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Toad, apologies if you feel I was kicking you, that really wasn't my intention. If you want to stop then you must break the triangle. There will always be a reason to leave the door ajar until the time you totally commit to recovery and take away the location (self exclude), money (no cards and very limited cash) an time (not the easiest to take away). For what it's worth, I thought I wanted to stop for many years but all I really wanted to do was stop losing, only when i came in here and took every step I could (as per my diary) did I actually make progress. I really do wish you well, take one day at a time, take the advice of those on here and keep walking past those bookies! All the best!

Posted : 26th September 2015 3:26 pm
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Hello sbisstopping,

Thankyou for your good advice you did have valid points and i think i'm just a bit sensitive at the minute. Things still a bit raw after yesterday.

Sometimes when i have a few beers i just lose all control and gamble more wrecklessly.

Anyway yesterday was yesterday.

Today thankfully i walked past the bookies. As i walked past i heard the noise of someone on the roulette. When you select a number you hear a noise. The bookies door was open when i walked past. I heard the noise that i know only too well. But i was strong today and walked on past.

Thanks for the advice sbisstopping i do need to carry little money.

Thankyou balvaid and halflife for your advice.
I will try harder to stop. Tomorrow is day 2 so it's progress. Good luck all in your journey.


Posted : 26th September 2015 8:16 pm
Posts: 0

Day 2 will be a good day. Time is great healer and soon you will forget what the machines sound like. I really do suggest you self exclude then you will be image position when the sounds don't matter as you won't have the option to go in! Have a great gamble free do tomorrow!

Posted : 26th September 2015 8:25 pm
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Thanks for your comments. I have already self excluded from the 4 bookies in my home town.

I work in the city so haven't self excluded there. I just need to bring little to work.

Good luck

Posted : 26th September 2015 9:01 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Toad hope all is ok with you and you keep posting.

Posted : 29th September 2015 1:09 pm
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Hello everyone,

Well today everything changes forever. A tough night. I had savings in the credit union. I blew the majority.

Time to stop.

I won't carry much cash ever again. I am in a bad place. Never again.

Ribit. Gambling broken toad

Posted : 7th October 2015 8:50 pm
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Today is day 1. Only carrying £21.
No urges to gamble today.
Everyone have a gamble free day.

Ribit-gambling toad

Posted : 8th October 2015 7:41 am
Posts: 0

Good morning

Let's 're-focus and get started again. Sorry to say that £21 is still a lot to carry. In my gambling time I could have had fun with that.

1 step forward. 2 back for you at the moment. Let's try for a day, then 2, then a week, then a month. Its difficult as you are not breaking the triangle.

You can do it.

Best wishes

Posted : 8th October 2015 8:22 am
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Hello Balvaird,

Thankyou for your kind words. You do have a point about the money i'm carrying. I won't carry much as that normally. I need to refocus totally.

It's my poor wife who has suffered again. Okay it was money i got from a refund but it's our money. It's gone now so it's time to forget and learn .

My wife looks after all my money but i thought i could trust myself with the small savings i had. I was so wrong. I can't trust myself.

Anyway i must stay positive. Today is day 1 and it's a new beginning.

Ribit - gambling toad.

Posted : 8th October 2015 8:36 am
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Day 2 gamble free.

Okay let's have another gamble free day. I have £10 on me. Maybe get a nice lunch today.

I have no gambling urges.

Good luck today everyone. Let's stay positive today.

Ribit-gambling toad

Posted : 9th October 2015 7:54 am
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Hello half-life,

Well i bought some groceries today thankfully. No bets. I'm going to give it my all this time.

Good advice about receipts. My wife looks after all my wages. I couldn't trust myself with a joint account. Not at this stage anyway.

Must read your diary half-life. Thanks again.

Ribit-gambling toad

Posted : 9th October 2015 1:38 pm
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Day 3

Morning all. Well day 3 already. Feeling positive. I just got a haircut. I'm at home in my local town were I barred myself in all 4 bookies. So i am relatively safe.

So i have £10 on me. No gambling urges.

Good luck everyone in their own battle. We can win the war!

Ribit- gambling toad

Posted : 10th October 2015 8:09 am
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Day 4

Things going great here at frog avenue. Good luck everyone in their recovery.

Ribit-gambling toad

Posted : 11th October 2015 8:50 am
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Day 5

All good at frog valley. I went out after work for two beers.

The only thing i did was eat my sandwiches in the bookies because it was warm there.

This man was talking to a roulette fobt. Well he was cursing at it. Thankfully it wasn't me throwing my money away today.

Thankyou for listening

Happy toad

Posted : 12th October 2015 5:23 pm
Posts: 1345


​Eating your lunch in the bookies? Surely not a sensible idea fir a gambling addict


Posted : 12th October 2015 6:42 pm
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