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Great point made well Loxxie...Ginger

Posted : 8th August 2016 2:39 pm
Posts: 0

So why have you sided with this person again and just removed my post admin ? You nor he like the truth then ?

Posted : 8th August 2016 2:41 pm
Posts: 0

Admin... on my side of the forum and in my Gamanon room this would be considered enabling.

Posted : 8th August 2016 3:01 pm
Posts: 1831

Come on ADMIN
PLEASEEEE listen to the majority on here.....these people are a massive support to addicts on here....I for one would not have got to over 200 days without moderator has ever given me advise....only the members you are now chastising !

Posted : 8th August 2016 3:05 pm
Posts: 0

Admin - as per my post in the "feedback" section. Is this forum for those on a journey of recovery or people who wish to bait others and use as an opportunity to wind people up (whilst of course letting us know what they had for breakfast)? When you have decided please let us know as from where I sit, it appears that you either don't see the impact one user is having on those who want to recover - or, you don't care.

Posted : 8th August 2016 3:06 pm
Posts: 0

What an absolute post has been moderated to such an extent that it makes it appear I'm offering support to this Toad character .....please admin remove my whole post..because apparently I'm the egotistical Walter Mitty on here not our amphibious friend

Posted : 8th August 2016 3:07 pm
Posts: 1345

Pull all of my post please admin rather than some of it. If you want to write for me then do so. My suggestion for toad regarding sectioning & residental treatment is a legitmate recognized recovery tool is it not? Why that has been censored is beyond me. I wrote nothing against his character or did anything other than offer him options

Posted : 8th August 2016 4:39 pm
Posts: 0

Admin if I have to sacrifice my account for you to get the message that the above user constantly rubs people's face in it
Then that's fine with me. But letting this continue on a daily basis is mocking good people on this forum and telling them to go feed the fobt is in my eye's the lowest someone can go to take a pop at people who have offered him support over and over

Posted : 8th August 2016 8:31 pm
Posts: 0

Guys I would urge everyone to just ignore this person. If he's upsetting yous I would just ignore him and continue to support each other. Having read this I'm not convinced it's a real diary just a sad troll.

However Toad if you are real best of luck to yourself.

Posted : 8th August 2016 10:00 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning All,

Back to work today. It was a great weekend away but i'm feeling very tired today. I need a holiday after the holiday !!

Last week i did okay. I over spent by ВЈ20 so Mrs Toad only wired ВЈ40 to my account yesterday. So i'm paying back ВЈ20 in two instalments. ВЈ10 in August and £10 in September.

Anyway i'm feeling positive today

As i said on a previous post.

Always look on the bright side of life.


17.35 update.

Lost my weeks budget on the fobts.

Posted : 9th August 2016 6:52 am
Posts: 0

Ok having read your diary and various pieces of advice I figured why not stick my two pence in. Toad I wish you every success in your ongoing battle against this horrible addiction I to am suffering but trying my best. I think what angers other people on here is your perceived flippant nature about things and that your just playing around. I however think this is all a bit of bravado and find it interesting when the real you posts. As gamblers most of us are very adept at wearing various masks or identities. The one word that springs to mind when I read your diary is frustration! Your lucky you have several properties and a living devoted wife but these could be lost if you ever had access to your funds so cut the bravado accept that you may never be in charge of your money and please self exclude from every single bookies you can and COMMIT to this recovery process!!!! I wish you well and good luck 🙂

Posted : 9th August 2016 4:33 pm
Posts: 0

Posted : 9th August 2016 10:08 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning All,

I was running last night with the club so i just had a light breakfast this morning. Ham and toast washed down with punjana tea.

On the bus heading to work with £1 !!!! I am safe on the pond today. The turfs won't get my hard earned cash today. My budget went sour early on but i have to learn from this. Get to Sunday and try again.

This is a battle for life. My eyes are bulging and i let out a loud croak. Let's do this!!! Anyway you get the idea.

Stay safe amphibians and best of luck today. Hop off the fobts and embrace a life of fun, laughter and hapiness. Join me at the pond on a sunny day near the cold waterfall and admire the colourfull birds and wildlife on offer. See, i took you to a beautiful place. Just close your eyes and imagine being in my pond. Don't worry i am on my lily pad and if i see any predators i will warn you. You are in a safe place from gambling.

Best wishes,

Ribit-ribit toad.

Posted : 10th August 2016 6:12 am
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