Sick of this s * i t .

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Hi ian.

thanks i feel great but the truth is at the mo i don't have any cash to gamble. I had £10 on me so i got my hair cut and the other £4 was spent on bread and milk.

about self exclude in the bookies. I dont think i could do it. I think it would be really shameful to do it. There is a girl who works there and you can hear her chatting to her co worker. and they basicly take the P*** out of people losing on them machines. theres a poor woman who when i went in. played on them and keeps sayin to herself (come on come on) and then she would lose and walk out. and they would say come on come on. and i would look at them not nice. Anyway she would have gone to the bank and come back and they would say ( come on come on is coming back) so i guess they are ok for people to put loads of money in and take the P*** behind there back when they walk out. I really hate that girl in there. If nothing , if she is at the counter i don't go in anymore. Anyway still on my 4th day at home with the dog. Its raining hard and he wants a walk soon so i will have to go out and get wet.. chat soon.

Posted : 29th May 2010 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

thanks for my post Carl....

We can beat this horrible habit.

Take Care

Posted : 30th May 2010 4:40 am
Posts: 0

Hi Carl,

Good to see you posting again. Hope Toby is well?

I can relate to you about the staff. When I used to go to the land bingo the staff in there were horrid. They were P****** themselves laughing that the 4 cashpoint machines were completely emptied...evil!

Come on Carl, you can do this.

Jas xx

Posted : 30th May 2010 9:17 am
Posts: 157
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Thanks for the kind replys.

Well today is my 5th day of not gambling. I did do 5 days the other week so 2moz will be a record this year.

I can feel the urge to go and do it, but then i think whats the point. I'm gonna limit the amount of cash in my current account to £100 so if i do lapse there not alot to lapse with. i cut my overdraft to £0 so i feel better already.

I went to the music festival in darwen today where i live, it was good got me out of the old routine. i hope people are staying strong. chat soon. c

Posted : 30th May 2010 5:06 pm
Posts: 157
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I can see why people go back to gambling. Today i had a phone call from an online casino trying to give me a bonus for playing today. lol. I told them i have stopped gambling and never liked bonuses anyway cause you had to play through the a million times before you could take money out.

I have got betfilter on my netbook so it would not be possible anyway.

Today bank holiday is my 6th day with out a gamble. Dad asked if i wanted to go out with him but i said no as he always goes in the bookies but he just does £3 bets on horeses.

Anyway i was bored and was tempted but i did not, Just took Toby (mini yorkie) for a big walk. I never knew how much he loves me till today. Such a sweet dog, and like they say my best friend.

I hope none of you have gambled today as it makes us all stronger. Back to work 2moz thanks 4 reading. c

Posted : 31st May 2010 8:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Carl,

Well done for a good start to beating this gambling bug, every day that you don't gamble is a day that you win and the bookies lose. In my mind, I associate gambling with losing and defeat rather than the potential for winning, but like you've done each time you've ignored the temptation it gets a little easier.

I too love dogs, though working as much as I do and living in rented accomodation means I can't have one of my own, but I volunteer down the local RSPCA, it's probably the highlight of my week. Dogs are fantastic animals, so much affection to give and no judgements.

All the best Carl, you can beat this.


Posted : 31st May 2010 11:33 pm
Posts: 157
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Thanks leedso.

YES everyday i dont go online or in the bookie I WIN.

Toby my dog is my life at the mo. I can't seem to meet any new friends and the ones I have got are always busy and no time for me anymore. Think thats why i'd gamble online or stay in the bookie after work.

Well on a more positive note DAY 7 today. yes i made it a week.

I bet they are wondering where i'am in the bookie and there till will be down lol. YES i love that, I mite put them out of bussiness not going in anymore.


Posted : 1st June 2010 5:05 pm
Posts: 1057

Well done on 7 days carlisimon,funny you mention putting s bookies out of business...theres a company up my way gone into that Doesn't happen very often,stay strong you can do it my friend 😉

Posted : 1st June 2010 6:05 pm
Posts: 0


Thank you for posting on my diary,and taking some time to read some of it :),i hope you have taken something helpful from it.You have made a great start Carl.....,just try to stay away from those FOBT's,lethal and super addictive things that they are!!!.


Posted : 1st June 2010 6:22 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Carlsimon

Thanks for post. Must admit to never having read your diary until a brief look just now and cant remember chatting to you so appreciate you taking the time to read and post.

I have been trying to identify things to ease the boredom for many years. Like you I find it difficult to make friends as all acquaintances for years have been fellow gamblers. I did try Golf a while back but the game is too slow for me, walked off after 9 holes many times before giving up.

I go to gym and run and do all the chores I can think of but even with that I have loads of spare time in the summer.

Well done on your own recent abstinence.

Posted : 1st June 2010 6:23 pm
Posts: 157
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DAY 8.

Had a busy day today and had my sister round and her kids it was fun but also nice to see them leave.

You know the more the days past the more i dont wanna bet ever again.. not even thought about it till i can on here. nothing to report has been a lovely day. bye all.


Posted : 2nd June 2010 6:17 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Carlsimon

you say the more days that pass the more you never want to bet again....I need more explanation of how you get that feeling...anytime I have stopped for any period of time I have NEVER felt like that, I always just feel emptiness and a huge gap in my life ( even though gambling has caused me a lot of problems, any period without it I just feel I'm not functioning properly...)

Posted : 2nd June 2010 10:10 pm
Posts: 157
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Well it's DAY 9.

Been well hot at work as i work from a van for HRH RM. i was sweating today at 9am.

Anyway i finished at dinner 1pm and i wanted a fixture list for the world cup. And i know they had the in the bookies. So i went in got a few and Walked straight out. I did look over to see who was on the machines and it was that woman i was talking about in my other post and she was doin her things (come on come on) she was sayin to the roulette wheel. I walked out as quick as i could. The lad at the counter was shocked that i didnt stay and play on the machines. it felt good to be strong and just walk out of there. I got 3 copies of the fixtures to see when england where playin and get my mate one so we know when to go to the pub. My mate at work was still chashing his losses he was in there as soon as it opened this morning. i dont think he has won for a while as not told me about it.

I feel great and stronger than ever i know i can do it this time i feel more confident about it. Its all about control i may bet in the future but never big and never ever on the roulette (them machines) again.

But as for now im not betting for the forseable future.

Oh and toby and i walked on the moors today as well. an amazing day.


Posted : 3rd June 2010 6:06 pm
Posts: 0

Carl man cheers for the support.

Your post in my diary really hit home more than any other. I am lucky and that’s why i need to beat this, sometimes you forget how lucky you are, thanks for reminding me.

Have read your diary (think i have read every diary on here!) and your doing well at the moment but please don’t get complacent, that’s my problem and appears to be yours too.


P.s. keep checking up on me !

Posted : 3rd June 2010 6:59 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Carlsimon, thanks for your post.

In summary you are saying you feel better not gambling cos it gives you spare money. If thats enough for you, great and I hope your recovery continues to go well for you.

For me, I need something to keep my life going if I dont gamble, keep my adrenalin pumping, give me a purpose, something to look forward to. I've been searching for an alternative to gambling that would do this for me for years without success, maybe I will find it soon.

Posted : 3rd June 2010 7:27 pm
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