One big hit and your addicted

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Hey all,

Another beautiful day. Went fishing down to my hot spot in the river, and in the first 5 minutes of fishing caught a 4 lb Largemouth Bass. Really enjoying some fishing time these days, It's like therapy for myself. I bought myself a new fishing rod today also, so I'am ready to tackle the river. Had my group therapy session last night, and that was good. Every week we discuss different issues going on in our lives, and then help each other work through them, by support and listening. I have to tell you, a big part of an addicts success in recovery in my opinion is having that support in place. The best support is that from someone that is also a recovering addict because they understand best what your going through. Another avenue of support for me is through G.A. it's a great program and I highly recommend anyone to try it if you haven't already. I attend the local G.A. meeting on Monday and Wednesday nights. Someone today commented on how much I smile all the time and seem more confident in myself. That my friend is called abstinence, it will bring about a new found you, and you will start to smile more often and walk more upright, carrying yourself with confidence throughout your day, makes me smile more when a someone who doesn't know my situation notices that. It's reassurance to myself, that I'am making progress. I wish you all the best in your recovery process, and never give up fighting the good fight for a gamble free life.

Recovering compulsive gamble,


Posted : 15th May 2013 10:47 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

Thanks for the supportive post on my diary. Cannot do as much reading as I would like during a work week but managed to take a peek in at yours. Still truckin and smiling too. I appreciate your support Chicago, and wanted to say that you are doing great and I am proud of you too!! Keep smiling!! -joanxx

Posted : 15th May 2013 11:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago,

Brilliant post my friend and one that shouts out RECOVERY, someone who is working it, someone who is committed to it, someone who is reaping the benefits of it and growing in confidence and self worth every day.


Well done chicago, I smiled also when i read your post because guess what you deserve it.

take care


Posted : 16th May 2013 7:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicagoguy

Great post to read- you have plenty to smile about! You are working so hard to maintain that abstinence and enjoying the benefits- keep it up!

Keep smiling 🙂



Posted : 17th May 2013 9:34 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

Hope everyone had a great week and is looking forward to the weekend. I'am planning to do some good fishing and have some nice walks, and eat some healthy food. Suppose to be a beautiful weekend. Today I'am 130 days gamble free, and have no interest in returning to the casino, nor do I have any place for that self destructive behavior in my life. My hard work and dedication to remaining abstinent is starting to truly benefit my life as I go forward in my recovery. Recovery is a life time commitment and one I happily choose. Today I made a choice to not have any bets and tomorrow I will make that same choice. I truly enjoy my G.A. meetings, group therapy sessions at my out patient addictive center I attend and my 1on 1 therapy sessions there also. This keeps me focused and ready to battle any urges that may transpire, and put them away. Gamcare has been an incredible venue of outstanding support from so many great people, I'am very grateful for finding this site, and meeting so many supportive friends. This is a special place for giving and receiving support along your journey to a gamble free life. Today I smile bigger then I ever have, some may know why, some may wonder why, but for me I know why, for I'am a recovering compulsive gambler that made that one choice to change the direction of my life for the better, no more bets. I wish you the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 17th May 2013 9:45 pm
Posts: 944

Always think when I read your diary how different your entries are now from that first page, particularly the 25th when you were fighting the demons, such a vivid reminder of life before the hard work you have done and encouraging for all to read.

Thank you for your support and was pleased to hear your memory of the singing fish.

Stay safe and well


Posted : 17th May 2013 10:39 pm
Posts: 4422

Mr. Chicago.

Fella i relate to your posts greatly, a long standing member of my Ga often says "all we are asking you to do is not have a bet" new members look at him in horror, but in truth he hits the nail on the head. By stopping the punt we gift ourselves the opportunity of a better life.

A choice for life.

Each day we make a choice

no bet today

enjoy the rewards my friend. You earnt them.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 19th May 2013 8:56 am
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I enjoyed cooking out with family, fishing and some nice walks. Have a busy week planned again, filled with G.A. meetings, group therapy session and my 1 on 1 therapy session. Tomorrow I will be 19 weeks gamble free, It's been a long road but one I must travel to assure I never return to those dark days again. Let the sun keep shinning in and fight back the thoughts of gambling, not worth having a punt as Duncs would say. Today I''am stepping forward, never back also. I wish your the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 19th May 2013 10:44 pm
Posts: 259

Hi Chicagoguy

sounds like a great weekend. 19 weeks gamble free is brilliant. Hope your therapy sessions go well this week.


Posted : 20th May 2013 6:45 am
Posts: 0
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Hey all,

Got some rain moving in for the next couples days, that will give me an break from fishing, not that I really want a break from fishing. Hope everyone had a great weekend, I enjoyed mine. Here's my thoughts on urges, take it for what you may, I'am trying to look at urges in a positive way, I know from time to time they are going to creep up on me, and thats ok, I'am a recovering addict, be silly to think you could go through life and never have urges. These urges may come at the best and worst times your experiencing on your journey of abstinence, what they are for me is a reminder of what devastation gambling caused to my life and how it had changed my mind and focus. So when urges appear out of the blue don't feel your not making progress, just remind yourself of what they represent. Urges can be a healthy reminder for us all that we want to push them away and stay the course of a gamble free life. So next time you get a urge use it as a reflection moment as to why you are not going to place a bet, and remember just take it one day at a time. I have a busy week ahead as stated in my previous post, I wish you the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


19 weeks gamble free

7 weeks eating healthy

14 lbs weight loss for month of April

next weigh in June 1 st

Posted : 20th May 2013 5:14 pm
Posts: 0

Well done mate on your continued progress and positivity, you'll have to let me know of some good fishing hot-spots, depending on where you live in the country and what type of fishing you do.

Posted : 20th May 2013 6:13 pm
Posts: 832

Hi Chicago

19 weeks! That sounds like a lot. How time flies! Well done and congrats on your weight loss too.

I like your take on dealing with urges. I'd been having quite a few lucid gambling dreams recently, one in particular made me feel guilt when for some time after I woke up. They're useful reminders though - a way of not losing touch with the damage gambling can cause.

All the best

Posted : 21st May 2013 9:06 am
Posts: 0

Hey Chicago

Many thanks for the post on my diary, 6 months i never thought i would do.

Congrats on your continued abstinence, your focus is spot on and in the zone. You have learnt to direct all your will power and strength away from gambling and into positive things that enrich your life ! im kind of guessing your the type of man who is full on and manic towards anything you set your heart on ! i admire you for that, just be careful nothing breaks into that world of yours and brings the walls tumbling down. We are all here for you, keep up the fantastic direction into your new world. Dark Place

Posted : 21st May 2013 9:20 am
Posts: 0

Weight loss, continued no gambling and fishing mate life is good,

Thanks as always for post on my diary

Keep uo the cracking work

Posted : 21st May 2013 11:24 am
Posts: 0

Chicago 🙂

Really great to see you doing so well, not just with the gambling but with the healthy eating and weight loss as well! You're doing brilliant.


Posted : 21st May 2013 11:37 pm
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