SadG wants to be happyG

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Over 8 months gamble free now.

Still struggling with the burden of debt but a happier G these days. Life is busy, time with the kids is great, work is hectic but the gambling continues to be non-existant. A much happier person all round and better for it.

Gambling is never going to be a part of my life again.


Posted : 19th July 2013 10:39 am
Posts: 0

🙁 please read my post on my diary G, well done to you my friend DP

Posted : 19th July 2013 12:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hello my old friend yes it is me. Back on here you know the story, this is a fresh start again been a very bad few months due to gambling, but hopefully this site can guide me in the right direction, congrats on your 8 months mate, hope your well


Posted : 25th July 2013 6:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G

Well i have had time to reflect and now i am back with a new diary and new start, i just hope i can stay strong and never lapse again. Many thanks for your continued support and kind words, it means a great deal to me. Your friend Dark Place !

P.S you are a Star ! 8 months, what an achievment, excellent WELL DONE !!

Posted : 27th July 2013 7:42 am
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Thanks DP and Simmo it's great to hear from you. Hope you're both well and in a new frame of mind to beat these demons.

I'm still abstaining and enjoying all that life offers without a gamble. The gym is my addiction now and it costs a lot less a month than my gambling ever did. I've entered a Tough Mudder race in Wales in Sept and have been training hard in preparation for it. It's a great distraction. I hbonestly just don't think about gambling.

Went to a casino last week with my wife. Just went for drinks before going to the restaurant next door to it (I know the manager of the casino-old friend). Thought my wife might have £20 on the roulette for fun but she wasn't bothered. I was even aware then that if she played I wouldn't even touch her chips or try to tell her what numbers to play. I have distanced myself from it that much now. I was fine just having a drink at the bar.

Off out to Putney for dinner tonight with a great friend. Looking forward to having a catch up. Haven't seen her in ages. The chat and the wine will flow.

Still up to the eyes in debt. Got a statement through today on one of my 3 loans (used to gamble and lose with last year). I still have 3 years left to go on it. Gutted! It just drains my wages 1st day of every month but I cope. In 3 years I will be free of all my debts. The lessons I have learned about gambling have been so valuable. The lessons I will have learnt in 3 years are imeasurable right now. Getting better with money slowly.

Have a great week everyone.


Posted : 29th July 2013 2:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G

Have a great time in Putney tonight with your friend, was a time when i guess you could not concentrate to such things only when you were going to bet again ! good on you my friend, you deserve all the geart feelings and better life for not gambling. I am heading there now again too. Dark Place

Posted : 29th July 2013 3:00 pm
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Thanks DP. It was a great night. Drinks, Thai food and then Long Island Iced Teas to finish. Excellent night. Perfect company. Came home a bit drunk. Went to bed. 9 months ago I probably wouldn't have gone out for a drink. Would have stayed in the flat gambling. If I did go out I would have got drunk then come home and gambled- Even worse.

Life is better. Life is also difficult but without the gambling I am able to focus on the more important aspects of my life with a clear and un-jumbled mind. If nothing else, I am grateful for that.

8 1/2 months deposited in the abstinence bank so far.

Have a great week everyone. I wish you well.


Posted : 31st July 2013 5:16 am
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Nice relaxing few days as my 6 year old went to France with the grandparents. Day trip on the ferry today to go get him from Calais. First time on a ferry in years.

Then drinks at the pub, when we got back, with a friend we haven't seen for a while as he's been working away. All round nice day.

Major wobble the other day. Gor very tempted to have a gamble. Stood up, paced around the room a few times telling myself it was wrong and managed to subdue the urges. Close call though. Alright again now but need to be on my guard. We fight another day.


Posted : 5th August 2013 8:23 pm
Posts: 0


Hope all is well mate. It's clear from the frequency of posting that you and I are perhaps becoming more sporadic in our use of the forum. Rest assured I regularly check-in with your diary to see how things are going.

Don't concern yourself too much with the wobble; I've resigned myself to the fact that I may experience these for the rest of my life. Thankfully, I have in place systems/coping mechanisms to make sure that a gambling thought need not ever lead to gambling activity (in the past, there was an inevitability this would be the case).

Thanks for all the support and advice you've shared to help me on my journey thus far.

All the best


Posted : 12th August 2013 5:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G, sounds like France was a great day out !

Suprised to hear about your wobble, just goes to prove it can happen to the best of us. Just when you think you have the addiction licked, it can return ferociously anytime. Well done for having the will power to pass over it.

Keep well my friend, Dark Place

Posted : 13th August 2013 7:18 pm
Posts: 0

Well done sadg showing that resistance you don't want this drain of emotions love and money back in your life you stay where you are my friend a place where I will be soon I'm early stage again but here to stay now baby to think of , take care mate

The bear

Posted : 13th August 2013 10:19 pm
Posts: 168

Hi G, I have fond memories of getting the ferry to France when I was younger - I remember the smell especially of the car hold. Also remember playing the gambling machines - they looked so big with the flashing lights - never would have imagined I would develop an online addiction for them. Well done for resisting those evil urges - just shows the strength and resilience you have. Stay strong x

Posted : 13th August 2013 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

My friend, thanks for your post & yes you are right ! i need to heed some of my own words, its not easy though ! to make matters worse i have been winning a lot of money on the horses :-/ not what we want to hear but this is where i am ! i want to stop, believe me my friend i want too. Will come to my senses shortly i promise, dont think too badly of me ! 🙁 Dark Place

Posted : 15th August 2013 4:20 pm
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Still keeping the gambling devil at bay. Went past 9 months last week.

Plenty of wobbles but somehow I always manage to bring myself to my senses, give myself a slap and resist the temptations. I've gone too far to give in now.

I only have to look back to realise how much more productive the last 9 months have been. The thought of having a big blow out and losing 1000's sends shudders right though me. Even the thought of losing a few hundred scares the life out of me. This time last year I thought nothing of staking £500 on a hand of Blackjack. Now I see the true value to my money.

Gambling has practically ruined me for the next 3 years as I fight to pay off my gambling debts. I find myself still getting angry at my losses. Moments of anger just hit me at random but I can't change that now. I am positive towards my future and dream of the day the debts are paid off. Only then will I feel I have turned that page of my life and moved on. The 1st day of the month and those direct debits come out serve as my permanent reminder never to succumb to the gambling devil.

DarkPlace, Bear, D123, Duncs, Simmo, Jason tt, Chicagoguy and many others you are all in my thoughts regularly. I hope you are finding that inner strength.

I wish everyone a great week ahead. Be strong and live your lives to the full.

Best wishes


Posted : 25th August 2013 2:38 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. g

No sad in there today.

great post my friend.

I remember when you came here a man in a terrible place, gambling had torn you up badly and you wanted out.

You really have never looked back.

for that be very very proud.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 25th August 2013 9:17 am
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