reborn on the 4th July

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Hi castle,

Thank you for dropping by and really glad to see you had a good time off and spend more time with little princess.

Yep, the storms comes and goes recently but so far hanging on for my dear life lol...and it's working 🙂
There is some things we cannot change, but we have that power to deal with things we can control. Which is abstinence.

Hope your review goes well tomorrow. You are very dedicated to your work and deserve acknowledgement. . (Lol..this was a long word to write..sorry if spelt wrong 😉 )

Take care and keep doing what you doing. is working, may strength stays with you all the time.

S x

Posted : 30th November 2014 10:15 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

Sorry for delay. Been so busy. Work and family. But a few days off now so caught up with a few diaries today. Sorry to hear about the blip but the way you moved forward again quickly was all credit to you. That's your reserve and drive to succeed kicking in.

A couple of things that struck me. You spoke about the need to protect that beautiful you from the gambler you. Well beautiful is my word lol. Also that you felt it coming. I too have felt that way and I suppose have many others. I wonder what extra barriers we can put in place when we know it's coming. Always trying to think positive and in the now can be draining in itself sometimes especially when sh it goes wrong.

So happy that you rejoined your recovery cycle quickly. was really pleased to hear about your relationship with your daughter too. Mine too has improved leaps and bounds. Concentrate on what you've got and not what was. Emotional pain can be unbearable at times. Plan a better escape route for when it comes again. Prepare ourselves that's all we can do. Ready for our next battle. warriors!

Take it easy my friend. Speak soon. (I hate this new phone unfriendly version!)

Ian 🙂

Posted : 1st December 2014 5:27 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks Sandra Ian

Review went as well as expected giving the tough times we are in , a bit of a farce really my ops manager was there 3 hours in total and it was just stop start interruptions all the time with him having phone calls emails texts , for me it just shows he finds his job just as frustrating as I do , relieved it's over now and can get on with work and life with one less worry

Posted : 2nd December 2014 8:07 am
Posts: 0

Hi castle,

Pleased your review went well, taking into account as you say, we are in tough times, they expect the impossible now, and when you deliver it, they just want even more.

As long you you do your job to the best of your ability, which I can read you give it 100% ,like you do with your recovery, you cannot go wrong.

Have a great gambling free day, you deserve no less.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 2nd December 2014 9:06 am
Posts: 7071

Hey castle,

Thank you for your recent post and meant to write earlier but completely forgot lol.
Yep night shift doing this to me lol..vampire of the night heh heh..i actually can change shifts into days...but the situation there is worse than on nights and there are few more reasons why i am holding on here.

Still...i believe! ! Lol..i will get out from there one day and normality in my sleep pattern will hopefully return 🙂

Very good news on your review and way to go!
I have my annual appraisal soon and ...well lol..they better score me high lol..cause truly feel like a horse pulling the weight there lol.

as you see, confidence is not an issue at work...i wish it was the same in my daily life..

ok, on a happy note - you go go go man and keep up the good work. .you are doing brilliantly.

Catch you later
Take care

S x

Posted : 3rd December 2014 12:54 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

Glad your review went well, considering the situation with your employers. You sound like a conscientious boss and your team are lucky to have you. Have had plenty before who shut the door and aren't to be seen or heard from til the next shift starts. The problem with that is that it becomes harder to let go, is there anyone there you can deputise maybe as the go to point? Or is it that person who's calling you when they don't know what to do?

Anyway, I'm pretty lucky that I've had a heads up that I'm going to be getting a good appraisal this year from my manager, which I certainly hoped for considering I did his job for four months. :-P

Great work on continuing to find the path without gambling, and if you are feeling sorry for yourself about working Boxing Day, I am too as I'm in the same boat. C'est la vie I guess, just one of the drawbacks of the job. Good luck for the move in January.


Posted : 3rd December 2014 3:55 am
Posts: 0

Morning castle,

Hope all is calm and good in your world, and you are staying strong and safe.

Take care and enjoy your Sunday.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 7th December 2014 8:32 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks Ryan Suzanne Sandra

A full on week at work the pressure is mounting once again , the hours are getting less but we are taking more with xmas coming up , the reason been apparently they have took less tasks out of the system so we can trade better ! I hate been negative with work but it is so frustrating if it was my business I wouldn't run it this way , the cutting of hours I do understand and the need to do it but some of the other decisions are ridiculous at times , there's no communication of what they do to what I know ,having been at my store 5 years now I know what sells and what doesn't , some of the stuff they send in thst goes to waste is senseless , the pressure is not just on me but all my team and all I'm trying to do is defuse it but then it's putting more on myself , it's always going to be a tough time this part of the year so just need to hold the team together for a few more weeks , anyway rant over lol

Posted : 7th December 2014 8:35 am
Posts: 0

Hi mate,

Hope that the start of the week hasn't been too tough on you, never had the experience of working in retail in the period coming up to Christmas, and frankly I hope I don't have to anytime soon either from your description. Big companies often seem to be the same, some of the decisions we get from Head Office are ludicrous, and I regularly have a rant about the lack of foresight, idiocy and downright lack of planning that is shown by those who get paid 100 times my salary.

Hope you can fight through the week, and don't let the stress build up too much. As a manager, you can't take everything on your shoulders, just try to find the balance you can deal with.


Posted : 8th December 2014 1:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Castle,

I hope u r ok 🙂

I just wanted to wish u and Jess a gr8 Christmas, take care xx

Posted : 10th December 2014 3:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hello my friend.

Hope you're ok. Post soon and let us know. Take it easy bro.


Posted : 12th December 2014 11:45 pm
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks Ryan Charlotte Ian

Been a tough week all round , as always work has been hard plenty of stress but that's a given , I have been reading quite a bit on the forum but what I read didn't help and couldn't find any motivation to post on mine or any bodies , I'm not too worried as this has happened a few times over the years , I'm asking a lot of questions to myself , this will pass as it always does

Also still dwelling on the past with relationships and trying to work out what went wrong and that's again asked a lot more questions of myself , tie that in with xmas coming up and not coming up with a lot of positive thoughts , saying all that I'm still fighting taking it one day at a time , the plan is to get through xmas and come out of the other side running

Thanks to everyone for their support will get back to you all soon

Posted : 13th December 2014 5:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi castle,

Good plan Xmas is nearly here now, stay strong, and you will be running lol.

Pleased to read you are pushing through at this very vulnerable time of the year castle.

Take care and stay safe because you are more than worth it

Suzanne xx

Posted : 13th December 2014 9:25 am
Posts: 1423
Topic starter

Thanks NT , Suzanne

Feel In a much better frame of mind , the last time I posted I had seen my counsellor and it turned into an unexpected heavy session tie that into reading a few posts reminding me what gambling can do and my recent relapse my thoughts quickly turned to been negative , I needed a few days break and now have read some uplifting posts and the inspiration has returned

Also Xmas in the back of my mind and that's not helping its a tough time of the year even more so this year after how it's all unfolded but I will survive it and kick on into the new year

Still very much one day at a time

Posted : 16th December 2014 9:15 am
Posts: 0

Hi Castle

Much better frame of mind that's good to read, Xmas is just one day, soon be the New year, and new start to 2015

Take care and stay safe.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 16th December 2014 9:52 am
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