Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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Hi Gav,

Thanks for your continuing support and hey 120 days is something to be very proud of.

Take care

Suzanne xx

Posted : 7th January 2015 5:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gav,

You are not alone in having put on a few pounds mate. Im 90 ish kilos and 5'11, I should be about 80 ish kilos. I used to hit the gym hard, was into my supplements and I was in good shape - my problem is i used to wake up one morning and catch a glimps of myself in the mirror and think "christ Jase, you've turned into a fat amorphous blob". Id then get into my regime and I would enjoy getting back into shape, I once lost just under 3 stone in two months - thats how serious I was about it. I would never be able to maintain that sort of shape for more than about a year though, then there would be a steady decline until the next "oh s**t" moment.

However these days Im older, my metabolism is slower (ive used that one a fair old amount 😉 ) but more importantly I have far less time available, and the older I get the more I am finding that it simply takes far more effort and time to "turn the boat around". A recent fitness binge (admittedly less intense than my former ones have been but no small effort nonetheless - gym three times a week, trainer, salad for dinner in the week, trying to cut out booze as much as possible) seemed to yield nothing in the way of results 🙁 - and if I dont see results I tend to get bored with the training quicker.

Anyway. I am wittering on your diary - I must get down the gym more in the new year also.

In terms of headphones - if you want them for wearing whilst exercising personally I would go with "in ears" if possible rather than cans, but thats personal preference. My go to has always been Shure for in ears (I used to use their E5C's but switched to the SE535 PTH set a few years ago and these are still going strong - they are a bit on the pricey side, but once you have listened to them.... ) - the mid range Shures are also very very good, as are "ultimate ears", and "etymotics", its been a while since i read current reviews for individual models of the latter though so I would read up.

For cans Ive never really got on with Bose to be honest, they are of course night and day better than the god awful "Beats by Dre" affairs .... (dont get me started on those), but I always liked Grado cans better when I auditioned them - to me they sounded richer and more open than the Bose models (admittedly I havent tried the SoundTrue) which always struck me as a bit clinical sounding.

Headphones are very subjective though - you need to like the sound, and be comfortable with them to actually wear (as I say I love Shure in ear canal buds, but Ive heard people say they just cannot get on with the design) so definitely audition a few pairs before you buy if you are going to spend your hard earned.

oh, and I definitely get what you mean about your Dad. As we get older things like that become way more important for obvious reasons, and its very very easy to let the speed of life allow you to keep saying "im so busy" and not spend the time with parents. Having a son of my own has given me a new perspective on how amazing my father was, and as stated in my original diary it was once again, he, who came to my aid when I was at my lowest with gambling. I have been very lucky to have such a great guy as my Dad and I really need to be spending more time with him now, like you say - you need to get things said. Ill stop typing now as thats put a bit of dust in my eye thinking about all that.

Great work on the 112 days (and the Scalectrix) mate, keep it up.


Posted : 8th January 2015 10:38 am
Posts: 487
Topic starter

Thanks for the replies folks. Wow you've got a pretty good knowledge of sound my man! Over the years i 've purchased bose, recently got he bose soundlink mini, which is great considering the size of it and tres portable, also had the bose soundeck which is also very good .

Havent bought a decent set of earphones before though, so must be open minded and like u say get down and try some. Yeah i im styaing well away from Beats ! Must have a look at Grado, a make i've not come across before, I've heard Sennheiser momentum are also pretty decent but i;ve never tried them.

I like to listen to all sorts of music so need a good all rounder, agree in ears would be better for the exercise but i like the lightness and comfort of the around ears.

My wifes dad got me into Bose hes a big Jazz fan and has Bose wired around every room in his house (and outside!) and spent something crazy on doing it.

Anyway thanks for the advice.

nothing much new, turned down playing badminton match tonight as I'm basically too fat ha lol., seriously unfit , so want to practice a bit more. Also turned down free work do tomorrow night which was 5 course meal free booze transport and night at the dogs! I know it would be a great laugh, but I just dont want to gamble , or be tempted to do so. Everyone in the office has been asking me for tips all week knowing of my gambling past! Anyway I feel comfortable with saying no.

Yeah my dads been here for me so many times in the past when i really needed him.

Have a good wk end folks.

Posted : 8th January 2015 12:07 pm
Posts: 487
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Interesting article

Posted : 8th January 2015 1:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gav, thank you for taking the time to write in my diary. I wish you continued success in your journey xx

Posted : 8th January 2015 2:49 pm
Posts: 487
Topic starter

Thanks Jane, 125 days now , a nice number, would love to be at 365 but hey thats the impatient side of me, wanting tomorrow today!

Nothing much changed, didnt go to work do on Friday, and thus advoided any temptation to gamble.

Debts going down slowly, would love to get saving again but that will come in time, provided i keep on this path.

Pretty busy in work , but thats no bad thing. Keep fighting the fight all!

Posted : 12th January 2015 1:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gav, thanks for your post.

125 days already great achievement, as long as debts are going down even if slowly, it's 100% better than them going up again.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 12th January 2015 5:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Gav, congrats on your 130 days 🙂

Bose, Grado, what's wrong with the free ones that come with the phones 😉 You guys!!!

Too fat for badminton indeed? Rubbish excuse, I know coz I'm 9 stone wet through (well I was) & back in the day agreed to take on a lardy @ a game of Squash. It's true I had not played before but how hard could it be...I'd seen him stopping halfway when walking up the stairs! Well, he just stood 'on the edge of the T' (I believe the technical term is) & 'smashed me round the court'! It was I stopping halfway up the stairs, red faced with more than just a dent in my pride after that!

Keep on this path - ODAAT

Posted : 17th January 2015 6:25 am
Posts: 487
Topic starter

Hi ODAAT thanks for the post. Ha ha yeah the ones that came with my phone were really hurting my ears so i wanted a pair of over the ear ones, I finally purchased a pair over the wk end, V -Moda crossfades m 100's ! Lol and I wonder why im not paying back my debt so quickly! (actually got them for a really good price)

Squash is another good game, boy does it tire you out, the ball moves a lot quicker than the shuttlecock!

Another week gamble free under the belt, noticed that a horse i would always bet on got beat and certain snooker player got put out at the semi final stage, a bet i surely would have def made last year, involving a siginificant lose and then onto the chasing mode, with a alcohol fueled gambling binge with no respect for money or myself!

I dont NOR will not go back to them days.

Posted : 19th January 2015 9:57 am
Posts: 0

Hi, thanks for dropping by...I never realised how lucky I was until very recently. I tried the online stuff briefly as a substitute to the machines & looking back, knowing what I know now, I think the high numbers I got up to may have been winnings but @ the time it just felt like I was paying to do something that I could do for free on the computer. I can see how devastating having it available 24/7 has been to people & I think that's why I have been quite lucky on my recovery journey.

I think you deserve a treat for coming this far in your journey & it sounds like you will be getting use out of them unlike OH who will buy things just because they are trendy! I've had a pair of Dr Something's for the last 6 months & he's yet to realise they're missing 😉

Keep choosing 'No' - ODAAT

Posted : 19th January 2015 11:01 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gav,

Thanks for your message yesterday, and 133 days today, great achievement well done.

Keep going forwards and upwards

Suzanne xx

Posted : 20th January 2015 2:08 pm
Posts: 487
Topic starter

Hi folks, 140 days gamble free, had a dream a couple of nights ago that i'd relasped and felt horrendous, thankfully just a dream.

Got some money for xmas so large part of my debt cleared off, the plan to be debt free on my account by the end of feb!

However still have to sort out joint account which is pretty much maxed out every month, but one step at a time eh!

New headphones are great, love them, joined a free trial of spotify , plan to go out tonight with them, the dogs loving all this walking !

Issues with wife at home and kids causing some havoc, sleep depreviation def sucks. Hope things improve on that front.

Keep strong everyone.

Posted : 27th January 2015 11:21 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gav,

Thanks for your post yesterday,.

WOW 140 days great to read you are getting stronger and that your debt is disappearing.

I have not experienced one of those dreams, they can't be very nice when in the dream, but what a relief when you wake up.

Take care and stay safe.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th January 2015 12:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi gav,

massive congratulations on you're continued abstinence.

One day at a time and we reap the rewards.

I wish you every success on your journey.


Posted : 30th January 2015 7:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi gav123, have you always had that gorgeous baby on your profile pic?!?

Soz to hear there are issues @ home, hopefully peace will be restored quick sharp! I've had that dream, nasty 🙁 It also took me several hours to shake what felt like a gambling hangover & the memory of that is stored ready in my box of tricks to be thrown @ the urges should they deign to appear!

Glad you're enjoying the new headphones (possibly even as much as your dogs), I too continue to enjoy 'mine' 😉

Keep up the good work - ODAAT

Posted : 1st February 2015 9:17 pm
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