My Journey

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Morning Diary,

Day 40.........Cant believe its 40 days with not 1 penny spent on gambling.

Thanks to everyone for the posts.......especially Charlotte.........Hun even with your own problems lately you still find the time to come on here and be so supportive...x

Dropped mum off at a friends.............Think she's only talking to me cos she wanted a lift!

Anyway will deal with that problem when more appropriate......Have spoken to my brother but he doesn't see the problem!

So woke up this morning covered (everywhere) in little red saucers with dot in the middle............mossies just love my sweet blood!

Today I am meeting a friend and were going to city centre for few shops and.......Pimms!!!

Have known her since we went to school together......Its so good catching up with friends I lost contact with due to my gambling!

Havn't heard from Mr. Maybe Date.............Did something I wouldn't of done in my gambling frenzy..........Sent him a text asking if he was still up for tomorrow............Waiting on a reply!

Have been single for over 4 years....think it's time I made an effort.I love company and would be real nice to get in a relationship again. Don't want anything major just friendship to start with. I need to learn that not all men are a**e h***s and I need to believe in myself again.

Will keep you all posted!

So Sue.....signing off with jiggly bits in my stomach! xxxxx

Posted : 25th July 2012 9:23 am
Posts: 0

40 days - WOOT WOOT!!!! 😀

Huge congrats, its a real achievement and you should be proud of that. Maybe the mozzies were going for a bite for every gamble free day - have you counted them lol?!

Have a lovely time in the sun with your friend and pimms, sounds good to me! Also wanted to thank you again for all your support, means a lot. x

Posted : 25th July 2012 10:01 am
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Hi Diary,

Quick update.........Just back from town and drinkies, great time, great company........Someone gave their seat up for me on the bus.........dont know weather to be happy or sad!

Mr Date is No Date................................................Got a bad back and can't move......oh well....another time.

Maybe I will have to join the dating site castle has joined.....LOL

So Sue...No date tomorrow.......but still happy and most importantly gamble free!

Posted : 25th July 2012 6:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Sue,

Huge well done on 40 days and much of that is down to the fact that you have really thrown yourself into recovery, posted regularly, taken advice etc etc. The thing is these days really build up and if you apply the same determination and effort going forward that 40 will soon become 50, 60, 100 and so on.

Really hope you get a response to your text 🙂 I mean I am sure there are a few male idiots out there but I have met a few half decent ones too in life myself included lol!!!

Keep Smiling,


Posted : 25th July 2012 6:47 pm
Posts: 0

40 days eh sue! Well done u!! Stay strong an very focused as an sure u will. Life is so much better with out gamberling! Keep goin Hun your doin brilliant!!

Posted : 25th July 2012 7:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi sue

40 days a massive well done you have brought such a sense of fun and support to this site and committed to your diary and your recovery from the beginning and look what you have achieved, long may that continue sue.

And does date man know what he's missing out on he should be crawling to the date, bad back my a**e lol.

Blondie xxx

Posted : 25th July 2012 8:32 pm
Posts: 0


Well done on the forty , and also getting on a living your life , going out and having fun.

Soooo many struggle to do that, myself included.

Going into town shopping , or going out drinking are frightening .

Sort of think staying indoors , avoiding being in situations will stop us being tempted. Sort of works but it becomes a very unfor filing life .

It takes courage and immense strength to just get on with it and grab life by the balls , so to speak.

Anyways , as for your Mr no Date , plenty more fish in the sea, who wants to date a man with a bad back anyways . End up being a nurse maid , or a mother figure . Sort of fink he did you a favour .

Wouldn't it be funny if you and castle dated, neither divulging there deep dark secret, but getting this uncanny feeling you had met before in a previous life .

Almost rolling around the floor laughing at that one .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 25th July 2012 9:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Well done on the 40 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant 🙂

Ahhhh Sue, ur kind words mean so much 2 me. I think u r an inspiration 🙂

No date - oh well his loss. He doesn't know wot he's missing out on!

Keep enjoying the sunshine 🙂

Stay strong xxxx

Posted : 25th July 2012 10:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support recently. It has meant SO much to know that you are behind me and encouraging me. The last few days have been really tough but I've cleared my head and am back!

Congratulations on reaching 40 days!!! Fantastic news. 🙂

I hope that you have a great day.

Dave X

Posted : 26th July 2012 7:45 am
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Hi Diary,

Day 41

Today was meant to be date day......oh well...I believe in whatever will be will be .........If it's meant to be he will be in touch, if not plenty more fish eh?

So instead of moping around the house text bestie and she is on am going to pick her up from work and we will go for drink later.

A few weeks ago I would never have had the confidence to do all I have done this week..........Would feel sick at thought of socialising, made so many excuses not to go out, ignored calls and messages. I really do feel fourtunate to have so many friends and nice people around me.

Now Shiny.........hun.....You know castle and I could never not know who each other were if we met on a blind date........Come on now girlie.....He would obviously wearing his crown.......And I my dear would be covered in grey fur.......Shiny oh Shiny...........Think you had the devil in you are wickedly funny!

Hugs to all

Sue xx

Posted : 26th July 2012 12:06 pm
Posts: 0

castle and womble sitting in a tree

K. I. S .S I.N G. lol.

So i said i would tell you the story of how i met my Boyfriend... Get the popcorn out ? Are you sitting comfortably.

So when i split with my ex husband it was like id reverted back to my teenage years, i was out every weekend, single, having such a laugh, speed dating, salsa dancing and numerous other things that I couldnt talk about without a solicitor present lol.

Anyways i fell into a rebound relationship o*g it was horrendous he was a nut case and fell madly in love with me and i just wanted a bit of fun I ended up having to get a restraining order to keep him away from my house, anyways i was single for 3 years, had lots of offers quite a few dates etc but my heart wasnt really in it, they were either to serious, to old, to weird, still hung up on there ex's, to young lol, and just not for me.

So i had given up on men, i had lots of friends was having a good time, was happy and didnt think i would ever get in another realtionship again, me and my best friend had said that we would still be running round the nurseing home when we was old, still single and P***** up lol.

So my best friend meets this guy one night whilst we was out, has a bit of a whirlwind fling with him, 4 weeks later he books them both a holday, 5 days before they were due to go, my friend finds out he has a girlfriend and 4 kids which he had forgot to tell her about, he lived down south.

So he had paid for the holiday but my friend had booked it and it was in her name as lead name, so 4 days before they were due togo I change the name on the holiday pay 50 quid and jobs a good un a holiday to somewhere 8 hours away and absolute paradise.

My friend is faddy, shes into crystals and palm reading and spirtuality but still hasnt found herself yet (another story all together lol), anyways she flicks from one thing to another trying to "Find herself".

I turn up at her house the night we go away case packed but not really prepared, No books etc etc. She has a stack of these new age books, "The secret" Cosmic ordering for beginners" "Listen to your angels" etc etc.

So i say can i nick your books start reading the secret quite good actually, anyways we get on holiday all inclusive paradise, having a right laugh. 4 days into the holiday i start reading cosmic ordering for beginners.

its going to go on forever this story but its sort of all relevent lol.......

Next installment tomorrow..

Blondie xxx

Posted : 26th July 2012 12:49 pm
Posts: 0
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You naughty...naughty girlie

Want more...........Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Got myself settled now...dropped bestie off of wine

You cant leave me hangin'

Posted : 26th July 2012 5:06 pm
Posts: 0

sooooo installment 2, glass of wine in hand.

So this book cosmic ordering for beginners is starts like this 2 friends having a conversation one is really into this cosmic ordering and had quite a few success with it, the other is really cynical (like i was) and thinks its just a bit of a joke, so they have some heated discussions, and the friend who is in to it says try it.. Order something, tell the universe what you want send it out there and forget about it... so the girl thinks ok what have i got to lose, ive been single for some time now im going to order a man. So cynical as she is she makes a ten point list of the man she wants with the qualities that she desires not your ususal stuff.

He has to be into tie chee.

A vegan


and lots of other things and she wants to meet him in 6 weeks time.

6 weeks later bosh... mr vegan tie chee man turns up, and she realises very soon he ticks all the boxes she asked for.....

soooooo to be continued off to get my nails done lol.


blondie xxxxxxxx

Posted : 26th July 2012 5:21 pm
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Just went and refilled my wine........Naughty...naughty


B*****r your nails !

Sue.........Left in total limbo!


Posted : 26th July 2012 5:37 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi sue

o*g what's happening what av I done one of my downfalls is I always put my feelings down on my diary prob a bit too much some times but now it's out let the fun begin ! Lol

It's so good to laugh such a long way from the misery we all knew , dating sites u av got to laugh and take with a pinch of salt or it would destroy ur confidence with all the rejection , it's like a minefield on there absolutely ruthless they don't even give u a chance

So our cheeky friends are matchmaking us up well u wouldn't expect anything jess from them , think we will av to plot our revenge

It's good to see u so happy and laughing which is actually contagious and thats what we want on here

So keep it up u av been such a breath of fresh air on here there's a real good feel factor when ur around

Take care


Posted : 26th July 2012 9:01 pm
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