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Hello S8,

I think the answer is 'only you truly know'. Some people need a 'nothing and never' regime, others can pick and choose within limitations.

For example, personally, I know that I could never, ever, find bingo interesting, even when money's involved. If I were invited to such an event, I wouldn't have a problem to attend, have a drink, and chat to people.

On the other hand, there'll be slots there - maybe a roulette slot - can you resist those? I'm not 100% sure I could, so I'd have to take measures against them (no cc, limited cash etc).

I also don't seem to have a problem with the lottery, I don't know why, and I can do this 4 or 5 time a year at a quid a go (and have done for ages).

But (as I wrote in my diary), quiz machines in pubs have started to look more attractive than before since I stopped gambling, so I've knocked them on the head just to be sure. I can't lose a lot on them, but 'the monster' appeared, and that's my indicator of a 'bad' gamble.

Perhaps you should limit your money to the bare minimum for half a dozen games and a couple of drinks, and try it if you feel it will be ok?


Posted : 26th October 2011 10:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shorty, just been reading your post and I just got back from a night at Bingo with my friend, and didnt win either. I can take Bingo or leave it, certainly not an addiction and if I never played it again then OK, no problem, it is good if you have a win but a social night out, a break from being home and doesn't cost too much to go. Having said that my problem with gambling is the slot machines and our local Bingo is the only place I am not excluded from, so since this diary I have just gone with book money and no cards, so couldnt play machines even if I wanted to.

So if you are not addicted to Bingo, and I suggest don't even try machines, have a drink in the break instead, you could have a fun night out with friends, and look on it as a social occasion, not a gamble, keep strong, onward and upward x

Posted : 26th October 2011 11:38 pm
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Day 13 - unlucky for some, but not for me!

Thanks for your posts guys. I think I will go. It will be nice to get out of the house and I don't get to see these girls very often so I doubt that in the interval I would be that rude to go and play the machines (even if there was a roulette one there!). I'll just take a bit of cash with me so the temptation is completely removed!

Don't even feel like a CG anymore to be honest. I know I've had the occasional blip but realistically, since the end of May I've only gambled a handful of times so although I'm still counting the days I feel like I've come a lot furhter than the 13 days that I'm currently at!

Very tired today, got a bit of a cold and didn't sleep very well. Looking forward to another quiet weekend 🙂 looks like the weather the turning cold and wet so that's a great excuse to stay in and not spend any money!

Have a terrific Thursday everyone 🙂 xx

Posted : 27th October 2011 8:37 am
Posts: 0

For me, gambling really is a no go any more as I really don't want to give any more of my hard earned money to greedy gambling bosses.

But if you feel that going to bingo is a social occasion then go for it. Just be very aware of the pitfalls of those gambling institutions. They will be very well designed to try and get you to throw more money away than you can afford.

You already know this but we all need to be reminded every now and then. Just make sure that you do what you are planning to do and take only enough money to enjoy the social aspects of the evening.

You have a terrific Thursday too!


Posted : 27th October 2011 1:59 pm
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It's Friday...it's payday....and I'm 14 days clean. 🙂

Posted : 28th October 2011 8:33 am
Posts: 0

Well done Shorty you are doing great, keep up the good work, have a good weekend, those dark nights are looming, yuk. TC Hug

Posted : 28th October 2011 11:01 am
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Day 17. Had a dream on Friday night that I went to the casino and gambled and had to come back on here and start again at day one. Woke up feeling so upset with myself and can't tell you the relief that I felt when I realised it was only a nightmare! Let that be a lesson to me as to how I would really feel if I actually do gamble again.

Had a lovely weekend 🙂 Made a Halloween pumpkin for my little girl and some pumpkin soup which didn't taste too bad for a first attempt! The weekends just seem to go so quickly. Can't wait to have over a week off in December.

Not much else to report thank goodness. No news is good news and all that! Trying to not spend too much money but even going out to the shop to get a few essentials seems to cost 20 quid. The cost of living is just ridiculous no wonder people are obese and have bad health because they are forced to eat £1 ready meals!! Fresh food and vegetables cost an arm and a leg!

Anyway...rant over, have a marvellous Monday everyone 🙂 xx

Posted : 31st October 2011 10:08 am
Posts: 0

So pleased that it was only a dream Shorty, I remember doing that when I stopped smoking, dreaming that I had started again! Couldn't agree more with you about the price of food these days, a few bits and as you say 20 quid is gone, can't even think about xmas and the cost of that looming.

Anyway pleased all is going well for you, keep up the good work and have a good day.

Posted : 31st October 2011 10:17 am
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Day 18...not really bothered about the number of days at the minute for some reason but it's still nice to remind myself that the days are going up and I'm not back in single figures again!

November already! Crazy! Last month of my 20's. At least if I keep on this path of recovery I will be debt free in my 30's! That's going to be the only good thing about turning 30...I'm closer to paying my debts off!!

Definitely been having thoughts about gambling, maybe I would go so far as to call it an urge but have no intention of acting on it.

Life does seem very boring at the minute. But of course it will, after years of stress, excitement, winning, losing, up, down - normal life is going to be slightly less exciting! Isn't it better to have a less exciting life and a roof over my familes head?!

Not my usual optimistic self today...not quite sure why. 🙁 one thing I know for sure is that gambling will not help.


Posted : 1st November 2011 9:55 am
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Day 19....still thoughts in my head of gambling but they have reduced from urges to just thoughts. Certainly seems easier this time round. Any other time I've attempted to quit I have had thoughts/urges and gone straight to my phone to find a site I've not self excluded from! I think in the back of my head I know I've pretty much self excluded form every site and the thought of sitting there for an hour trying to find somewhere to lose all my money really isn't that appealing!

Wednesday already! The weeks are really flying by at the minute. I feels like as soon as Monday is over it's nearly the weekend again!

Feeling a bit more positive today. Every day I am gamble free is another day closer to be debt free and that's what I need to concentrate on. And every month I remain gamble free that's over £700 off my debts! Don't want to ruin this run now...want to reach 20, 30, 50, 100 days.

Have a wonderful wednesday everyone 🙂

Shorty xx

Posted : 2nd November 2011 9:32 am
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Day 20...can't believe how fast the days are going by, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Definitely do NOT want to end up at day 1 again now I've come this far.

Been having really bad nightmares recently...not about gambling, just really weird stuff. Need to cut down on the cheese before bedtime!

Thursday already, nearly the weekend again 🙂 another quiet one planned. Got my friend coming over on Saturday with her kids so that will be nice and then the usual Saturday night bottle of wine and plenty of walks with my little girl. going to attempt to cook something new this weekend...did something new last weekend and going to try and extend my menu, getting sick of the normal spag bol etc etc.

Have been looking at the opening times for my local swimming baths. Looks like they have an adults only swim from 8 - 9am on a Saturday morning so going to TRY and start this soon. Won't be this weekend as I have my friend coming but hopefully next Saturday I can get there. Need to start doing some exercise am starting to get a bit wobbly round the edges and dieting just isn't for me!

Anyway, have a terrific thursday everyone 🙂 xxx

Posted : 3rd November 2011 9:29 am
Posts: 0

hi Shorty,

Well done, closing in on 3 weeks, that is fantastic.

think the swimming is a great idea, I started doing a little cycling, I possibly rushed into a 30k cycle & 5krun two weeks as the body was no where ready but completed it anyway. felt so good after it. I am going to try the swimming soon, can’t swim but it is another challenge I want to set myself in the coming months. the more time I occupy the less time I have to think about betting.

Hope you have a lovely weekend with your friend and the kids.

keep strong.

Posted : 3rd November 2011 12:12 pm
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Thanks for your post Pat 🙂 means a lot when you know people are taking time out to read my diary! Will make sure to check out your story asap.

So day 21...aka 3 weeks! Like I said before the days don't seem to matter anymore, I think it's because although I'm on day 21 I'm actually on day 150+ since I actually started my first diary but obviously I've had various blips inbetween!

Boss is off today so spent a bit more time at home this morning which was lovely 🙂 Picking dinner up on the way home so no cooking tonight so it will be straight home, straight into my comfy clothes and straight on the sofa to chill out! Bliss! The days when I used to plot about how I could get home and get on the laptop without the hubby seeing what I was doing are OVER. Can't believe I put myself through all that stress and torture, what a waste. I'll never get that time back again but I can make damned sure that every second I can I spend it with my family from now on. What a selfish cow I have been but hopefully the experience has now made me a better person.

Have a fabulous Friday everyone and make sure you watch out for those demons over the weekend!!!! xxx

Posted : 4th November 2011 10:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shorty, thanks for your post, so pleased that you are now at the 3 weeks gamble free, very well done and keep up the good work.

Since my slip last monday I haven't really been posting on my diary, somehow it seems not to mean the same after a slip up, guess I am just cross with me, as it was just coming up to the 4 weeks.

Anyway you have a good day and a nice relaxing evening, unfortunately I am off to work at 9pm till 3am so guess it wont be so relaxing there.

Take care, have a good gamble free weekend. Hugs

Posted : 4th November 2011 11:32 am
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Day 24...still going strong! Very pleased with myself 🙂

You would NOT believe the nightmares I have been having about gambling. Had one on Friday night and one last night. Both times they are so real I wake up so gutted with myself until I realise it was just a dream. I remember what numbers I bet on, how much money I lost. I really am going to have a look on the internet and see if this is a normal part of the recovery process cos it's really freaking me out. On the plus side the dreams are so real I actually feel like I have gambled and have lost and that feeling is still with me now so it is definitely keeping the urges at bay!

Another lovely weekend and very little money spent. Going to have quite a bit left over this month and trying to decide whether I use it to pay of my credit card or stash some incase of emergencies over Christmas. My credit card is interest free so I won't get any benefit out of paying it off early and it would be nice to see something in the savings account.

Not enjoying the cold weather today 🙁 looks like we're in for a cold few months now. xx

Posted : 7th November 2011 10:59 am
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