One big hit and your addicted

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Hi everyone,

Today was my second therapy session and I have to tell you, I couldn't wait to go. Its been 17 days since I last gambled on Jan 7 2013. I introduced myself yesterday on the new members forum after finding Gamcare and reading posts for a week. What I mean by "One big hit and your addicted", is after my first big win on the slots, I was hooked. I didnt know at first for a long time, I was going to become a compulsive gambler. It really over takes your thoughts and consumes you daily. I didn't realize how deep I would get into into this terrible addiction. My therapy seems to help with the urges and is giving me much hope. We will be starting a group session program in two weeks and that will run weekly on tuesday nites. I haven't gone to GA yet but Iam going to try some sessions out. You are all very lucky to have such a great place to go and get advice and support for a gambling addiction, I couldn't find anything in the USA like this? Thanks Gamcare for letting me seek advice and support here.

The more you abstain from gambling, its seems? you really start to see what a monster it has made you become. I've had dreams of going to the casino in the last 17 days to gamble. I hope in time that will disapate. I'am going to try my best to stay strong and stay away from the slots.

I'am starting this diary today as a step in my progress and a means in making myself commit to a better life that is gamble free. I wish all of you on here the best of luck and peace with yourself.

"The only way to win this game is not to play at all".

Posted : 25th January 2013 12:07 am
Posts: 0

Greetings to you from over the pond and welcome to the forum chicagoguy.

Congratulations on the 17 days gamble free so far i hope your proud of what you are achieving each day.

Finding this site and gamcare was the single best thing that ever happened to me in terms of my recovery, this is a truly amazing site with some inspiring people who like you want to beat this addiction.

You will here lots of sayings on here the best one for me is "One day at a time" it comes from most 12 step programmes G.A, AA, NA . I can abstain from anything for 24 hours and i only have to do it today, tomorrow i get to choose again but each day you are free from gambling your mind will settle down from the madness that gambling creates and you will be better placed to make better decisions.

Post on your diary daily and read other peoples there is a mine of information and support right there , try different things, recovery is bespoke so find what works for you.

I also had councelling sessioins which i found invaluable.

You have made a great positive first step, just keep stepping forward from here on in.

I wish you well.

Take care


Posted : 25th January 2013 12:48 am
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Hi Blondie,

Thank-you for taking the time to read my post, and thanks for the kind words. I was very happy to see someone posted on my forum. This is going to take alot of hard work, but I'am willing to do whatever it takes

to beat this addiction.

I will be posting on my diary as much as possible to help gain strength through others sucesses.

Thanks again my friend,


Chicagoguy U.S.A.

Posted : 25th January 2013 4:17 am
Posts: 1423

Hi Chicagoguy

Again welcome to this amazing site it really is the best choice u will make , starting a diary will help u so much in ur recovery log all those feelings and thoughts down remember its ur diary so feel free good and bad no one is here to judge just support

Read as many diaries as u can support others and receive support in return the strength it will give u to take those key steps forward and start to change ur life

I wish u all the best


Posted : 25th January 2013 9:00 am
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Tough nite!

Well the demons were out in full force last nite, had a tuff time sleeping. For some reason I was thimking about playing the Wheel of fortune game at the casino? Dam, whats the matter with me? I didn't act on the urges, I guess thats a good thing. Crazy how the addiction of slots messes with your thoughts. I finally fell asleep and feel a bit better this mourning, its 9:00 am Friday over here in the USA.

Thanks castle for the kind words and encouragement. Its really great to have a place to go and vent your feelings about this. I think one of the tuff things for me to get over, will be all the money and hours I lost sitting and feeding that hungry machine.

I'am going to keep on fighting those thoughts and urges that creep up on you and diferent times of the day, trying to suck me back in.

Well everyone have a great weekend and try to stay gamble free!



Posted : 25th January 2013 4:07 pm
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Hi everyone,

Seems that as the day went on things got easier, I think I need to realize that this will be a one day at a time recovery. I can't jump to far ahead in my thoughts, and I must try to keep a level head. Reading the other posts helps to know there are good people out there somewhere in this world trying to beat the same addiction.

I dont understand why these casinos don't try to help us out. As I think about the 1000s of dollars lost in slots, why didn't someone pull me aside and ask if I needed some help? They saw my addiction escalate

with my increase in bets and getting more money from the cashier, not once did someone offer a kind word like maybe you need to slow down, or can we help you?

I just think it's a greed driven industry

where they don't care about the ones that lost control.

I really want to do some good with this damage that I have done to myself, and try to help those in the same situation.

Peace to all,


Posted : 25th January 2013 9:48 pm
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Hello everyone,

Still pushing forward and making progress. It will be a tuff day tomarrow, Dads b-day. Last year I went to the casinos and hit a small jackpot on his b-day. I won't go blowing my recovery and give in to the urges to go to the casinos tomarrow. Dad there's not a day that goes by that I miss you being here. I'am sorry for being stupid with the money you left me, I hope I can earn your respect back with getting my life in order, I didn't realize I would become so sick over time. I'am truely sorry for that. We all miss you so much!

Happy Birthday Dad,

Love, your son

Posted : 29th January 2013 11:50 pm
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Hello everyone,

Well today is thursday, and my therapy session was canceled. I guess my counsler is on leave for a bit so they changed it to next week. Was looking forward to going today. Kind of bummed about that. Well I'll look on the bright side, haven't gambled since Jan 7th 2013, looking forward to getting into Feb. Been tuff thats for sure, been tempted to go play the slots, but I've managed to fight back the urges. I start group therapy next Tuesday so that should also help in the process of staying sober. Wish all of you the best in your personal quests to beat this addiction.



Posted : 31st January 2013 11:43 pm
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Hi everyone,

Hope all is well with everyone and you are all finding success in your journey. Today is Saturday, cold and we got some snow last nite. Not having to many urges this weekend to gamble, which I guess is a very positive sign. I will start group therapy this tuesday, so I'am looking forward to that.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and stay strong.



Posted : 2nd February 2013 9:50 pm
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Hello everyone,

We started group therapy last nite, the first hour is education and the two hours following that is group sharing. I found it to be very imformative about the cycles and different stages you go through as your addiction progresses. Today is 30 days sober for me, I'am actually starting to forget about some of the slots I thought about on a daily basis. Your mind and thoughts start to clear up a bit and I can feel I'am gaining some strenghth through my one on one therapy and this group therapy.

This is a life time commitment, it has to be,

no other choice. It's very sad to learn how destructive this addiction can be if you don't try to get help. I wish all of you the best in your recovery process.



Posted : 6th February 2013 4:45 pm
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Hello everyone,

Well I haven't given in to the urges to gamble. Staying strong and trying not to get myself to upset these days. It seems when I'am feeling down or upset I'd really like to go down to the casino and gamble. I have to fight through this, I know there will be a light at the end of this dark tunnel. I'am looking forward to my one on one therapy tomarrow, so we can tackle some more issues. It will be nice when my counsler that broke his arm is back, that way I can go back to thursday afternoon sessions, hopefully. Group therapy will be on Tuesday so we're starting off the week strong. I have to start thinking about my move and where I'am going from here. It's been a crazy couple years and I need to piece my life back together. The lease is up at the end of July, but I'am sure I will be moving out before that. New start, fresh start, gamble free life. Best of luck to all of you in your recovery process. And a gamble free life.



Posted : 10th February 2013 10:42 pm
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Hello everyone,

Had group meeting last night and education. I gave the name of this website to everyone in class, hoping it will help them through there individual journeys. I shared the process of how Gamcare works and that it has helped me to express my feelings and create a journey of my progress. I'am hoping to hear from a friend in class, so if you found me, welcome. I'am learning alot about the different phases that you go through as a gambler and where you are in that process of the cycles. The only way to stop your progression downward on the different phases, is to stop. From that point forward you start the recovery process as long as you abstain from gambling. I like the education process of therapy because it real helps you to understand how the addiction process brought you to seeking help and how it has affected yourself and loved ones. Well stay strong everyone and take one day at a time. I want to close this out with a speacial thanks to my therapist for all her help and compassion in what she's doing for me and others, thank-you.



Posted : 13th February 2013 6:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hey friend,

Thanks for giving me the info for this site. I wanted to tell you that it takes alot of strength and courage to accept your addiction and seek help. You are doing the right thing. Remember to take it one day at a time and one problem at a time. You can not fix everything in a day. We will talk more. Just wanted to drop you a quick note. Remember one week and counting for you to reach your first goal of the week the GYM.

Your new friend


Posted : 13th February 2013 9:41 pm
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Glad you found it, and thanks for taking the time to post. Make sure you post on the intros forum, as everybodys individual stories help each other out. Stay strong my friend and I'am glad you joined.

Your new friend,


Posted : 13th February 2013 11:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago ,

Well done on your continued abstinence , you have taken so many positive steps to aid your recovery, the group councelling and 1-1sessions are extremely beneficial.

I really liked what you posted about the stages of gambling in the new members forum, you should post it in yours I think it would be really helpful to lots of people.

Keep going,my our going great .

Take care


Posted : 14th February 2013 3:50 pm
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