Thanks for your post when things were not going so well for me .
Really appreciated it .
Enjoy you half term , off to climb any mountains ?
Hey Boston my old mate!
Hope all is good in Lucy's world and that smile is as radiant as ever!!
Not long now till you are trekking up those fells... I'm sure you will feel totally revitalised afterwards and ready to take on the world!! 😉
Take care mate and catch up soon!
Lmm xxxx
hello the smiling one
i hope you are well and life is treating you well
no gamblings the new gambling
Hope you enjoyed your time in the mountains and that you have come back feeling really refreshed and ready to take on life again.
That's what I tend to do sometimes when I am jogging. I am in my own world then in the fresh (well, apart from the vehicles!) air and any cobwebs that I may have are quickly brushed away.
Have a great half term, you deserve it!
hey lucy
hope you enjoyed your break and the batteries are recharged
keep at the great work you are doing
no gamblings the new gambling
Hi Lucy,
Just checking in to see if you are doing fine. Hope all is O.K.
Hi Lucy
Been a few weeks since u last posted am sure ur ok and doin well , hopefully in shock at how well west ham are doin ! Lol do miss ya no one to tease and torment
As long as ur ok though thats all that matters
Hey Lucy,
Just wanted to say a more personal hello 🙂 it is brilliant to see you part of the xmas thread and I always smile when I see you check in.
Hope things are going ok for you in general I never forget you supported me right from day 1 and I hope I can continue to offer you a similar level of support.
Good Morning World
Thanks people for your lovely posts as always and will get back to you all soon!
Most important thing first , i'm still gamble free !
Now the last few weeks have been up and down to say the least !
Did not go to my beloved mountains as things had took a turn for the worst with the ex, it's been really difficult here, he is so unpredictable and it's really getting me down, it feels like i'm being stalked and can't do anything without him knowing, during the week i don't hear from him then the weekend starts and as the drinking get worse he just bombards me with letters, calls, texts etc and i'm totally fed up with it all.
All i want to do is move on and had started to have a few good times meeting new people and becoming the person i know i am then he starts and it feels like i'm still stuck in the bloody marriage 🙁 this in turns makes me feel worthless and guilty again so i then stop any potential good times cause i can't cope with it all.
But today i have woke thinking f*** it , i left him beginning of March, i stopped gambling ableit a couple of slips in August but none since and am finally finding me again, people i am meeting are seeing that and it makes me feel nice about myself again so why should i let that f****r get to me and bring me down again , possibly to the point where i could think ' sod it nothings changes so i might as well gamble' , well believe me i am not going to let that happen, this is Smiling Lucy and that person is getting alot of nice things said and i have to carry on believing that 'yes' i am that nice person and 'yes' i do deserve nice times but i must remain bet free to achieve that!
One thing i have found getting back out there is how hard it is not to talk about the gambling, you get to know someone and discuss life etc and realise that it played such a massive part of your life that you leave huge chunks out and it must look a bit like your hiding something but i'm sure most would not understand so it's not something you can bring up in conversation !
Finding money a bit tight at present and not looking forward to the expense of xmas , however i am determind not to have one like last year when i sat xmas day into boxing day and spent about 5K, no siree, this CG is going to eat, drink and be merry with no thought of betting or wasting another single penny, Flagg's thread is keeping me focussed, Thanks Flagg 🙂
Work is busy and felt for a couple of weeks i was not performing to my best for the young people but at the end of last week i threw myself back in with a vengence and was satisfied with the effort and so will continue back today focussing on what i do best and hopefully helping others along the way.
My best mate has been finding it hard the last couple of weeks and i am soooo proud of him for not giving in and that he is keeping strong and determind, i really look up to him and hope he continues with the same determination cause it sure helps me!
So if anyone reads this please believe that even when life throws more s**t at you gambling will never be the answer as it will only drag you further under, destroy any resolve you have and might even destroy you completely , so for me i will remain bet free because even though life is still throwing the odd curve ball it really is getting better day by day i remain bet free !
Keep Strong all
Smiling Lucy ( well through gritted teeth at present but always smiling lol) xxxx
Good on you Smiling Lucy for being strong, focused, determined and wise. You've certainly weathered the storm and came through the other side. Your ex sounds like a nightmare, there's nothing worse than being in a situation like that, you deserve better. Hopefully one day he'll finally get the message and move on, miracles do sometimes happen. Have a great week, don't worry about your beloved mountains they're going nowhere unless Blondie's got round to moving them pebble by pebble. I'm certain things will get even better for you, especially this Christmas because you are not the same person you was this time last year. You're stronger and wiser.
Take care
Great honest post lucy great to see you posting and getting things of your chest as Steve says your ex sounds like a nitemare unfortunately hes still pratcising his addiction and he should be leaving you alone end off.
You stay strong mate and great to see how determined u r 2 remain gamble free keep at it and trust me u will be rewarded in the long run
take care and God bless
hahaha @ steg. I am doing a bit of a escape to victory thing, putting them pebbles in my pocket and throwing them all over the place.
Great to see a post from you lucy, your ex truly does sound a nightmare i can relate to that as my ex (not ex husband) but the nightmare rebound relationship i had after i split (cringes just thinking about it lol ) he was exactly the same in the end i had to get a restraning order out on him, it takes a while but be consistant and he will get the message eventually, alternativly I could always get "the boys" to take him on a nice long ride in the boot of a car lol.
Take care
Blondie xxxxxxxxx
First and foremost well done,no a MASSIVE well done for continuing to abstain from gambling.You certainly have had plenty of s**t thrown your way and have not let it drive you back to chancing it!!
As for you ex, I hope in the future he leaves you to carry on with your life.
and as for xmas I am sure like many others you will enjoy it for what it is,a time to be merry,as they say the best things in life are free!!
Keep on putting out the trash,great to hear your doing so well.
"Believe" my friend the hard work will i am sure pay its rewards.
duncs stepping forward never back.
Hey There Lucy,
Looks to me like you got this bull by the horns!! Huge Hugs!! Stay with the momentum girl. You are doing great!!! -joan
Hi Lucy,
Great last post mate and so happy to see you getting stronger by the day. You are continually being tested and each time you come back fighting!
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to you.. without your support and help I don’t know where I would have been. Thanks for being there for me, for trusting in me and for supporting me when you could so easily have followed the rest.
I will never forget that and so proud to call you my friend!
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