New beginnings!

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First diary entry today.

Been visiting this site just over a week and change is already starting to happen.

Have accepted what i have done (lost about 115000) over the last 6 years and realise i will NEVER get that back by gambling, they always win! At the start of this journey i have started to realise that some changes in my world need to happen for me to fully quit gambling, however it will be a long, tough and lonely road i have to take for that to happen. It's been a very lonely 6 years with only the sites loving me as i was paying their wages! This site has helped already by letting me see i'am not the only one and there are real people out there going through the same thoughts and feelings as me. The kind words and encouragement has helped already and although i have had one small lapse i did stop before it went further and at present have no complusion to gamble. I hope this lasts because i dont think i could take much more.

I have already met good folk here and enjoy my chats in talking things through.

So heres to a positive future without trying to win big to clear all my problems because i now know that is NEVER going to happen.

Posted : 6th March 2012 6:36 pm
Posts: 0


Keep reading and posting on diaries if this helps you.

This recovery journey is here for you to reach its glorious destination!

Keep making the right choices, eh?

All the very best,


Posted : 6th March 2012 7:49 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Boston

Welcome and well done for starting ur recovery diary from ur post u seem very determined to beat this disease , well done for excepting ur losses this is vital for recovery u could av lost everything but now it's time to look forward and not back think of the life u cud av , relapsing is part of the process so don't beat urself up but be proud of the days u did not gamble , take it one day at a time if u get urges come on here and read others diaries this will truly help u the

support on here is amazing we are all wanting to help and like u say ur not alone we all know what ur goin through

I wish u all the best


Posted : 7th March 2012 8:33 am
Posts: 1423

Hi Boston

Welcome and well done for starting ur recovery diary from ur post u seem very determined to beat this disease , well done for excepting ur losses this is vital for recovery u could av lost everything but now it's time to look forward and not back think of the life u cud av , relapsing is part of the process so don't beat urself up but be proud of the days u did not gamble , take it one day at a time if u get urges come on here and read others diaries this will truly help u the

support on here is amazing we are all wanting to help and like u say ur not alone we all know what ur goin through

I wish u all the best


Posted : 7th March 2012 8:36 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Castle2 x

It's been a week and all is good , NO gambling.

i have made alot of important decisions about my life over the past couple of weeks and having great friends who have advised me and it has helped no end. I have managed to laugh again and starting to feel like the person i should be. Finding hard accepting what i have done but do realise i can't change the past but i can do something to brighen the future. Hears keeping my fingers and everything else crossed x

Posted : 8th March 2012 5:55 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Boston

Well done on ur first week it's good ur makin choices in ur life , not gambling will take u to a life of whatever u want it to be , gambling will lead to one road only pain misery and unhappiness , keep posting and fight those urges we are all behind u


Posted : 8th March 2012 6:55 pm
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It's been 2 weeks since i joined this site and oh my what changes are happening. My life has been turned inside out over that time and i've made important decisions i didn't think i had the guts to change.I am a bit all over the place at the moment but the most important thing is that i have NOT gambled for over a week!

Scared something will happen and it will all come crumbling down again but feel really positive i can beat this thing. I also know you cannot do this on your own and the biggest help i have had is with other in the same position, it is easier to talk to someone going through it as you don't have to lie, you can be completly honest and have not been able to do that in years, was always hiding the truth.

Posted : 11th March 2012 7:32 am
Posts: 1423

Hi Boston

A big well done on the 2 weeks , ur life is changing and is for the best keep takin it a day at a time ur doin so well keep posting and reading


Posted : 11th March 2012 9:59 am
Posts: 0

Hi Boston,

You are starting to see how your life can benefit from being gambling free. We are on a long road but the journey is worth it. As the days go by your defence will grow stronger and stronger and then peace and happiness will become a regular feature in your life.

Good luck.


Posted : 11th March 2012 10:22 am
Posts: 0
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Thanks Castle and Tomso,

Posted : 12th March 2012 6:50 pm
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Well it's been 2 weeks and i havent gambled 🙂

Did think 'if i could just' but know that's not going to happen and i am not going to throw my hard earned cash away again. The future looks brighter but still many hurdles to cross , i know i can do this!

Life brings us many challenges along the way but you are the only person to overcome them and bring joy into your life. This week has been up and down emotionally and i do find it difficult at times adjusting to the new me. It's hard when you decide to make changes and even tougher putting them in place but having great friends around to snap you out of the darker moments is what makes life good at the moment.

Heres to the next week bet free x

Posted : 16th March 2012 5:33 pm
Posts: 4422


well done fella, keep taking one day at a time, now you have taken the gambling goggles off that we all wore as compulsive gamblers, keep them off fella and the focus will just become sharper,your confidence to make changes will grow and with this your life will continue to be bright, you have seen the light fella now just keep walking in that direction you will find the strenght grows with each day.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 16th March 2012 5:56 pm
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Thanks Dunc, that's really nice of you. Yes i do feel them googles are finally leaving and yes the future is brighter, one day at time .

Posted : 16th March 2012 6:25 pm
Posts: 0
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Today will be my hardest test yet, i am feeling sick with the feeling of having to talk with the family.

God give me the strength to get through this whatever the outcome may be. I don't want to gamble which is great and i hope by this afternoon i am still feeling the same. Just posting on this helps me think through things clearer and thanks for the supportive messages.

Hope everyone has a bet free day x

Posted : 17th March 2012 9:11 am
Posts: 0
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I did it!

I faced up to the family about my debts and oh god it was the most difficult thing i have had to do, there were lots of tears and lots of being told off, walked out at one point but was called back.

The hardest part was my siblings being told what a fool their biggest sis had been, that was horrible they all look up to me for advice etc and i feel i have let them down. My Mum, Aunt and Uncle have been great and because of them i can really move on with the rest of my life. A friend said i am very lucky and today i have to agree.

New beginnings are hard and i will find it tough but at present do NOT want to gamble at all, I've seen the light lol ! I hope i can continue feeling so positive about the future and hopefully finally be happy 🙂 Here's to a bet free life ! Hope you all stay bet free today x

Posted : 18th March 2012 9:07 am
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