with your posts and support so heres hoping it goes well for you!
Sue , you continue to remain strong and i'm hoping things get sorted for your mum too, tough one that , at 80 what can you say to her, sorry got no ansers but will rack my brain cell
Keep Strong Sue and thanks for your support as always
Smiling Lucy xxx
Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur support on my diary it means alot xx
U r doing brilliant and if ur date happens on Thurs, I wanna know all the gossip lol
Seriously Sue after speaking 2 u in chat and hearing some of the things u have been thru, some I can relate 2. U deserve 2 be sooooo happy and please don't settle 4 nething less. Because u r a gr8 person. I hope it goes well on Thurs, have fun 🙂
Sorry 2 read about ur mum, I'm not sure wot u can do about that really. Could u explain 2 her about how it's making u feel ? I hope u sort things out 🙂
Have a gr8 day 🙂
Stay strong xxxx
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