Yes guys, as the title suggests, long time gamble free and then yesterday thought I could have a cuppa on them. Guess what? Bookies had the last laugh, quite a few hundred pounds did that tea cost.
To top it all off, it wasn’t even nice.
Oh well, back to the drawing board, start racking up those gamble free days again.
Hi Shaun, welcome back to the forum.
What was it that made you head back into the bookies? Surely not ‘just’ a free cup of tea?
I’ve had my problems with the bookies in the past, there was a time when I was addicted to playing on the FOBTS. But I hated actually being in there. I didn’t enjoy it one bit. I went in because I had an itch to scratch.
So forgive me for not really understanding why anyone who was recovering from a gambling problem, would risk going into a bookies for a cup of tea.
Sorry to sound judgemental. I don’t mean to be. I would just like to know the logic behind your thinking.
Hi Dan
No not judgemental at all, subconsciously I think I wanted to be there to have a flutter.
A lesson learned, hopefully!
Hi guys
After a day of analysing I have got to the source of my latest and probably other lapses. When I gamble and win I am happy but after a big loss I go into a state of frustration, desperation, anger and toxic meltdown. This feeling lingers on for days and in the upcoming weeks I detest any form of gambling and stay away from bookies, casinos etc.
All hunky dory, life back on track, money in pocket, money in bank, no more mood swings and generally spending more time with friends and family.
The problems generally start after a few weeks, because everything is going swimmingly, boredom and complacency set in, I start having thoughts about going into the bookies, putting a £20 note in the roulette machine, spreading the money around, having one spin and walking out with the winnings, which as we all know on here, very rarely happens and when it does happen we don’t walk out!
So, I need a plan of action for the future so whenever I get those feelings of invincibility I can go to that plan. Maybe a ritual, before going into the bookies, first go for a walk, buy a cup of tea, phone the Mrs, phone GamCare etc. Enough things so I can start to think logically again, because it’s when I think illogically that my problems start.
Speak soon.
Multi self exlusion from the bookies is a gd idea all it takes is a phonecall and a photo in a email
I know what I have to do, I know my triggers and I know how to overcome them. From here on NO MORE EXCUSES!
Hi guys
No gambling and no thoughts of gambling, but who am I kidding, been here before where I couldn’t care less about gambling and then WHAM! ‘let’s try a cheeky tenner in the bookies roulette machine’
The real tests will come in the coming weeks.
There is nothing worse than a bad cuppa!!!
As you say, the real test will come when your bank balance starts to look a little healthier again but don't let the demon win.
Yes Laura, at the moment it’s the same old, same old. Feelings of toxic meltdown and thoughts such as ‘I swear on my family’s life I won’t gamble again’. Has you rightly point out the ‘real test’ will be in the up and coming weeks, when thoughts such as ‘I will just just go into the bookies out of the rain’ might appear.
I walked passed a bookies yesterday and almost felt physically sick at the sight of it, early days but ENOUGH is ENOUGH.
You are doing great!
Happy Sunday guys, the road to recovery has begun (again), got through yesterday unscathed, but it’s not the up and coming days that has been a problem to me in the past - it’s the weeks/months after!
Hi guys
As long as we stay away from gambling, we are on the right path, all of our other problems will slowly but surely disappear.
Never a truer word was spoken! 😉
So I hear W****** H**** have lost 800 million in the first few months since the two pound a spin on the roulette FOBT was the decision the govt made - my heart bleeds!
Staggering, how much people lose, myself included. So I hear also they are winging how many jobs will be lost, well, it’s these d**n machines that created the jobs in the first place.
Stay strong guys.
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