Relapse after self exclusion period ended

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Good evening all,

I suppose my post has two agendas, one is to get my recent (Friday/Saturday) online slots relapse off my chest and the other is to warn people or advise them to set self exclusion for longer than 6 month blocks.

I've had problems with gambling for the past 24-36 months, firstly it was online slots and then I signed up to a 6 month self exclusion, in which time I then started gambling on the slots in the bookies and arcades, around February this year, I self excluded from all of the ones local to me. I think the recent lockdown helped me overcome this period, however once lockdown had lifted I had managed to go undetected at a local arcade, my losses/addiction stated to come back to the levels in which led me to self exclude in the first place so the recent second shut down will hopefully suppress this again. However, I was aware my 6 month self exclusion was coming up online and so like anyone struggling with the grips of addiction I removed my exclusion and in 2 days have blown 4k. Even before I gambled online I knew it was just going to be some blowout, lose what I can afford to lose and then self exclude again, I suppose I'm just a bit P****d it was 4k and not something more palatable. Just before, I was thinking I will exclude again for 6 months, as punishment, but I will push it to 12 months as a way of giving myself an extra 1k to gamble with. In this I saw a problem, I'm just suppressing the addict in me, and just building up a balance to blow away in a matter of hours when the shackles come off, i do think I addressed this though, and amended my exclusion to 5 years. I lost online in a few hours over 2 days more than I would lose at the arcade in 7 or 8 months.

I think this online relapse was born of waiting the last 6 months, to be able to do it and out of boredom/escapism, I'm not sure. Thankfully, with the exclusion I can rebuild my savings, with the lockdown, I can't go to the arcade that I've gone undetected in (I know I can remind them of this and will do so if I find myself there again after this lockdown). I find it strange that when places are closed or I'm excluded, I don't think about it, but out of the blue when I can get back in I do so, a bit like pandoras box opening and a little demon running wild for a day or two until common sense returns and I manage to close the lid.

I don't feel bad about not being able to gamble again, I'm happy the option is out of my hands again. I don't have an urge to chase this weekends losses either, more of a sombre acceptance that I messed up, although I do feel I learnt the lesson, and that is to go with the max exclusion of 5 years, rather than being rather short term with the 6 months one. I guess I also felt as though within 6 months I could get it under control and go again, but with abstinence just came larger deposits and wagers. Thankfully I haven't lost everything, but It's enough for a nice family holiday so I do have feelings of guilt & regret in that I could of used that money for much more worthwhile things other than online slots.

Sorry for the waffle, I just typed my thoughts as they came to my head. Remember, exclude for 5 years, not 6 months.

Posted : 7th November 2020 7:21 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi miscjoe...from everything I've read on here when you self exclude for 6 months you basically set yourself up for a relapse with the money that you have managed to save for the six months. I'm glad you have now opted for the 5years. You are not waffling getting everything out starts the healing, after lockdown have you thought how you are going to stop going to the bookies/arcades etc. I understand completely the pull gambling still has over you at the moment have you thought about giving control of your finances to someone or at least transparency and accountability . No access no money no gambling. As well as blocking access to websites my husband has full financial control, he gives me what money I need for our family etc. These things are not cures but very good tools to stop gambling, time away from gambling will help you recover and as you rightly say use your money for better things. I'm now 5months gamble free and wow life is so much better I'll always keep the blocks not worth the risk letting them lapse. Hope you find your way in recovery.

Posted : 7th November 2020 8:49 pm
Posts: 18
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Hi Charlieboy,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I think you're right and I think when I've been opting for the 6 month exclusions it's been with the thought of getting back to it in the shortest amount of time but trying to feel in control, when really, I'm not. If there's one positive from this weekend, it's that I've bitten the 5 year bullet as I know if I had opted for 6 months again, I would be in this exact same position but in another 6 months.

With the bookies, I'm on the self excluded list, so no problems there, I did walk into one a month or so back whilst out having a few beers and they promptly asked me to leave which was nice, in a way. I'm one of those gamblers who just have 'go to places', the only one I've had access to is a local arcade, although I did self exclude from there back in Jan/Feb, however I think I may have slipped their memory as they've always let me back in, after a few weeks of not being allowed to go due to lockdown, I imagine the fact that I'm not suppose to be allowed in there will return to my thoughts which will hopefully stop me from going, if I do go, I suppose I will have to find the courage/common sense to remind them I'm self excluded.

With regards to the financials, with my job, I'm in charge of lots of money, and I do manage finances within my family as well, I never really gamble or have lost what I cannot afford to, which is good. I know it doesn't sound great, but gambling in an arcade also has it's own sort of limit anyway as I can only withdraw £500 within any given day. My problem is online when it comes to halting at a loss, as I suppose in the midst of it I'm chasing that big win or my money back, but again I've now excluded so no danger there for 5 years.

I've been trying to figure out what drives me to gamble, and I can only think of escapism and out of boredom, plus trying to get rich quickly which I know is impossible for one reason or another. I've often tried to think of things to fill my time instead of gambling, but never really do, I mean, there's loads of things I could do, but gambling seems to take priority if I have access to it. Any advise or experiences you had in trying to change this mindset? As in replacing gambling as a thought priority and as an action completely? 


Posted : 7th November 2020 10:03 pm
Posts: 149

it is setting yourself up for a fall

there is no logic in doing anything other than the maximum unless you are looking for a get out of jail card to gamble 

well done on the 5. Be strong and keep going 

Posted : 8th November 2020 1:11 am
Posts: 2148

Hello Miscjoe.

Its an interesting point about you going undetected at an arcade and its something that isnt discussed in enough detail on the forum.

With self exclusions I always knew in my heart of hearts that its like asking the pushers to regulate their own operation.

Fundamentally it would be like asking a drug dealer to look after you and sell no more. Maybe thats a touch over dramatic but thats the basis of self exclusions when we understand what a gambling addiction is.

The bottom line is they know that a self exclusion scheme highlights the dangers of what they are tempting people with. They are embarrassed mixed with a fear of being exposed and I saw it on staff faces when I self excluded...they just looked more than a bit unsettled nervous and sheepish to be facing me

Some staff are more helpful than others but I never expected them to be checking lists daily and red hot on who comes in. For one they are busy doing other things and they dont have door staff with a checklist.

Theres one key should be an out of town venue and they should have door staff checking names details and even memberships...just an example how regulated gambling should be (short of a ban)

I made a point of letting them know who I was but the local arcade for example is a revolving door of staff who don't really like their jobs. The thought of watching people on slots and hearing the daily banter would drive me mad. Lets be frank that the average staff member doesnt really care who comes in.

Maybe thats a touch harsh and they do have exclusion rules to follow but you know what Im getting at

Point is I knew it wasn't a foolproof system but I used the procedure as a matter of pride and a test. As it happened I didn't break those blocks or travel elsewhere. Oh I was tempted in the early days but the real recovery is talking through feelings and finally being honest with loved ones who care

I know the real blocks are closer to monitoring including credit reports and restrictions to the money I have on a daily basis.

When we started my parents and I knew that I may try to gamble a few quid here and there. The default position is no trust and no money that could do me lasting damage. I didnt gamble and i was glad to be under scrutiny

Bless them they went through the learning to develop a sixth sense with me to protect everyone really. I was proud and pleased to provide receipts and proof where needed. Main thing is they were protecting their money. I could no longer blag and defraud them with lies to get easy bail out cash.

I feel its a strong deterrent knowing there is no back up plan for extinction gambling....because I did them all credit cards, pawning goods and defrauding my helps with the cold turkey knowing people have a close eye on you...its a good feeling when properly ready to stop gambling.

I can never be complacent again for the rest of my life.

Do you know something...I feel so positive about that statement.

Best wishes to everyone on the forum

This post was modified 4 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 8th November 2020 9:35 am
Posts: 856

until bookies online and shops introduce 2 things then we are all in danger of going back.

lifetime exclusions online, not just 5 years 

membership card for bookies 


these 2 simple things will save thousands of people from falling back into it.


not as black and white I agree but by god it would help folk.if they want it

Posted : 8th November 2020 11:39 am
Posts: 2148

Absolutely right!

They are not doing nearly enough and its scandalous how gambling is not recognised as a serious enough problem to need regulation including membership cards

Its about maximising profits at all costs and a government well in on the take

At the moment we have been dismissed as acceptable casualties and pawns in a sinister game of sheer greed

Best wishes to everyone on the forum


This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Joydivider
Posted : 8th November 2020 1:42 pm
Posts: 18
Topic starter

Hi Joydivider,

I agree with what you're saying, I accept as the gambler there is a certain amount of responsibility you have to take yourself, but the only limit you have is the resources you have available, with alcohol/drugs, your body would just give in, by going into an unconscious state or hospitalisation etc. Where as with a gambler, its what money you have in your account and how much you get access to through loans etc.

After accepting my recent loss, for what it is. I can't help but feel a bit of anger, I've been hit with gambling advertisements on the internet, radio & TV, even direct emails. If I hadn't self excluded when I did, I know I would still be gambling now, it's almost as if you have no chance, or certainly you're set up to fail. 

Another one of my mistakes, to try suppress my own cravings, I would watch online youtube videos, where there is some quite popular channels, some of these seem genuine but others, thinking of it now, I know cannot be. I would watch them hit big wins, and think I could replicate that, that's what I did this weekend, and all I did was continuously lose. My point being, there's also a false story being told, even through social media about people winning, but I'm convinced this is just a fantasy and far from reality.

With all of this, what hope do you really have. I'm sure, if they wanted to, they could regulate it more and put safeguards in place but like you say, people get rich of peoples misfortune. The only way we can win, is not to play, and I suppose that's a nice message or thought to take out of this.

Posted : 8th November 2020 3:31 pm

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