Sick of this s * i t .

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hi. well it has bee n just over 10 weeks since i stop gambling for good and i can say it has been the best thing i have ever done. Yesterday i even went out with my dad and sat in the bookies while he had a few bets and i didn't feel any temptation at all. Dad even asked he if i would go and place a bet for him, and i said no, that would be breaking my no bet ever again stance. i feel better for it and money in my bank never looked so good.

I just have to say to everyone out there that we all have problems in our lives but what ever you do don't turn to gambling. it is a horrilbe thing to get out of and get away from. carl..

Posted : 24th August 2009 8:57 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl and Toby,

Thank you for thinking about me and being so kind on my diary. Well done Carl, you are being really strong and obviously feeling the benefits of not gambling.

Take care.....Jas xx

Posted : 28th August 2009 6:43 pm
Posts: 157
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WELL i started gambling again tut tut you say and yes it is.

Lost £1000 in ten mins yesterday online. it was my savings. i think i can win it back but have to get it through my head u can't.

when i gamble my brain switches off and i just wanna win.

i thought i wud come back on here see if anyone can help me.

i do have more saving but i cant get hold of it that easy. i don;t have any ready money left. lost probs £10,000 in 2 years now.

gonna try opening up a bank account with out a card no. put saving into that. what do you all think??????????????? carl

Posted : 25th March 2010 3:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi carlsimon

Just read your recent post and can relate to what you said.

I too lost huge amounts gamling on-line and yes same as you sometimes 1000's in half hour.

Gambling certainly made me forget all the other problems that were happening in my life at that time. I think all of us CG switch of something in our head when we went off on one.

But its the next day that it would really kick in and hit us big time. Thats when the anger, regret, sleepless nights and all that other stuff that this miserable life brings us, thats when it really hits home.

You've posted again after a good few months away. That shows that you want to change.

Have a good read through the diaries, the support and advice here is fantastic.

Block your internet so you can't gamble on-line, have a chat with netline, they offer great support.

Remember also won't win it back (thats how we all think) whats gone is gone, you will just lose even more chasing your losses. Make a new start and as the days and weeks past you will move on and get your life back

I wish you well


ps.. I now have a basic bank account, no card so can't gamble on line..have a word with your bank.

Posted : 25th March 2010 4:25 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Hello is Toby?

You can pick your recovery up again. Keep posting.

Jas x

Posted : 25th March 2010 9:08 pm
Posts: 157
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thanks for the new messages of support. i think i ganble because im on my own. i do get out with my dog toby everyday. but i never meet anyone. I do try and get out but people always have excuzses so i end up staying in thats when i gamble. the only lucky thing for me is i have payed for the house and car. so when i gamble my bank balance takes a hit.

i have not gambled for 4 days now and im now gonna save for a trip to new york next year.

i friend at work said she would come with me but im not getting my hopes up. only have to save £30 a week starting on fri 2nd april till 1st july next year.

as i will need £2000 to go. anyone esle wanna try saving this and your welcome to come.

i have barred myself on all the website i know a lifetime ban. and just chilling out with toby my dog who is my best friend.

thanks for the messages again and i'm never gonna gamble again. why because i never ever win and like you say can never win it back.


Posted : 28th March 2010 3:31 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Carl.. just been reading your last few posts. Have you got blocking software on your computer??? .. i'd highly recommend putting something on if you havent already done so. Iv'e had on my puter for more than a year now and on atleast two occasions when i had a f**k it head (usually after alcohol) and wanted to stopped me both times.

Also you say it yourself.. you had more savings but couldnt get access to them when wanting to gamble.. keep it that way!

As for the on your own thing. I totally undertsand. Gambling fills a big void both in terms of passing time and also any feelings of loneliness you may have. Thats the challenge of recovery.. filling the void and coping with feelings without gambling.

All the best to you and your dog.. keep safe.. S.A

Posted : 28th March 2010 5:24 pm
Posts: 157
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hi i have now not gambled for 8 days. today i went to the trafford centre and spent some money there instead. nice it was better than gambling.

thanks to sa and jasmine for your comments.

i have got to tye up some money soon so i dont gamble it away. thats my next thing to do.

have a happy easter all. and eat loads of eggs.

carl and tby.

Posted : 31st March 2010 5:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carl and Toby,

Good idea putting your money out of reach. No money = no gambling.

Have a lovely Easter...Jas xx

Posted : 31st March 2010 5:40 pm
Posts: 157
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Hi all ive not been on here for a while and yes you guessed it ive been gambling again.

i think i do it as i have no big comittments like a mortage or people to look after. Been really silly chasing losses. I have no ready cash left in the bank and I'M GOING TO START AGAIN FROM TOMORROW 26TH MAY 2010.

Never to bet, gamble do anything in that manor.

Lets hope and pray i can as it stupid working for money to just give it away.

this year i must have lost £5000 at least. i could have got a car or have a great holiday with that, so just gotta tell myself S.T.O.P

don't do it anymore. thanks 4 reading.

Posted : 25th May 2010 9:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carlsimon,

I have just read your diary. You have shown in the beggining you have what it takes to stop gambling, you did so for 10 weeks! (or even more than that!)

I see alot of people stopping the gambling because of money troubles, and once they get into a half decent financial situation, they feel they can afford to gamble again!

Why not spend the money on yourself, put a large sum into a savings account and watch it grow.. Easier said than done I know, but the ursh you get, only lasts a few minutes, and the regret lasts a lifetime.

I hope you keep strong.


Posted : 25th May 2010 10:17 pm
Posts: 157
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Thanks Ian123456.

You are right,

Well today is the first day of me not ever gambling again. And work was busy so no thought of it but the losses i have had over last few years.

I have given my cash card to my dad again and he said he is gonna help me on the road to no more betting. I have put betfilter on the pc so that should help me.

I lost more on the net than anywhere else.

I also stopped my overdraft so i can never use that again.

On a positive i took my dog Toby for a walk in the rain it was a good feeling and amazing what makes you feel good for free. So im gonna do more things that make me feel good for free.

If you have any ideas for me please message me.

chat 2moz 🙂

Posted : 26th May 2010 5:30 pm
Posts: 157
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well yesterday i had to walk past the bookies, and i only had a fiver on me and i got the urge to go in. it was a bad feeling , i thought maybe if i could just win. anyway i walked on anddidnt go in. yesterday was the second day and today is the 3rd. lets hope i can be as strong. I realiszed i wanna make money not lose it any more, so that what im gonna do.

Posted : 28th May 2010 5:12 am
Posts: 157
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Well thanks for the messages lol. Anyway i'm doin ok on my 4th day of a gamble free life.

and i have decided if i get the urge to bet i'm going to the driving range to wack a few golf bags around. Walked right past the bookies again today and went str8 home from work.watching teen wolf on the tv well funny. bye

Posted : 29th May 2010 3:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Carlsimon,

I take it you are unable to walk a different way instead of past the bookies? How much better did you feel looking into your wallet later, and still seeing the £5 there?

It's amazing how much spare cash you have when you are not gambling.

Good to see you are still going strong, I'm thinking you should self exclude yourself from that bookies?

Keep going!


Posted : 29th May 2010 3:09 pm
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