SadG wants to be happyG

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Good work sadg life is looking a lot sweeter for you just reading your diary back you can see how far you have come already keep it up mate as I will our recovery will only get better and better with our small steps to a better life.

Posted : 11th December 2012 2:12 pm
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Thanks guys.

Posted : 11th December 2012 3:10 pm
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Well done sadG, it's been inspirational reading your posts over the last few days. Keep it up and beat this!

Posted : 11th December 2012 7:34 pm
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Jason I'm beating this now and I will beat it over the days and months to come. I am done done done with gambling. I really resent it. I truly mean that.

Sitting in traffic yesterday, stopped outside a betting shop. I looked in and this feeling welled up inside me. A feeling of anger and resentment. All that just from looking in a bookies. My big vice was online casinos but those betting shops have had huge sums of my cash in the past. Oh man so done with it all. I cannot express that enough. Sick of everything I have done in the past.

I am 40 years old, have a great wife and kids and i owe them big time.

Just read Hugh's post as always and he said some guy he used to know from his local bookies has taken a load of pills and gone missing. Reminds me that, if that was gambling related, we can go to some very very dark and lonely places due to our addiction. I went to some of those places. Never got to suicide but If I had carried on I can't say I would never have considered it. I really hit rock bottom. As I said in a previous post I think sometimes a real addict has to hit rock bottom to be fully aware of how bad their addiction is. It was the wake up call I needed. Anyway I hope that guy is found and gets the help he needs.

The other thing I thought about today is that reading through a lot of the threads there are a lot of people who have wives, fiances and kids. There doesn't seem to be that many single people who post on here. Is that because having a wife and kids gives us a bigger reason to stop gambling? It shouldn't do but I guess the single person that's addicted figures they're only hurting themselves. Maybe not having the same guilt us married with kids types go through. Just a thought. I'm sure there's loads of single addicts on here and I've just latched onto the people with similar stories to mine but I read through a lot of threads some days and notice a lot of family types on this site. Wish I'd had the strength to come on here years ago. Can't even imagine how different my life would be now.

There will be no gambling today. I am better than that. I wish you all well.


Posted : 12th December 2012 5:14 pm
Posts: 0

Well done sadg great post as usual 2 guys that live near me commited suicide in the last couple of years due to gambling it's a lonely place to be we all know that 🙁 I don't agree with everyone on here has fiancées kids or wives Ive been married split up with my girlfriend 6 months ago and have a new girlfriend of 4 months now, but up till 15 days ago all those relationships have been with me the gambler I looked in the mirror and said it's time for me to change for me, I've ruined my life up till now I suppose you can do it for the people you love it's a good reason but I believe you have to do it for you the rest then fits in nicely, I've ruined a lot of people in relationships with me it's time for me to stop being a bloody waster and to show who I am 🙂 sorry for adding this on your thread but as I was typing it was in my head so had to go with it :-/ stay strong sadg ps you may need to change that username soon 🙂

Posted : 12th December 2012 7:00 pm
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Bear your posts are always welcome here. You say what you like mate. It's our honesty that has brought us this far and will help us in the future.

Posted : 12th December 2012 8:06 pm
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P.S thought about changing the name to G or HappyG but I need to keep SadG to remind me of a person I don't like. Me, 4 weeks ago. SadG was an addicted gambler with a lot of problems in his life. Never never going back to that!!

Also as a reminder not to slip at all. Resist the urges. I'm happy within myself right now but have a mountain of debt and only been a month gamble free so really need to stay strong. Thanks anyway Bear. Your one of my true saviours and I owe you so much already. We've come a long way in such a short time.



Posted : 12th December 2012 8:17 pm
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Day 28

Hey that's 4 weeks. Happy with that.

Just been reading a few posts and some people talking about making it to xmas and end of year. It's made me even stronger to see out the year without gambling. If I gambled now it would really get to me mentally after going 4 weeks and 1 payday gamble free. I would definitely let it play on my mind over xmas. I don't want to be sitting there with my kids and relatives whilst they're all having a lovely day yet I'm beating myself after a slip. That will not be happening I can promise you. That thought has given me immense strength today.

This year, for the first time I can really remember, I will wake on xmas day as an ex-gambler. I will find a quiet moment amid the chaos to come on here and post Christmas wishes to my Gamcare family because you will have given me the best present I could have ever dreamed of. A life free from gambling. A Christmas without gambling.

On a sad note I read Hugh's post again today. It seems that the guy from his old local bookies who tried to commit suicide had gone home and sold his TV and his childrens xmas presents. That my friends is what gambling can do to us if it gets too out of control. The poor guy has been sectioned for his own safety. I guess we all hit rock bottom in different ways. His local snooker club had a collection to get the kids some presents. That is true spirit of human kindness. Here is us talking about losing hundreds if not thousands. I am fortunate to still have a job and a life and a caring family. I cannot imagine what that guy is going through and the impact his gambling will have on his children. It's really so sad. Please everyone lets stop this madness for good. This site has certainly stirred up some emotions for me. I didn't expect this when I logged on here 4 weeks ago as a desperate gambler.

You all have a great day. I wish you well in your recoveries. There will be no gambling today.


Posted : 13th December 2012 3:14 pm
Posts: 1057

Well done on 4 weeks sadg,you seem determined mate and that can only be a good thing.

There will be times over Christmas where the urges will hit you when you least expect.

As long as you are prepared you will be just fine.

As you stated log on here when necessary.

Best wishes,

Winning Post.

Posted : 13th December 2012 4:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hello sad g

Good to see your doing so well and are so determined to kick this habit, for me this is day 1 for the second time, keep up the good work mate


Posted : 13th December 2012 9:12 pm
Posts: 0

way to go with them days and your heafing in the right direction. stay focused with it and your already there.

Posted : 14th December 2012 12:57 am
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Just leaving for work. Feeling very good and very strong. In a good place mentally, not financially, but it's a start. My gambling days are truly behind me.

Good luck to everyone today. Don't waste your money. Huge huge huge respect to winningpost for hitting 3 years gamble free this week, today I think. That is inspirational to all of us. Deserves a mention.

There will be no gambling today.


Posted : 14th December 2012 11:57 am
Posts: 0

Hey mate thanks for the posts and encouragement! Well done on making 4 weeks! Compared to some users with years behind them 4 weeks sounds like a drop in the ocean!

But I think I can speak for us all! It is so hard! 1 week is tough, 4 fantastic, every day, week, month, year we stay gamble free is an achievement and a win!

I recently slipped as you know at 22 days! Please keep up the good work!

Your support means a lot!


Posted : 14th December 2012 3:13 pm
Posts: 0

good to hear your in a good place sadg, yeah i agree with you all the way about 3 years ! great achievment for him. i am aiming for another gamble free weekend again....

Posted : 14th December 2012 4:11 pm
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Day 32

I month 1 day. If you'd told me 6 months ago I could go 32 days without gambling I'd have laughed in your face. Right now I can't see myself ever gambling again. Ok big statement after just 32 days but they have been 32 of the most inspiring, reflective and hard days of my life. I have appreciated the time with my children and been able to buy them things with 'clean' money. I have loved reading this site which has helped me understand my addiction better. I feel happier. I eat and sleep better. I enjoy my work more as my mind is on it better instead of thinking about gambling as soon as I finish. I'm more organised. My house is tidier as I've got those 'little annoying jobs' done. My bills are all up to date. Life is better. Plain and simple. Why would I want to go back to being a gambler? Nothing for me there.

Have a great day everybody.


Posted : 17th December 2012 11:42 am
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