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Quick note today all

Day 17

work....met bestie mate....had very interesting discussion on compulsive gambling....feel very strong at the moment....Long may it last!

on a very positive note..mum 80, cooked roast lamb and all the trimmings for me , her and best m8.....Now know why best m8 is my best m8!!!!!!!!!!! She is the most awesome cook ...tell me anyone over 60 cant do good roast?

Thanks for all for the lovely posts x

Can you tell have had glass of wine tonight?

Cheers all

Sue xxxx

Posted : 2nd July 2012 8:24 pm
Posts: 0

HI Sue,

Your welcome we all help and support as much and as best we can, it works both ways so thanks for your support to.

Day 17 Eh.... How good does that sound and even more importantly how good does that feel, for 17 days you have not wasted one single penny on gambling, for 17 days you have started to top up your self worth and take some pride in what you are achieving, for 17 days you have not hid from life..... Long may it continue i say. well done.

Blondie xxx

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:08 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

I hope that you are okay. Just reading about your roast lamb. Mmmm. Sounds lovely! Glad that you enjoyed it.

You are doing brilliantly and staying so positive which is great to hear. I hope that you are enjoying another gamble free Tuesday!

Take care

Dave X

Posted : 3rd July 2012 8:08 am
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Day 18

This feels so good....18 days without a penny spent on gambling!

My longest recently has been about 20 days, but as I have said in previous posts, this time is different. This is an illness and it is so bleeding difficult to do on your own. This site is sooo working or me! Please all you guys and gals out there who just read and then in couple of days go back to the old ways (as I did) have a think about it...What have you got to loose ???

If it works for me, well maybe it will work for you!

Had a funny day today....I took 2 of our service users to a multi sensery centre ....2 hour drive there and 2 hours back....11 hour shift for me...but when we were there I chilled with both of them...Heated water bed, soft relaxing lights, relaxing music....Was heaven, worth the time I put into it!

Day off tomorrow as I worked Sunday...Will I gamble....Not a a chance!

Oh...No red wine

Sue xxx

Posted : 3rd July 2012 8:21 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur kind words and support on my diary. It means alot 🙂

Well done on the 18 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant. Ur postivity shines thru, u r soooo supportive of others here and it means alot 🙂

U should be very proud of urself 🙂

Stay strong and keep going xxxxx

Posted : 3rd July 2012 9:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Sue.....

have a good day off tomorrow...still following your thread even though I don't always post...

Am also wine free tonight....decided to give it a rest for a while ...dont drink to get drunk and only drink with a meal but still thats every night.!

Just a habit i guess..

Have a good eve watching Marple xxx

night night

Rachel xxx

Posted : 3rd July 2012 9:35 pm
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Hi Diary,

Day 19

Think I would of rather gone to work today!

Mum went out for her weekly ramble. We have a family get to-gether on Friday. Mums brother and wife, my brother and family and I'm in charge of food etc. Dinner for 7...So mum gave me £20 and said that should do it!!!!!!....Anyway I tried to be cheap but came in at £30......Bear in mind I do like to cook and DID scrimp a little. Well when she came back and I gave her the receipt she just glared at me! Well got a bit upset as I sorted all the menu out and am going to cook after get in from work on Friday! In the end told her not to bother about the £10.

Just having bit of a Suzie moan!

Have had a few gambling thoughts today but came on here instead. I can honestly say that I never ever want to feel what I felt the last time I gambled. So still gamble free and intend to stay that way!


Edited to add.....My phone has broken now, something to do with the speaker, people can hear me but I can't hear anything....Grrrrrrr

Posted : 4th July 2012 5:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi sue,

What a coincident we have planned the same for Sunday her mum and extend family are the main guests. I have to cook and shop for it I do not know how much she money she is going to trust me with. I hope it is get everything i need to buy because i do not have the £10 to add on, we shall see.

I do not trust myself with money so do not want her to give me more than what I need. My gambling has not bothered me today because I have kept myself very busy with the house work mainly painting. Next week will be very challenging because I am off work. I pray and hope not to go astray.

Good luck for Friday.

Stay strong and focused.


Posted : 4th July 2012 5:41 pm
Posts: 0

HIya sue....

Am thinking yellow and rolly....was it a dr.bach destress roll on..or something lavendery!! lol

Glad to see you on here Sue and that you have found the crazy bunch and gravitated.....birds of a feather and us ladies usually will seek each other out and start causing

Keep posting hun and thanks for thinking of me

Hope you liked the song if you can access it.

Rach and Doo xxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 6:11 pm
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Hi Rach,

PMSL....Yes it was lavendery!!!!!!!

Yep...loved the song xx

Posted : 4th July 2012 6:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Thanks as always for your message - and for being the 100th post on my diary! Oh to be 21 again hey 🙂 I hope that you are having a great day and that the sun is shining on you.

Take care

Dave X

Posted : 4th July 2012 6:53 pm
Posts: 0

HI Sue,

Thanks for the post it did make me laugh.. interesting theory ive never thought about it like that... He's a really lovely good bloke , really funny, very kind , and not scared of speaking from the heart.....

I will post the story some time of how we met, I quite enjoy telling it, it was very freaky and lots of things weird one off things needed to happen for us to meet.... Without sounding twee....Like it was meant to happen..

Anyways im waffling.... Keep going chuck your doing a grand job.. (said in a manc accent) lol

Take care

Blondie xxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 8:29 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

Just checking in to make sure that you are okay. I'm going to give blood tonight. It will make a nice change to drain my arm rather than my bank account!!!! 🙂

I hope that you have a good day.

Dave X

Posted : 5th July 2012 8:58 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u have a gr8 day 🙂

Stay strong xxxxxxx

Posted : 5th July 2012 10:47 am
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 20.

Done things a bit topsy turvy tonight, usually update my diary then post on others...other way round tonight...oh well change is good!

Nothing huge to report today......oooh but boss paid me big compliment, so guess thats good! We have advertised in local paper for jobs and he wants me to short list the applicants!

Got very long day tomorrow, work (swimming)

then home to cook mammouth meal for extended family, hope all goes well. Am not really a perfectionist in life but I do take pride in my cooking!

I am so enjoying my gamble free life...I know it's only been 20 days but I really feel I have cracked it this time.

Have been reading a couple of posts from FLAGG......copyright.....LOL He is so right in what he says...the guys who succeed are the ones that post, post and post some more!

Happy Thursday all!

Sue.............................Always 2 days behind Dave no-more!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : 5th July 2012 5:58 pm
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