so installment 3 i told you this would go on a bit. where was I ?
Oh yes, so this women who was really skeptical about cosmic ordering ordered her man and he ticked all the boxes of her 10 point list and she met him within the 6 weeks that she had specified. So she thought ermmm this might work, and then proceeded to make a list of things she wanted in her life, new job, a house move etc etc... to be a sucessfull writer and she goes on to be the person writing the book, best seller etc.
So back to the cape verdi islands ive finished the book, and the coversation goes like this
Blondie... Ive finished this book, not to sure about this cosmic ordering sounds a bit far fetched but i think im gona try it what have i got to loose.
Blondies friend. Noooo dont you try it you will be really good at it, i buy all these books and im s**t at it never put anything into practice.
So i go out on the balcany glass of wine in hand beautiful view, very chilled and happy and i make my list.
1) He has to have a great sense of humour and not take life to serious.
2) Not a p******d lol sorry these were my words
3) Not football mad
4) A good cook
5) honest
6) Loving
7) Loyal
8) Has to be in touch with him self not scared of having deep and meaningfull conversations.
9) A bit of an adrenaline J****E
10.) Wears his heart on his sleeve
And i would like to meet him when im ready.
So drink drank we go off out to the bar in the hotel, we had literally just got to the bar when this guy comes over and says "HIya theres loads of us over there we would really like some female company would you like to join us ? "
So off we go and sit down with a group of about 12 blokes, a few hours later and some chat and a good laugh we head off to the disco with a few of them. The guy who came to the bar to invite us over says, we are meeting my other friend there.
Walks in the disco and its quite packed im stood at the bar and someone taps me on the shoulder and says excuse me but i hadnt even seen your face just the back of your head and i got this mad urge to come over and talk to you.
Turns out this is the friend !!! And it was literally instant chemistry between us, we talked all night and laughed so much, but he was going home the next day, he walked me to my room after a stroll on the beach i kissed him and said I would go and see him the next day before they left.
Its totally unlike me and completly out of character but i felt really sad that he was leaving and we didnt have more time together so I went back out on the balcony and just said to my friend, Im gutted I wish i had at least another day with him.
Went to bed, went to reception at dinner time and they were all there with there cases, ready to go to the airport, we spent a couple of hours chatting then there was a bit of a commotion going on and the rep came over and said the flight that was coming in had to land at tenerife as one of the air stewards had burnt his hand so they had to land there and they were trying to get replacement crew. Time ticked on anyways i think im really waffling now
It turns out that they couldnt replace the crew member and that the island had no night time landing lights so they had to stay at least another day. So i got the extra day. We spent the whole day and night together... I knew after that day that he was the one, as we spoke i found out...... He didnt drink, He is in AA and has been sober 5 years, well into recovery, really intouch with his feelings, open, honest as the day is long good or bad, he wasnt into football, he had done a cookery course at a french cooking school, He was so so funny, he was there kite surfing (adrenalin J****E sport). ETc etc.....
Before he had left we had swapped face book names but not numbers, I had already wrote my number on a piece of paper and kept it in my pocket and if he asked me for it i would give it him. We said goodbye he was going up the coach steps and i said... in my head... Please come back...... He turned round .. walked down the steps and back to me and said...
I just had the weirdest feeling that i had to come back, Can I.....
I put my hand in my pocket and gave him my number.
He texted me the first day I got back from Boa and we have never been apart for one weekend since that was nearly 3 years ago. He ticks all my boxes everysingle one and some, and I know he is the one without question.
We have been like sliding doors for all our lives even though we lived 220 miles apart we have been literally within touching distance.
Cosmic ordering ? Fate ? Luck ?,conicidence.... I have no idea what it was that brought us together, but Im so so glad it did...
And they all lived happily ever after.. 🙂
Blondie xxx
Just wanted to say thanks Sue. xxx joan
Morning Sue,
Happy Friday! I hope that you are okay this morning. Thanks for your ongoing support. You are doing so well and this is a real inspiration for myself as I start all over again.
I hope that you have a great day.
Dave X
Day 42........Good morning world!
Firstly.............Thankyou so much Blondie for sharing your story on my diary.........I feel honoured!
Well later today am off to Somerset to see my wee girlie, really looking forward to seeing her.
Apparently we have both been invited to a party...........o*g......What to wear...heels....flats.....dress.....jeans.......s**y.....not s**y.............descisions, descisions!
Update tomorrow when I get back.....have a wonderful Friday everyone!
Sue xxxx
Hey sue,
It was long winded but i got there in the end lol.... Have a fantastic time, i dont think you can ever go far wrong with a "Little black dress". Im sure you will look beautiful whatever you choose.
Enjoy my friend, Why not try a bit of cosmic ordering... Who knows eh ?
Blondie xxxx
Hi sue
Been away for a few days.
Day 11 for me - feels good
Hope you enjoy your party. I live in Somerset, pack your sun lotion its hot here!
Hi Sue,
I hope that you are okay. Enjoy your weekend.
Dave X
Hi Sue,
Just popping in2 check u r ok and 2 say I hope u have a gr8 wknd xxxxxxxx
Hi Diary,
Day 43
Was going to be really upbeat....and try to be funny about my awesome weekend.
Sorry guys.......Cant do it today....too much sadness around!
Today I did not gamble!
Hi Diary,
Day 44
Today I have not I want to gamble!
Today I feel like c**P
I hate this feeling....It takes me back to all the abuse I suffered..........Those feelings of uslessness..........Waiting for the next beating, waiting for the next onslaught of verbal abuse!
Today I cant stop crying.........What is wrong with me?
I find if I can be positive about things on my diary it so helps my general emotions and well being.
Well being honest I feel it really hard to be positive after the things I have read on here the last few days. I know that I dont have to read things but it's really hard not to when you get attatched to people.
As ex mug would say....f******k it!
Hay sweety, really understand the way you feeling .
You have come so far ,......
Just for today , Hun , just for today ..
Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Sue xx
Sorry 2 read that u want 2 gamble and u r struggling.
I can relate 2 ur last post we have spoke in chat and I know exactly wot u mean the treading on egg shells sort of feeling. I 2 have followed the posts recently and even felt 2 uncomfortable 2 post on fri 2 check in on the 90 day thread. It really is a shame as this site is full of some truly amazing ppl. U r one of them xx
All I can say is I hope u r ok and I'm here 4 u if u need me. Stay strong u r doing brilliant xx
Hi Sue,
I am very new to all of this. I dont have a clue what I am doing... Anyway, that being said, I do know about despair. Dont give up. You popped in on me a couple of times over the last few days when I really needed a boost. I thank you for that. This is a reminder that you are not alone. hugs!! joan
Shiny, Char and Joan,
Thank you so much all of you!
Sue xxx
Morning Sue,
I really hope that you are okay. Trust me when I say that gambling is not the answer. It is a temporary fix and when it is over you feel ten times worse than before.
You have a lot of friends on here so please never feel that you are alone in this battle.
Take care Sue and keep posting.
Dave X
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