No more slots

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Today is day 1 of my new journey. I'm not going to go in to too much what happened in my last diary because it is in the past but basically I had some devestating news a few days ago which ended up with me going back to gambling.

Online slots have been my main issue but lately I have found myself gambling more and more on in play football too. It may sound strange but I don't want to stop gambling on football entirely but I want to go back to spending no more than £10 on a Saturday. It is a form of entertainment with friends watching football of a weekend and so my aim is just stop all the in-play beta during the week and definitely no more slots... Ever!

Today was day 1 and although I was tempted to place some football bets I did manage to refrain completely. It is the first day that I have done that for a while and it felt good. On to day 2 tomorrow. I really want to succeed this time so any support will be gratefully received.

Posted : 31st January 2016 11:18 pm
Posts: 1831

Hey Mike...hope day 2goes well for you x

Posted : 1st February 2016 12:21 pm
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Thanks Loxxie. Day 2 has gone well. Slight urges to have a football bet but not strong enough that I was tempted to give in. Had emails from online slots and just deleted them. I want to start saving the money that I used to spend on gambling and take my family on holiday. I think that is a good thing to aim for.

Posted : 1st February 2016 10:21 pm
Posts: 1831

Well done Mike....just keep the triangle broken and you will get day at a timex

Posted : 1st February 2016 10:52 pm
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Day 4 done and I am still gamble free. I'm starting to appreciate the money staying in my bank account rather than lining the pockets of the casinos and bookies. On to day 5!

Posted : 3rd February 2016 10:26 pm
Posts: 171

Well done Mike on day 4. My issue was online slots and I would throw away a couple of thousands of pounds within a a few hours. I am now on day 34 and have past my first payday successfully. It's a great incentive to see money in your account. Make sure you treat yourself for your hard work. I would like to wish you all the best on your journey.

Posted : 3rd February 2016 10:33 pm
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Thanks Tilly. I will take a look at your thread shortly. Today is day 5 and right at this minute I have that strong urge to play slots. I am trying my hardest to resist and that is why I have come on here instead. I really hope I can stay strong enough to refrain and make it to day 6.

Posted : 4th February 2016 2:48 pm
Posts: 171

Hi Mike, make sure you have blocks in place to help you stop. I found that month on month I would say that I was going to stop and never really put stops in place. I always left a certain site available so I could just have a little bet! That little bet never happened as it didn't stop until my money was gone. This time I WANT to stop for me not just because of the debt and hurt. So I have closed all sites and put blocks in place so I can't bet. Have you rung the Gamcare number for support?

Please stay strong and don't give in to that annoying voice in your head. You can do it. Keep busy and you will be so pleased tomorrow to see that you got through today.

You won't win giving your money to the slots, they are a business out there to make money not give it to us. You will win by keeping it to yourself.

Posted : 4th February 2016 6:27 pm
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I'm sad to say that I did end up giving in. In annoyed with myself and need to work harder to recognise the triggers and take myself in to a situation where it is impossible to gamble. I have k9 on my computer and have self excluded from loads of sites. The probe is that when I decide to gamble there is always another site out there that I can register to via my phone. It's a shame there isn't a self exclusion option to exclude from all sites.

I have got blocks in place but ultimately I need to have a level of strength myself too.

I have been to football training tonight and have put what happened today out of my mind. Tomorrow is a new day. On the plus side I still haven't done any football betting which has become a problem of late.

Back to day 1 tomorrow and the start of a new chapter.

Posted : 4th February 2016 10:30 pm
Posts: 171

Hi Mike. Don't beat yourself up, as you say today is another day and you are still here to get the support.

Have you tried ringing Gamcare? Do you have any friends or family that know about your addiction and who you are able to speak to?

Have you looked into handing your finances over to someone? It's another measure to help stop.

Apologies if that seems a lot to ask but it's all things that can help you quit this horrible addiction.

Posted : 5th February 2016 12:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Mike , look there will always be a way around the blocks you put in place but you have to do it in such a way that if your going to gamble it at least gives you some time to think things through and fight the urge ! As Lilly above mentioned if your getting into sites easy then give up the access to money or cards ! Ultimately mate it's about willpower and weather you want to stop gambling or carry on doing what brought you here ?

Posted : 5th February 2016 1:12 pm
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Sorry I haven't checked in. I wanted to wait until I had done a few days without any thoughts of gambling before coming back and posting. Today is day 5 and so far so good.

Posted : 9th February 2016 8:34 pm
Posts: 171

Hi mike

Good to see you back and gamble free for 5 days. How are you? Have you manag d to put more blocks in place? If you get chance it can be worth dropping into the chat room one evening. They run between 8pm-9pm each night.

Take care

Posted : 9th February 2016 9:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Mike,

Slots are my downfall too and I think I need to get over 'triggers' as well. Although not knowing what they are yet makes me feel a bit uneasy!

Im only on day 2 myself, the tough part coming when payday rolls round.

One day at a time though. Draw a line on your losses. Positive thoughts will get us through it.. Having days you don't think of gambling is something in my dreams at the moment but the time will come! Keep going strong!

Posted : 9th February 2016 9:05 pm
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Day 8 today and I'm doing really well if I do say so myself. I have extra money at the moment as I had a good month with one of my businesses and this would normally cause me to gamble.

However, it feels different this time. I haven't got the craving to gamble like I have had in the past. I'm still taking things one day at a time but I am hopeful that this time I will succeed.

Posted : 12th February 2016 8:12 pm
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