Taking the steps

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I have recently come to the realisation that I have a gambling addiction. 

It started over 7 years ago and since then I have got myself into such a financial rut racking up over £26000 worth of debt. At first I thought I could manage it and then I can to realisation that I cant. 

I used to sit and think about my situation and chase the losses hoping that one day a big win will help me clear the debts I have (after all gambling got me the debts in the first place). The reality is it's never going to happen. I finally realised that I had to take a stance, cut my losses and start moving forward

Gambling was like a sense of release from a stressful day, just an escape where I could focus on something else. It took me over 7 years with a lot of stress and anxiety to take the next steps to realise that I have a problem. 

I finally admitted my problem, self excused from all sites, and talked about it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and now taking the right steps to kick this addiction. 

It's not easy and it's not a quick process but I am telling my self not to give up. There is support all around us and so many people going through the same situation that there is no need to feel embarrassed, no need to feel down because we can do this. 

Well done to anyone who has over come this or admitted you have an addiction, it's the first step to recovery and can only get better from here. 

Posted : 5th November 2020 7:36 am
Posts: 328

Hi Buggs1, great post and you have hit the nail on the head. We all start for a bit of fun but end up chasing the losses hoping for the big win to put things right while digging ourselves deeper. Stopping is really hard and I think one of the main things is being able to accept the money has gone forever. It's what we do in the future that counts, no looking back as we can't change what has happened. Well done for telling your story, it will be so familiar to many on here and good luck in your recovery.

Posted : 5th November 2020 11:51 am
Posts: 5
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Thank you. And it's so true we really do all start just as a bit of fun and when we get into a situation like this we really do need to accept that we just need to cut our losses. 

It is the only way we can take the necessary steps to move forwards. 

I hope that my story and others people's stories help someone take the step to admit that they have an addiction and to take steps forward with kicking the habit

Posted : 5th November 2020 1:10 pm
Posts: 186

Hello Buggs1, 

Well done in coming here and chatting about your situation. I can really relate to what you are saying. At my very worst my debt was 18k. I had so many sleepless nights worrying if I was going to have enough money for the month. That was back in 2004 onwards. I lived on my own back then so I answered to nobody but myself. When I started dating Miss Toad she was happy me going to the bookies until I started running into problems and I was borrowing off her. 

Like you said it started as fun and progressed down the years. Then was the confession to Mrs Toad. A confession that I owed hundreds to payday loans. It all went downhill but Mrs Toad stuck by me beside my lily pad. 

I had given up and promised to see a counselor and hand control of finances to Mrs Toad. I saw the counselor for eight years. Even he conceded he was wasting his time with toad. He said we were more like friends and he questioned how effective he had become working with me. A nice way of telling me to move on. 

A small breakthrough in 2013 when I got refunds from the payday lenders all seven of them totaling 10k. I cleared most of my debts. 

In 2018 I was debt free and I bought a pint of cold beer with my own money to celebrate. Alas I was only debt free for two months and I started gambling again. 

In 2020 January to March I was working full time and Saturdays and Sundays. I was temporarily promoted and getting overtime at a higher rate. From March to October I saved 7k and cleared my gambling debt again. 

Today I owe £300.00 loan and I have £350.00 in savings. 

2021 will hopefully be a better year but only if I learn from my past mistakes and put barriers in place I can't leap over. So all I can do now Bugg1 is wish you all your best on your journey but be careful of toad he likes ? bugs ? 



This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 5th November 2020 3:34 pm
Posts: 328

I was gambling secretly for over 5 years until my wife found out, best thing that happened in a strange way as if she hadn't I would still be chasing the impossible jackpot. With the help of Gamcare with support and counselling and my amazing wife, who after the initial distraught has been brilliant, taking over all finances, cancelling my cards meaning I have no access to money I am nearly 5 months gamble free. Like you say, reading other people's stories helps and you can get tips on how to work out your own route out of this.

Posted : 5th November 2020 4:04 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6165

Hi , Buggs1

Well done for posting and for acknowledging this , that is very positive and the first step in any recovery and there is a lot of support available as you say.

Please feel free to contact the GamCare Helpline on 0808 8020 133 or Netline to explore the additional support available to you. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you would like to talk to one of the GamCare HelpLine advisers.

Could I also give the details for some organisations that can offer some free debt advice.

National Debtline – 0808 808 4000, www.nationaldebtline.org

StepChange – 0800 138 1111, www.stepchange.org



Forum Admin 

Posted : 5th November 2020 9:10 pm
Posts: 5
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Hi Gambling Toad, that such a positive post. 

It's true it's so hard and there is times that I feel like I'm going to give and and start again but I take a step back and realise that it's just not worth it. 

Having the support of loved ones really do make it easier i think most people shy away from telling them because of the disappointment that you think they are going to have but in reality they are not disappointed it's quite the opposite they are supportive and they help you through it. 

Your journey is such an inspiration and I'm really happy to hear that you only have £300 outstanding and your almost debt free that is such a huge achievement and you should be so proud of that. 

We all fall off the wagon sometimes it's part of life but the main point it finding that balance where you know you will NEVER be in the same position again. 

Thank you for sharing your story it was such an inspiration and I wish you all the best for 2021! 

Posted : 6th November 2020 5:45 am
Posts: 5
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Posted by: Bladesman

I was gambling secretly for over 5 years until my wife found out, best thing that happened in a strange way as if she hadn't I would still be chasing the impossible jackpot. With the help of Gamcare with support and counselling and my amazing wife, who after the initial distraught has been brilliant, taking over all finances, cancelling my cards meaning I have no access to money I am nearly 5 months gamble free. Like you say, reading other people's stories helps and you can get tips on how to work out your own route out of this.

This is amazing bladesman, this is exactly what we need is the support from those around us whether it be a stranger or a loved one. 

I'm really happy to hear that you have made it through and having such an amazing wife that has helped you through this. 

Gamcare so far has been amazing! Your right it really does help and the support system here really makes a difference to my way of thinking 

Even these posts help me I feel like I can express how I'm feeling and it gives me the boost I sometimes need to get over this hurdle on the days I feel like giving in. So I just want to say Thank you for commenting and Thank you for also sharing your story it really is an inspiration

Posted : 6th November 2020 5:50 am

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