Day 157
Thanks for the messages of support. Yea, you are right Adam. I've had to be a littler tougher with the debt for the first few months just to make a good dent in it to fight back the interest. Im still paying over £100 a month in interest. From now on i can allow myself a bit more to live a little. Thanks for the advice i will give it a go. I like the idea of being mindful and using that to get things/be more positive! Im all for self improvement.
Not sure if anyone else has noticed but its been a bit cold the last few days (lol). I've only actually left the house once in the last 4 days and that was just to buy some food, will need to do a bigger food shop tomorrow.
Its the weekend again. Not sure how much im gunna be able to get out but i would like to if i can. Enjoy it while i get chance. Back to work Monday and that'll mean back to working Saturdays again, joy. I've just signed up to start checking up on my credit reports. Not a great score as you can imagine (the higher end of a "poor" one in fact). Will be interesting to see how things move over the space of this year.
No gambling today, will look to keep it that way tomorrow.
All the best everyone.
Hi sjwsjwsjw
Well done on your continued journey to better future . You are walking the walk ☺
Just for today - stay safe!
Day 159
Thanks Sandra, im trying. =)
Almost the end of another weekend. Went out and had a pub lunch yesterday which was good. Was nice to leave the house after all this bad weather! Kinda wrote off my 2nd week of annual leave which is annoying but i guess thats better than having to walk into work in it. Just chilled today. I ordered some new meal prep containers to make some nice lunches for work. Need to make them up tonight, have a bit of a clear up, iron uniform to get ready to get back to work.
Its gunna be a tough first week no question. Still looking around for another job, applied for 3 this week. Don't wanna just take anything on for the sake of changing. I want one that will allow me a better routine and social life around it. I don't wanna keep getting up at 5:30 every morning and have to go to bed early as a result. I lose hours at both ends of my days as a result. Tired of having to work almost every Saturday and get a random day off in the week that i don't even know about until 2-3 weeks before i have to work it.
Anyway, thats for the coming week/s.
Today i choose not to gamble.
Hi sjw your definitely and inspiration to me as well 159 days that’s amazing hope I get there, I’m determined to do it! Hope you get a new job soon I get up early too but only work 3 hours a day but it’s still restrictive isn’t it like you say bed early etc wish you all best in getting something else. Take care Lulu x
Thanks Lulu. Yea, i work 5 days. No sundays but basically do every Saturday and get either a Tuesday or Thursday off but don't know which one until 2-3 weeks before it comes round. Hate not getting 2 days off together, aswell as all the early mornings and its a physically tough job.
Congratulations sjwsjw on 161 days gamble free.
It is difficult to refrain from gambling but you have persevered and stayed strong.
Thoughts of the losses can drag us back into gambling but you have stuck to your guns.
In time to come you will be in a better financial situation and hopefully working at something which will give you more job satisfaction.
One things for sure you will be able to look back with pride at the time you stopped gambling.
Total respect for your excellent recovery and I look forward to following your journey into the future.
Day 164
Thanks Stephen, things are improving. It's gradual and i still have a debt that'll be with me a good while longer but im dealing with it along with other things so im at peace with that.
Got a busy weekend with work, a leaving party after that and then Mothers Day on Sunday. Not much time but i have to be on my guard and make sure i get through another weekend without gambling.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Hi sjw
Thank you for the post!
Many people work only just to make ends meet. That's me falling into that group too. Working for money..
Want to do something different, feel pride in my job and at least feel the difference I am making for this world & of course myself. Will be a counsellor! (Joking of course). I loved the quote tho! Agree with it 100%
You're doing great, those days are racking up for sure! I am not on here often so apologies if I cannot keep up with your updates.
Please know, I am right beside you in soul & always will be.
Just for today, stay safe and be kind to yourself
Hey ! Thanks for popping by on my diary . Well done on your gambling free life so far !! I really appreciate people who take time from their own issues to support other people , it’s very humbling so thank you for that and use that as extra motivation to keep stopped ! There are people out there like myself who lean on you and benefit from your support . Cheers mate
Day 170
Thanks for the support Bryan, glad you are doing so well its great to hear. We're in this together, i like to give support where i can. Im spending a little less time on here, though still reading a good amount of the posts. I think i'll just be updating my diary once a week or so from now on. It feels like things are just ticking along right now and im used to the new level of calm my routine has found. Its due to that that i have nothing much to add today. Im still on the hunt for a new job, though its not desperate as im working FT anyway, just want a better routine.
Intend to get back into the gym next week, though i have said this to myself for the last month+ now. I have lost a little motivation in that regard. I think i just need to get back into the routine of going again and i'll be fine. Used to weight train 5 days a week and was in good shape. Since not gambling i've put fat on due to eating more and not training but i know what i need to do.
No gambling today.
Have a good, gamble free weekend everyone.
Congratulations sjwsjw on 170 days without a bet. Great achievement.
Getting back to the gym is an excellent idea. Working on your health and fitness is a great way to keep your mind occupied. It makes you feel good and it's a lot of fun.
Take care and keep blazing that trail. There's an army of us following in your footsteps...stephen
Thanks for popping by yesterday and congrats on your own achievement S:)
Hi thank you for your post on my diary i started reading your journey havent finished it yet but well done to you too hope i can do the same 46 days today . Life is so much better without gambling we just cannot get complacent. Take care Bambi
Hi sjw thank you for your kind words on my diary. Really pleased your gf days are clocking up! Your an inspiration for me too. I’ve been so busy with family problems as you know that I haven’t even thought about gambling but now it’s quieter I’m thinking about it, but will not gamble. It’s a little easier now but only a bit. It’s great your keeping fit too it’s win win all round! I want to do my yoga but there’s no room on narrow boat where we live but we are going to be moving into a house soon so will be able to take it on then. Keep going sjw bestest of wishes Lulu x
Thanks Stephen, yea i did enjoy the gym when i used to train. It has felt harder to get myself motivated to get back to it. Its freezing, feels like we're missing out Spring this year! Hope you've had a nice relaxing (and gf of course) weekend.
Your welcome Bambi, keep going, everyday gf matters lets keep making the right choices and enjoy what we work hard for.
Hello Lulu, thanks for your help too. Just like in life there are lessons to be learnt from everyone on here. Your support adds to my recovery as much as everyone else. Im glad i can support other too, its one of the great things to come from working recovery. Be careful now you have free time again, never be afraid to ask for help as and when you need it.
A nice calm weekend here. Happy to say no gambling.
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