This is my time

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Morning All,

Thanks for the post Paulds, To be honest I think the being bored is no excuse - there is plenty to do out there just need to find the motivation to do gambling is an easy option with brutal end results.

Anyway another day ahead

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 28th March 2017 8:09 am
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Keep going Malc,

There are hundreds of things to keep the mind occupied, maybe create a list of distractions, reading, a box set, a walk you know the drill. Just remember we simply cannot win and that should be enough fuel to move forward day by day. Plus you have that challenge ahead of 75 days, then 100 etc. Keep going mate.


Posted : 28th March 2017 8:12 am
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Aye as normal you are right, to be honest I get the feeling when I can not get something to work they way I want it to at work software, hardware and think I need a break go to the bookie but it goes in about 5 - 10 minutes and let be honest we all know the end result that is why we are here.

Anyway went out on our bikes last night clean out the garage cooked tea tidied up the kkitchen and toys went to bed.

24 hours at a time if I can make it through work get home and get to my bed, thats a good day.

Well at least Monday is over and done with and tuesday is heading the same way.

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 28th March 2017 2:24 pm
Matt 24
Posts: 752


Grab the book the easy way to stop gambling by Allen Carr. It explains quite a lot and I think will help put you at ease.

Your doing superbly and remember every day gamble free is a day richer not just financially. Stay strong mate.

Posted : 28th March 2017 7:55 pm
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Good morning Folks,

So let's say that the blocks work, I had to go out with some customers last night and yip after food and a few beers they wanted to go and gamble at the casino, I knew this would be a serious test for me. As I went to get in the girl told me that I had self excluded in January and was not allowed in. What a result the SENSE program worked, I filled out the form and emailed it to the email address but never got a reply but I guess the system works.

Anyway I went back down stairs sat in the bar two beers later they came back from the casino about £300 lighter each.


Hi malc I've had a read and it stats to join sense you need to go to your local casino with the relevant Id and from there the manager then sends your info to the relevant party and your exclusion goes from there. And from then you'll be banned from all casinos. That are part of the scheme. A little side note from me is either take someone with you. And or don't carry absolutely any cash when you go. Hope that helps

Posted : 29th March 2017 8:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi Malc! Thanks for posting on my thread. Alas, despite telling myself I only have to do this "one day at a time", the last 24 hours seemed too much, so I blew 48 days of abstinence. But straight back on here, 'fessed up and that site now self-excluded. Nearly 8 weeks without a bet it still a great success and that's what I will hold dear as I start the number counting again. It's good to here your bike and little 'un are keeping you occupied and out of harm's way. Make sure you keep it that way! Cheers.

Posted : 29th March 2017 10:15 am
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Morning folks,

Think I will order that Allen Carr book today and give it a read, we only two weeks to go and I am off for a week can't wait not to come to the office for a whole week boost, even better I ordered those tescse clubcard points things last night so that is three days out for free boost, Landmark Centre, highland wildlife park and cairngorms train thingie that is over £150 for free now thats winning,

Anyway day~55 no gambling thoughts today but I would have been close on Tuesday night if they had let me in to the Casino that god for the SENSE program.

Right better chap on and see whats happening

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 30th March 2017 7:53 am
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Hi Malc,

That book really helped me understand a lot so hopefully will work for you too.

I think putting yourself in those environments so early into your recovery will be very risky. I used to absolutely love a day at the races, not really for the betting either, just the social aspect but I am refusing to do this now. My friends all understand and respect it. That will be my biggest sacrifice in quitting gambling but it is a small one in the greater scheme of things.

Keep going Malc


Posted : 30th March 2017 8:33 am
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Thanks for the posting Matt, aye you are right just need to stay well away from it. Had a few sleep less nights thinking about it but all forgotten about now back to sleeping and on to 56 days tuesday will be 60 days thats a result.

Managed to get £600 a year off the little mans nursery bill happy days.

Anyway Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 31st March 2017 7:17 am
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What a difference a couple of months makes, I am now able to look at my bank accounts everyday, when in that gambling haze I would never looked at them now I look at them every morning and never want to see transactions to betting shop or casino's. All good.


Posted : 31st March 2017 9:28 am
Matt 24
Posts: 752

Long may that continue Malc, it's a refeshing feeling having zero gambling outgoings on the statements, almost shameful when you see those transactions.

Stay strong mate.


Posted : 31st March 2017 9:35 am
Posts: 0

Know what your saying guys - I had to hand over my last 3 months bank statements as part of my debt plan - obviously the last two are fine but the one for December / Jan was frankly an embarrassing explosion of desperation- looking at it made me feel sick - but was good motivation .

All the best

Posted : 31st March 2017 9:38 am
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Morning Pwm,

Horrible looking at those statements, my last outing from what I can see from my current account was the 4th of Jan to MR WH for the tune of £1000 out nothing back in.

Long may this continue I never want to see it again on my statements.

Anyway the weekend is almost here what adventures will it hold.

Stay Strong Stay G/f.


Posted : 31st March 2017 10:09 am
Posts: 521

Well done for staying strong Malkie you are on a great run, keep taking it odaat and those statements will get back to normal.


Posted : 1st April 2017 12:39 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Folks,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, So monday morning is here again 1st things 1st check bank accounts check, check credit report noddle for free check, this is the first time in a long time I have been able to check my credit file and not feel worried. Still some issues to be resolved but this will happen one month at a time.

Stay Strong Stay G/f


Posted : 3rd April 2017 8:23 am
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