Plenty In The Tank Sir!

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I have been here before many times, I have slipped up many times, but I continue the fight and I learn as I go along. Since 2013 I have been on here repeatedly trying to stop and repeatedly slipping up. Searching for the magic cure to this illness. The truth is there is no cure, however if I take things one day at a time I can beat this sickness.

The last year has had its ups and downs, a massive rollercoaster of a journey. I have the most amazing family and my baby boy makes my world go around. Yet I have still slipped up and finding a decent job has made life tough. After a year of searching and making do in temporary roles two good offers have come along and I'm now happy in the direction I'm going.

My blocks are having my partner manage my money, being self excluded from all bookies within an hours drive, avoiding reading or watching anything about horse racing, being self excluded from online sports books and weekly attendance of GA.

Its 5 days since my last bet and thats a good start, I'm feeling much more positive about life. My focus for today is to get through the day gamble free. Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 23rd October 2017 5:56 am
Posts: 629

Hi Phil,

Great to hear from you and pleased that you have found your way again.

The usual procedure applies.

Right behind you as ever old pal.


Posted : 23rd October 2017 4:04 pm
Posts: 1143
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Thanks so much for the message Markman!

Its been a busy day, been in work and then came home and took our latest addition out for a walk. We have recently rescued a puppy and hes great fun and its nice to have an excuse to get out into the woods with him.

Now I'm chilling with a beer and having a few minutes to read through some literature from Gambers Anonymous. So much they say in the books sounds like me. I'm not alone and just for today I have got through the day gamble free. I will enjoy the rest of my evening and then hit the sack with no bad thoughts in my head.

Posted : 23rd October 2017 6:11 pm
Posts: 1143
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Just got to work and it’s great to arrive with my mind in a peaceful place. No thoughts of gambling going through my head and no stressing over where the next money to gamble with will come from. When I finish work I will look forward to getting home, getting the dog out and enjoying being with the family.

Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 24th October 2017 6:48 am
Posts: 1143
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Day 7 started with a very sleepy drive to work and I will be glad once work is finished for the day. I’m working in a new area and on my break yesterday I took a drive to get some lunch and by the supermarket there were two bookies. As it’s a new area I don’t think I’m excluded so I need to call the hotline today and add myself to those shops exclusion lists. I can’t rest on my laurels, I need to keep my blocks in place as firm as they can be. I also need to do more reading later on from my GA books as this is a big help.

Just for today my focus needs to remain firm, just for today I will not gamble.

Posted : 25th October 2017 9:56 am
Posts: 1143
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Just on my lunch break and feeling good about life. A clear gamble free mind makes life so much easier to deal with. Money is tight but this will be resolved quickly as the days and weeks add up. I just need to focus on my daily task not to put that first bet on. I’m looking forward to my GA meeting tonight, especially as I can say I’ve not had a bet today and not had a bet since my last meeting.

Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 26th October 2017 11:17 am
Posts: 629

Keep going Phil! On lunch myself. Money very much an object but will make do with a Pot Noodle! How many lunches have I suffered without even a quid for food because I had gambled it. Enjoy your lunch!


Posted : 26th October 2017 12:24 pm
Posts: 1143
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Thanks for the post Mark, I too have had to skip many meals in the past due to gambling all my wages!

It’s payday today and my car is in for the dreaded MOT after work. I cant see it passing and really really hope the bills not too expensive. Won’t deny that the thoughts entered my head that one good trip to the bookies could pay for the MOT. However past experience shows that’s not the case, even if I did win I would return tomorrow and give it all and more back. I must stay strong, I must be vigilant, I need to get through today gamble free.

Just for today I must stay strong and fight any urges that come along! Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 27th October 2017 12:47 pm
Posts: 1143
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Day 10 today and I'm pleased to still be going strong. Yesterday was a struggle as there was not much left from my wages so I did have a thought about one last bet and one last big win. That thought has never worked in the past so I pulled myself together and stayed strong. The MOT was sadly a fail and a best case 200 or worst case 400 bill awaits me on Monday. Its depressing to be skint yet again, but by staying gamble free my finances will improve and take care of themselves.

So todays task is to keep my focus and make sure today is another gamble free day. So far so good!

Posted : 28th October 2017 2:47 pm
Posts: 1143
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I'm doing ok day by day on avoiding to gamble, however I am very down and moody at the mo and have been for a few days. I think part of it is that money is just so tight right now. I'm used to being skint when I'm gambling, maybe I'm struggling to deal with the fact that I'm still skint and I've not gambled on my last 2 paydays. I've got two important birthdays in the next few weeks and then Christmas and its really playing on my mind! It dawned on me last night that the little things like going to the match, nights out and even buying a few beers are beyond my means for now. Clearly after being out of work a while and just starting a new job it will take a while to get my finances back on course, I have to guard against thinking I need to take a trip to the bookies to win my way out of trouble as that doesn't ever work. I have to take it on the chin and struggle on, if I can get through Christmas things will pick up.

I need to try and put a brave face on and snap out of this depression that I'm going through at the mo. If I keep focussed on avoiding a bet one day at a time things have got to get better gradually (I hope!). Just for today I will last the day without placing a bet.

Posted : 29th October 2017 4:27 pm
Posts: 574

Keep going mate

Im on day 33GF and i too had a tough week mentally from Weds-Fri i was really short tempered. No thoughts of gambling at all but im normally a VERY chilled person (outwardly anyway!). I used to think it was my debt that scared me into gambling and to a point it was, like others i saw a financial way out through gambling more.

However, now i have stopped, blocked my access, told my close family, handed over all my cards and access to money and am having counselling. I actually see that its dealing with the broken person gambling has papered over for 10 years now that has made me scared to stop gambling and look honestly at myself and my situation. Addiction is about more than money but there is no reason we can't get to where we want to be and become the strongest versions of ourselves.

Stay strong and take all the help you need/can get. One day at a time we can beat this!

Posted : 29th October 2017 4:49 pm
Posts: 1143
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Thanks so much for the above post, it’s really kind and supportive and I will have a good read of your diary this evening.

I’m not feeling as bad today, got better news about the MOT and it won’t be as expensive as they told me. It’s also nearly time to finish work and head home, I will be glad to chill with a beer this evening after taking the dog out. So 11 days of clarity have passed and I need to keep the momentum up and not slip up!

Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 30th October 2017 3:32 pm
Posts: 545

Read your diary your doing well. Have you blocked all online aswell

Posted : 30th October 2017 4:16 pm
Posts: 1143
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Hey Christer, thanks for the post, I have self excluded from all the online sportsbooks that I was able to find! It took ages to work my way through them.

It’s another day in work and I’ve got the man flu so I’m struggling on. Fortunately no bad thoughts and I’m feeling strong. Halloween disco with the kids after work and I need to find time somewhere today to do a little reading of the GA books. Life is very busy at the mo and I guess that can only be good as the bored moments are where thoughts can come back or they certainly did in the past.

Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 31st October 2017 11:40 am
Posts: 1143
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Its day 14 today and its been a slow day in work, made really frustrating by receiving my pay slip to find I have yet again been emergency taxed. Meaning another week of paying the bills and having very little left for myself. They assured me last week that this would be resolved. I'm really annoyed about it as there are two birthdays looming and if its not fixed in time I won't have the money that I had hoped to have for presents.

Anyway focus on the positives, I survived another day with no bad thoughts and gamble free. Just for today I will not gamble!

Posted : 1st November 2017 6:11 pm
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