New beginnings!

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Hi Lucy

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too well, but very glad that you are not resorting to gambling to make yourself feel better!

Keep it going girl... you're doing great! x

Posted : 27th April 2012 12:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Lucy,

Sorry to hear you were not feeling good today. I hope the evening is brighter for you and you have shaken off the illness.

I have been a bit rubbish with my posting this week, I think I said in my own diary I have been unable to find the right words for others this week.

Anyway, regardless of that I have remained free of betting and it is almost even more pleasing to read your diary and see you are remaining strong too! I think I mentioned yours is always one of the first diaries I read and it's nice to feel some kind of connection with another person in the same situation.

Keep doing what you are doing 🙂

Hope you have a great weekend!


Posted : 27th April 2012 5:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you feel better soon, ready to take on the world again!

Have a great weekend,


Posted : 27th April 2012 6:38 pm
Posts: 13

Thank you for your kind words of support on my diary. I didnt expect any replies. Its true we are not alone. I understand that it is an illness and that we can only overcome it a day at a time. All the best and stay strong. 🙂

Posted : 28th April 2012 12:14 am
Posts: 4422

lucy. I felt reading your post that even feeling under the weather you are still smiling! And 8 weeks of living back well done you, keep making those choices duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 28th April 2012 6:16 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Help me!

I want to gamble soooooooooooo bad!

Don't know whats happened, been feeling poorly all day

Ex found a house and all looked good then sat here tonight and all i want to do is gamble. i,m in bits 🙁

I really don't want to do it but oh my god the urge is soooooooo f*****g bad!

Can't do it at home as put blocks on but son rang and said come out and he lives near 2 casinos so am going out

I hate this sooo much , i thought i was stronger than this , i f*****g hate myself for feeling so weak!

No !

I am not going out , i will not let this win!

Why have i have got this urge, i've been soo good and feeling great, i've got good news today about ex and then this again, i can't cope with it, i f*****g hate it, you f*****g devil get off my f*****g back !

Calmed down a bit

i will not let this horrible complusion win, i will f*****g win this time, o*g i have not felt this bad to gamble since my slip, god please help me!

My friend is so supportive and without him i think i would have gone and done it but am calming down and will not let it win!

i don't want to feel like this, i thought it had passed and don't think i can live like this thinking when will the next urge come.

I don't want them to come , i just want to live like a normal person, i have to put on this brave front at work and that's the person i want to be, not this sad one who want's to throw hard earned cash away, i f*****g hate feeling like this.

i want to live and love again 🙁

Sorry but writing on here has stopped me going out as well as my mate supporting me.

I hate what this does

For now , i have not gambled and am not going out to gamble


Posted : 28th April 2012 10:12 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Lucy

Really feel for u but more importantly so proud of u for comin on here and posting when those urges came just hang in there the strength u will get from fighting them will help u so much

Remember the pain and misery gambling brings u know u can't win in the end , that gambling demon will take all that confidence and self belief u r just gettin back

Ultimately Lucy it's ur decision yes there are reasons why u want to gamble but ur the only one who can make it dig deep and find that inner strength inside u that person that's got so much love to give don't let gambling take it from u

Me and u are goin through such a tough time but I promise it will get better . I am here for u just like we all are

Stay strong Lucy u can do this


Posted : 28th April 2012 10:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lucy, I hope u r ok 🙂

Well done for posting on here instead of gambling, I wish I had done that on Thursday.

It is ur choice, but I just wanted to say I know u are feeling really bad right now and I feel 4 u .. but please please believe me when I say that u will be feeling even worst if u do gamble. I am just about getting back on my feet, the feeling is awful Lucy.

You are very supportive of others and u gave me hope when I gambled again. So I hope u can take some advice from me, I learnt the hard way Lucy and I wish I never!!

You are very strong, u can get through this we r all here 4 u xx

Posted : 28th April 2012 10:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lucy, be strong you can do it. I really feel for you with you having such strong urges to gamble tonight. But you look like you have avoided it tonight and if you can do it tonight then you can do it any night.

We all have the ability to avoid it if we really put our minds to it and ignore our demons.

You can do it Lucy, be strong and imagine how good you will feel tomorrow.


Posted : 28th April 2012 11:15 pm
Posts: 899

Try to distract yourself. Watch a film. Read a book. Listen to music. Go to sleep. Do not give in to the urges. All you would be doing is throwing your money away. You will not and cannot win because you will not and cannot stop.

Posted : 28th April 2012 11:30 pm
Posts: 0


you know that you can stay away from gambling, you did great so many days.imagine that you gamble now and you loose(of course) how miserable you will feel...

dont do it, dont screw up everything you built day by day..

best wishes


Posted : 28th April 2012 11:44 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for all your support!

I know i/m know i.m not going to gamble tonight but hell i nearly did !

Keep strong


Posted : 28th April 2012 11:49 pm
Posts: 0

Wayyyyy to gooooooo Lucy!!!

Well bloody done!!! Seriously you made the best decision coming on here instead of the casino.. You won't regret it!!

You should be very proud of yourself!


ps I am having a great weekend thanks even though the weather is rubbish! 🙂

Posted : 28th April 2012 11:56 pm
Posts: 4422

lucy. I am so glad you decided to pull into the gamble free service station tonight. Be proud of what you have done here really proud. The service station is here 24/7 use it keep writing, you have the heart and love falls from the page. Be kind to yourself, and just for today no bet, lucy your world will be a better place tomorrow. Duncs stepping forward very proud to be a member of this special special family and to have so many who share and really care.

Posted : 29th April 2012 12:10 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good morning world

Or should that be mourning ?

Good because I did not gamble

Mourning because I really thought I had it beat , how bloody naive am I !

Really think boredom is a huge trigger for me so have decided to look for a new hobby but haven't really got a clue what !

Mate says I should try and middle my highs and lows but told him I'm a woman so hormones play a huge part ! When they kick in I am a woman on the edge lol don't bloody mess with me lol lol !

Feeling ok about last night , ok in that I know there will be days like that again , ok in that I now know I can resist them urges no matter how strong they are , ok in that I am still winning 🙂

Thanks for the support at such a dangerous time , it got me through x

Today is another day I can say remaining bet free , just !

Lucy x

Posted : 29th April 2012 10:09 am
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