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Hi sue

Just want to say i really appreciate your comments on my diary and well done on 61 days. You get that in every job some people work harder than others thats life. Yes its not fair but like i said thats life

Posted : 15th August 2012 7:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Havent caught up with your diary but im guessing everything is going well whoop whoop.

Didnt murray deserve it though i nearly wet myself with excitement lol.

Big hugs

Staying Strong

L xx

Posted : 15th August 2012 8:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Sue..

Not so sure about the wise words but there will be some words for

Have been thinking about your situ over my late tea...

Read Carls response and i'd not really looked at it that way so it made me think too that a new challenge may be ahead for you.

I was going more along lines of you wanting to stay in your position...and the words "if you want something doing .ask a busy person" sprang into my mind.

I was wondering whether you are so good at your job that folk just expect like you say and have put on you knowing the work will get done if they ask you..and over the years the work load has crept up?.

Saying "No" is hard too so by the end of it you are doing the work of three even though it feels like a compliment when you are asked..

I wondered if you could maybe try delegating...just small stuff to start and see how you feel with that and then maybe move to bigger things as you release the reins a bit more from your workload?

It may feel weird to start..with some little guilts and maybe checking up to see if folk have done it properly but you maybe surprised at how quickly your workload may reduce.

I do this in my job and have had to try and re learn to delegate small stuff....for me its normally paperwork,returns, etc that I could delegate to the office more but try and juggle whilst eating a sandwich in the fast lane of the

When you have been working this way its a bit like the person who does overtime every night but then one day goes home at the normal surprised looks of "where's she going?" becomes expected and the more we do the more others will pile on ....

Another bad habit of mine is to multi task and do everything at once instead of pacing but I know that your work requires more immediate action than mine in terms of you having to do things in the maybe more difficult for you there Sue.

Not sure if that helps hun..but a few words they


Rach and Dotty xxx

Posted : 15th August 2012 8:38 pm
Posts: 0


Been thinking about your last post and this is my take it from my own experience.

All my life I have given 120%at everything I do . I remember once a boss saying to me You want to be the best , and I said No I want people to think I did the best I could . Over the years at appraisals bosses would say to me stop giving 120 %, ninety will do. But I couldn't cause it's not in my nature . If I did I would not be doing the best I could .

Around me normal people work hard somedays and other days most defo take their foot off the peddle .

So yes most folk come to me , cause if I say I am going to do something I do it . Not everyone is like that , shocking I know .

I think what I trying to say , is that I have done this to myself , work ethic having a big part to play in it . I truely find it difficult to be different , although I am delegating more, I still manage to find other things that need doing lol

When I was gambling , the resentment and the oh woe is me , I deserve this time out , cause I work so hard so much harder than everyone else in the world together . Was the biggest stoke to my addiction flame .

Now days like I choose not to gamble , I see me working hard as a choice , the resentment has gone . No one is making me work at this pace , I could slow down and still be more productive than some of my team. I am not saying that at times I am not frustrated by people , who I think should work harder , but then who isn't it happens in every work place . Workers and shirkers 🙁

You and me sound like peas in a pod . Take enormous pride in the job , there's an old expression , which goes , Whose like us.........dam few .

On a lighter note thank you for your post on my thread.

No I was not the Kool kid at school , being dyslexic and never really being into make up or fashion , I was sort of on the outside.

But for years I have worked training or in personnel so I suppose have a bit of a feel for people . Who knows what really matters is if I can help , cheer up , build up someone's self esteem , then that person or myself are less lightly to relapse . Cause at the end of the day that's all any of us want .

Bit of a long one , next time you might need to ask a question and stipulate answer in no more than 50 words and Shiny that encludes YOU !


Shiny 🙂

Posted : 15th August 2012 9:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

I think with the work thing maybe try 2 slow down a bit and others will have 2 do a bit more.... but I can imagine it is a difficult situation. Just think of u and remember u deserve 2 be happy. Sorry I know that's not gr8 advice ... But I tried lol xx

I agree I think a nite out with u and a few drinks would be gr8 fun ....Except 4 the morning after lol 🙂

Have a gr8 day xxxxxxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 9:50 am
Posts: 2163

G'morning Sue:

It wasnt Donny Osmond or David Cassidy. It was Bobby Sherman! LOL bet you never even heard of him!! I used to buy Tiger Beat magazines just to clip the pics of him. Had them plastered all over my room!! lol. Have a great day Sue. Thanks always for your support!! joan

Posted : 16th August 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Was just reading your post about work.

Its a tricky one isnt it I have thought about this for a few weeks now and i realised that the demands that people put on me and the demands or expectations that I put on myself were poles apart, Mine where always so much higher than what people set me.

If you are being asked to do more than anybody else who is in the same role as you then if it was me I would ask why that is ? Delegation for people who take pride and are passionate about there jobs can sometimes be a difficult thing because they think that people cant/wont do it like they can, start with something small and see how you go.

Im by no means an expert it was something i really struggled with but now i dont have a problem with it as i know more things get done and it frees me up somewhat to look at other things..

I hope what ever you decide things calm down in work a little for you.

Blondie xxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 3:15 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi diary,

Day 62

Firstly, thank you everyone who helped with my dilema.....much appreciated!

I think in my heart of hearts I knew what I had to do........And I did......LOL

Arrived at work this morning...way early as I knew lots of stuff to do that couldnt be done once shift started........don't get paid for this!

Did my bits ....other staff arrived......I informed them that I couldn't complete all the jobs allocated to me and they would have to share amoungst themselves..........Went down like a ton of bricks........No-one talking to me now!

Actually just proved how some people can be so selfish!

I have no guilt...I tried to explain but they wouldn't listen!

So maybe this is the new me....confident.....fair.....but not taking anymore s**t!

I actually feel so much better in myself for doing what I did......Maybe people will think twice now! I am happy......I am feeling confident.........And most importantly....I do not gamble!

Isn't it funny how once we face up to things we can look into other peoples motives........I'm actually not liking a lot of what I am seeing. By not gambling the fogg clears and we start to see things for how they really are!

I am liking where I am at the moment!

Sue xxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 4:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Well done you!! Sometimes you have to do things that people will take umbrage to. But that's their lookout. You can only do what you can do and you shouldn't bust a gut so others can sit on their backsides doing nothing!

Your last paragraph rings so true with me.. about being able to look into people's motives and not liking what we see. I have been going through the same thing recently and actually it's not a bad thing at all. Once we are aware of these things, we can take steps to start looking after ourselves and the things that are important to us.

Proud of you Sue... you have come a long, long way!

Keep going mate.. oh and I'll make sure I leave some long stumps for you around the Wimbledon area lol!

Enjoy your evening!

Lmm xxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 4:37 pm
Posts: 0

hiya hun..

Dang right go girl...all thats happening is that you've altered the status quo and its been way too comfy for people to rely on you...they are gonna have to start working now... will ruffle some feathers but it will sort the wheat from the chaff and expose who is for you.

The fog you describe will lift Sue..just trust in the process and I promise you things will become clearer....

In Al Anon they used to call it the roasting know the sunday roast pan...all greasy and muddy....soon as you stick it in the water for a clean and start scrubbing it stirs it up more and more guck..sometimes you may think ..."s**t i wish id not started" its got worse.....but I promise that pan will come clean the more you self care hun....

Trust in the process Sue.... you did fantastic.!!!.

BOTTLE THAT FEELING....its your self esteem rising...


Rach and dotty xxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 4:38 pm
Posts: 0

hey sue,

thanks, it wasnt easy telling my girlfriend and its something i hope i never have to do again, looking forward to the future now, we go on holiday in a months time an we move in together next may, ive got a massive focus an determination after yesterday an today was the first day in a long time i was laughinh an joking,

well done to you for getting to day 62 thats a great effort you should be very proud of yourself,

have a nice evening, take care


Posted : 16th August 2012 5:13 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Diary,

I don't usually post more than once in a day but I have a message I would like to say to someone on here.

Cameron.......If you are reading this......

You were one of the first people on here that I made a bond

You came to my rescue when I was in a deep dark hole. You helped me escape from that with your words of encouragement and support.

You helped me get where I am today Cameron.

Please let me repay that.......I want to help you mate!

Knowing you I expect you have followed my journey and hopefully felt incredibly proud because you helped me on my first steps!

Comeback mate and we can all do this together!

Sue xxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th August 2012 5:41 pm
Posts: 0

Sue you are a star keep shining hun and keep inspiring.

Posted : 16th August 2012 6:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Sue..

Thank you and glad to hear your in fine fettle....believe me you would need a lie down after a day out on the road with me...or a blindfold to shield you from my bad x

So your bestie has knowledge of the funny handshake club of codep?....we are gathering in numbers...seriously though..I think you will hear more about it as time goes on Sue and it will be something more people will become aware of like you and your pal.

I think the book "women who love too much" started a bit of a revolution and it was a big big seller and since then more have followed.

Big Hugs hun...and thank you again for your kindness..

R and D xx

Posted : 16th August 2012 6:41 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for your post on my diary.

Not gambling really do turn us lovely people into...

...lovely people!

It's just a sad fact that gambling turns lovely people into...


So why gamble?


Posted : 16th August 2012 6:45 pm
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