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Hello Forum,

I am starting another diary to try and stay off the gambling. Tonight i self excluded from the last of 4 bookies in my town. it felt good.

i have been gambling since i was 27 and i am now 40. it's really getting to me now as i always seem to have relapses. when i started gambling i had £12k savings. i went through my savings and then ran up debt to almost £18k. I borrowed £50k over four years from payday loans. I had 5 credit cards an overdraft and 2 loans. I managed to get a £10k refund from payday loans and i have cleared my debt after approximately 12 years in debt. i'm just scared i will end up in the same boat again but i am putting barriers up.

my wife has looked after my finances since about a year and a half ago......I have seen 2 counselors. As of tommorw it will be day 1 of recovery. i need to stay safe. thankyou for reading my post and i wish you well in your recovery.

ribb-it, ribb-it, the gambling toad.


Posted : 21st September 2015 9:00 pm
Posts: 1701

Hi toad... you mentioned that you cleared your debt after 12 years but have you also been gambling that whole period? Or have you stopped and recently relapsed? Tell me a little of your story. Thanks.

Posted : 21st September 2015 9:12 pm
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Hello Change,

When i started gambling i would bet maybe once a week but it gradually increased to daily bets and then i found internet betting which was very destructive. The FOBTs also were very damaging and addictive. The longest i quit was 6 weeks.

so i was gambling constantly. maybe i was lucky not to run up bigger bills. but i i spent my wages like and only now have aybe 2k savings. my wife looks after my finances since a year and a half ago. that helped me dramatically or should i say us.

so it has been very gradual but more and more destructive mentally and physically. I wish yu well in your recovery change.

ribit the gambler toad

Posted : 21st September 2015 9:23 pm
Posts: 1701

Yes it's a horrible problem to have. I wish you well too. I'm back on day 0 after another relapse. It's getting boring how I keep going back. I'm not stupid but something takes over me and I just can't stop having a bet. Need something to click and change things for me.

Posted : 21st September 2015 9:31 pm
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Well it's day 1 again. Absolutely gutted as I lost £300 yesterday.

Today i have just brought in £20.00. I need to keep barriers up. Thankfully i'm getting money in a couple of weeks so i can clear this overdraft. Still gutted and so disappointed with myself.

I shall start again.
Ribit the gambling toad.

Posted : 23rd September 2015 8:27 am
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Well it's day one again. I ended up increasing my overdraft by ВЈ250 and winning £150. Surprisingly i walked away winning. I usually blow the lot. A big relief winning though. Tomorrow is day 1.

Ribit ribit the gambling toad.

Posted : 24th September 2015 8:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi toad, not sure if after 2 relapses in 2 days you should be talking about walking away winning! I can't deduce from your thread if your journey has ever been one of abstenence or one of continuos losses? Just stating that it's ok because I can clear my overdraft in a couple of weeks doesn't sound like you really want to deal with the problem. If you are serious about recovery then it's time to take away the opportunity by removing the money, time, location triangle.

Posted : 24th September 2015 9:04 pm
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Hello sbissstopping,
I take your point totally. I need to stop completely. Today is day 1.
Apologies if i came across bad and I don't want to offend other users of gamcare. You never win when you win. I need a good kick up the a*s really. Going for a few beers with friends today.
I will try and not give in to gambling urges. Thanks for listening.

Ribit the gambling toad.

Posted : 25th September 2015 6:38 am
Posts: 0

Hey toad, just want you to do well and acheive your goals. First step is to get through today, avoid all opportunity to gamble and make sure you use the forum tonight to update on your day, it will great if you can come on here later and say that you have not gambled today - be positive, the only way to win is to make the choice not to gamble. Have a good day as I certainly will!!

Posted : 25th September 2015 6:45 am
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Hey hsisstopping,
Thanks for your good advice. I must read your diary tonight. Thankyou for your positive comments.

Gambling is like alcohol. It is a good 'remover' it removes:-

Money from your account
Removes relationships
Clothes from your back
Removes friends
Smiles from your children
Ultimately removes your life !!!!

We all know the negatives so why do i venture into the bookies? Why?

Thought for the day.
Ribit -the gambling toad.

Posted : 25th September 2015 8:08 am
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Got drunk and gambled. I now owe £550 on my overdraft.


Ribitt ribitt the gambling toad.

Posted : 25th September 2015 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Not sure you are ready to stop yet. Would suggest you decide if you really want to stop, I have to say that your posts are all about losing and not about stopping - they are 2 distinctly different things! I get the feeling that you want to stop losing, not that you want to stop gambling!

Posted : 25th September 2015 7:26 pm
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Hi sbisstopping,

Thankyou for your post and analysis. I have to disagree with you. I am on here to try and stop gambling. I have lost money but i am being open and honest.
I am struggling with this addiction. Don't kick a man when he is down lol

Ribit - the frustrated gambling toad

Posted : 26th September 2015 9:21 am
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Hello Half-life,
I went into my overdraft on my current account. Great advice. It is my fault and i need to be more honest. I'm gutted today but i managed to walk past the bookies and not go in. Today i won't gamble. My wife looks after the finances thankfully. I am hopless.


Posted : 26th September 2015 11:02 am
Posts: 0


Was having a read over your diary.

I am a cg in recovery to the tune of just about 24 weeks. In my opinion breaking the triangle permanently is the best way to progress curing yourself from this addiction.

Every case is different. For me, I no longer have a bank card and do not routinely carry cash. As the bookies was my downfall I cannot gamble as I have no cash on me. A simple but effective tool which works for me.

If I need cash for anything, wifey provides cash. In return I provide a receipt. As I said it works for me.

As I mentioned before bookies were my downfall. If you have no card or cash you cannot go in and gamble. Each day you don't gamble is a step forward. Each day you don't go in a bookies is a step forward. Just remember take small steps and take it one day at a time. This site is littered with people continuing with there own journey. You are not alone. Yep it is difficult. But we have all been there and the early stages can be difficult.

Keep posting, keep learning and wishing you all the best in your recovery.

Posted : 26th September 2015 12:48 pm
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