Our Struggles Make Us Stronger

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Sam Crow
Posts: 551
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Just a quick update. Everything going well, getting to see the little guy more often and doing normal family stuff like visiting Santa, the two of us and his Mum which is nice. His Mum and I getting on really well at the minute and I’m just loving the extra time with my son! Work and football going well also. Still need to sort out some Christmas presents while there’s still time! No gambling to report – feel in a good place in that regard so just need to not get complacent. GA tonight, good way to sign off on a Monday.

Keep moving forward

Posted : 12th December 2016 11:20 am
Posts: 534

That's a great post Sam....you have so much to look forward to. My sons didn't live with their dad, but they have a great relationship with him...as long as you and his mum keep putting his needs first, you won't go far wrong.

Posted : 12th December 2016 12:02 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Hi Rhoda, yes you're right the little man and his happiness and wellbeing come first all day every day! Glad to hear your sons have a great relationship with their dad also, creating memories that last forever.

Had a quick look for your diary to comment on there but couldn't find one hence the reason for replying here.

All the best

Posted : 12th December 2016 1:27 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

200 days GF, a nice round figure but in truth doesn't mean a whole lot. What's more important is how far I've come in recovery. In previous periods of abstinence I never was in recovery but the difference this time is unbelievable. Of course there are down days every now and again and the cosequences of my gambling still show themselves but I am dealing with them now instead of running away. I'm making amends everyday by staying off a bet and committing to bettering myself as a person, as a father, a friend, a son, an employee etc etc.

Keep moving forward

Posted : 16th December 2016 1:10 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Time for the first post on my diary in 2017. Happy to report I’m still on Recovery Road chugging along at a steady pace. No gambling in any way, shape or form to report. Around Christmas time it can be difficult with so many things going on like raffles and Christmas draws etc. but I was well guarded against complacency. Even playing a game of pool in the bar can be spoiled when someone slaps a pound down to stake on the next game. Each to their own but I’m not going to place that first bet so there can’t be a 2nd and 3rd.

Gambling is everywhere and there is no getting away from it whether it be in a bar, advertising on TV or on the high street. I make a conscious decision everyday to say ‘No Bet Today’. It does get easier the further I get away from my last bet but that’s when complacency can kick in. I guard against it by continuing to read and post on the forum here and attend my GA meetings once a week. I don’t believe in coincidence anymore. Every day I see little signs which guide me in the right direction not only in terms of gambling but in life in general. I have so much to be thankful for and I’m glad I can see it now.

The little guy continues to amaze me every day. It’s wonderful to watch him grow and his own personality develop. He is such a happy lad always smiling and laughing, he can be cheeky too lol! I know it’s clichГ© but time goes by so fast and all we can do is enjoy those special moments and continue to create happy memories.

Things with his Mum continue to get better too. It’s almost like night and day compared to 7/8 months ago. We’re at a place now where we’re spending time together again sometimes with the little guy and sometimes just the 2 of us. There are still feelings there and she actually was the first one to admit it. We’re not back together or anything, no labels etc. just yet. We’ll take things slow and see where it leads. The most important thing though is the little guy, his happiness is paramount and I don’t want to risk that for anything.

Reading my ODAAT blue book (from GA) the other day and under 1st January the page finished with the line ‘Happy New Day!’ Love this as we don’t have to wait for a new year or a significant event to make a change. Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

Keep moving forward!

Posted : 4th January 2017 9:30 am
Posts: 386

Great post Sam!

Nice to meet you in chat...Thank you for sharing.

M x

Posted : 4th January 2017 10:07 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Lying here in bed with the little guy sleeping beside me, he just won't sleep in his cot lol! Tried just closing the door and hoping he'd go over but no. Ah well as long as he doesn't kick me too much during the night!

Posted : 14th January 2017 10:40 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

It's a beautiful Monday morning! Not often I say that to be honest but I have no hangover or worries from losing a small fortune at the weekend and the weather is relatively nice for this time of year. We got stuffed at our footy match on Saturday but at least I know I gave my all. My son stayed over that night and I finally got him over to sleep after a couple hours of trying him in the cot. Seeing his little face waking up in the morning is the best feeling in the world. For me being a Dad compares to nothing else. There may be a chance for his Mum and I as well with how well we have been getting on recently and all the time we're spending together. If it's meant to be then it'll happen, no need to rush these things and like with my recovery we'll just take it a day at a time.

GA tonight for my medicine, looking forward to it as always!

Keep moving forward

Posted : 16th January 2017 10:29 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Time to update the diary as it's been a couple of weeks. Life is great at the minute! The little man is growing bigger and stronger every day, his smile is contagious and would brighten up the darkest of places. His Mum and I continue to get on very well and are spending some time together but taking things slow. Communication is the key to any relationship whether that be with a friend, spouse, parent or child. Speak openly and honestly and as the saying goes ‘The truth shall set you free!’

Been very busy with things recently but I’m happy enough with that, I’m content which is a far cry from this time last year. GA meetings continue you be a great source of enlightenment. I actually chaired my 2nd ever meeting the other night as well. Was taken by surprise when asked to do it but I loved it! Giving something back helps so much in recovery too I think.

Nothing much else to report. I’m still gamble free and in recovery which is wonderful and something I don’t take for granted. Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend!

Keep moving forward

Posted : 3rd February 2017 10:33 am
Posts: 629

Nice post Sam Crow. Great to see someone else benefiting from their recovery. I think contentedness is key - we are less likely to gamble if we are content with ourselved. That is certainly the focus my own recoveryh - contentedness with normality. Well done on chairing the meeting. Cleary a sign of your progress and the respect you have earned because of it. All the best "girlfriend!" Mark

Posted : 3rd February 2017 11:57 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

It’s been over a month from my last update and I’m happy to report no gambling. Just a quick review of where I am at the minute:

Family – The little man is doing great apart from he’s still getting over a cold/virus the past week or so. Walking and talking away and brightens up my day every time I see him 🙂 His Mum and I still spending time together and have been invited to a wedding soon so that will be interesting lol!

Work – Very busy at the minute between the 2 jobs. Have just recently applied for a promotion opportunity in my main job which has been a long time coming. Have a couple of stages to go through before interview so I should know in a few months if I’m successful or not. The bar is busy also and I’m getting plenty of shifts every month. Have just completed another medical study recently and worked the day of the elections as well so very busy on the work front.

Finances – After about 9 months gamble free I have managed to cut 1/3 of my outstanding debt which is fantastic. I didn’t plan on having as much paid off by now but it’s a nice surprise to see. All outstanding debt is currently on credit cards at 0% interest and my credit rating is still very good so I’ll be able to balance transfer in the future if necessary and avoid paying any interest. The important thing is my son is being well provided for. Debts are being paid and I’ve enough disposable income to do me.

Health – Feeling very good in the health department although there’s always room for improvement on my already toned physique lol. Trying to eat healthier but I just love my chocolate.

Social Life – At the minute my social life consists of football and my weekly GA meeting so plenty of room for improvement here! It’s difficult to find the time to get out and about with so many other commitments but it’s something I intend looking at. I don’t see my mates nearly enough.

Future – The future looks so much brighter now compared to this time last year where all I could see was a dark fog and uncertainty. I don’t look too far ahead now and try not to worry about ‘What If’s’. I know that if I continue to do the right things then good things will happen as a result.

In summary things are very good in general. I recognise there will be obstacles along the way and things may not always go to plan but at least now I feel I’m in a good place to deal with these scenario’s when they arise. One such obstacle is a new FOBT has recently been put into the bar where I work. Doesn’t bother me personally and I have no urges to play it or gamble in any form. I will continue to work on myself and my character defects. I intend to enjoy my journey on the path of life whatever it may bring.

Keep moving forward

Posted : 6th March 2017 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sam

Just wanted to say a huge well done on your progress so far.

Hope you continue to enjoy your life. You deserve to.

Take care.

Our Lady.

Posted : 6th March 2017 8:57 pm
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Well I'm glad Cheltenham week is over! Have to admit by the end of the week my head was racing (excuse the pun). It's almost like my mind was trying to convince itself it would be ok to have a bet. Hearing and seeing all things Cheltenham related was difficult. It gave me a tingle at first and memories of past winners I backed and good days I had. Most of my mates have a flutter to differing degrees and I was annoyed at the fact I can't even control myself enough to have a pound or 2 on a few big races. Of course I am well aware that it wouldn't stop there and chaos would ensue shortly after. I didn't want to actually place a bet or anything though which is good, haven't wanted to in a long time but just found last week that bit more difficult.

All is going well in life in general. I'll continue to try and change and improve myself everyday.

Keep moving forward

Posted : 20th March 2017 11:03 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Just about to go for a team lunch. Oh the simple things in life are the best! I remember the days I wouldn't even been able to afford lunch and starved until dinner time, not anymore though. Life is good 🙂

Keep moving forward

Posted : 30th March 2017 11:00 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 551
Topic starter

Recently I completed a series of tests as part of a promotion process in work. Just got the results and I'm in the top 6% from over 3900 candidates! Absolutely buzzing - knew I did well but was surprised at how well! The field has been whittled down to 660 with a couple more steps in the process. The hard work starts now 🙂

If I did these tests a year ago the results would have been slightly different lol. It's amazing what we can achieve with a clear head.

Keep moving forward!

Posted : 14th April 2017 2:03 pm
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