Two years and sucked back in...

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Hi Shaun,

Thanks 4 ur post on my diary, it always makes me smile when I get a post from u 🙂

I just wanted 2 say a huge thank u 4 all ur support, u have continued 2 support me on this journey thru the good and the bad and u have helped me soooo much. I would not have got this far and stayed this strong without ppl like u!

So thank u soooo much, u r a gr8 guy and I am so proud of how brilliant u r doing!

I hope ur girls r ok and looking 4ward 2 Christmas 🙂

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Speak soon xx

Posted : 29th November 2012 10:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Good evening,

So here we are another month and iv managed to get to double figures 🙂 so happy to be pushing on day by day.

This weekend has been amazing, a nice family day yesterday followed by my little ones 2nd birthday today.

Last night all the last went out spoke to them today and ended up in a casino and my pal who's been battling this as well ending up gambling so one thing I'm glad of is I did not go but deep down I know I would be strong because I do not want to go back where I was.

2 more months and it will be a year it's blooming crazy but exciting I just can't wait.

Well enough of me carrying on hope everyone is doing well with there recoveries we are in this together!!

Best regards


Posted : 2nd December 2012 10:39 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Ur last post was gr8 2 read 🙂

Almost a yr gamble free, I will be sooo happy when u reach that target... u have put in so much hard work and determination... u soooo deserve it 🙂

Thank u 4 ur continued support 🙂

Have a gr8 day 🙂

Speak soon xx

Posted : 4th December 2012 4:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

I just read ur post on my diary. I felt sad reading it, I will selfishly miss u ....but I understand that u have 2 do wot is rite 4 u!

U don't have 2 thank me, u did all the hard work and I am sooo proud of u 🙂

U r an amazing Dad and I am so glad u never did nething stupid, u r living proof that there is hope 2 stay gamble free. I want 2 thank u 4 giving me hope, and 4 being there 4 me thru the good and the bad times on this journey! I am proud 2 call u my friend 🙂

I hope ur girls r ok and looking 4ward 2 Christmas 🙂

If u wanna keep in touch with me away from this forum then I would be happy 2 swap email addresses with u.... Let me know if u wanna do this and I will email Gamcare!

I really hope this is not the last time we will speak, but if it is .... I wish u a gr8 Christmas and a brilliant new yr 🙂

I am so proud of u and wot u have achieved, u r a gr8 guy, a true inspiration!

Remember, I am always here 4 u if u need me no matter wot 🙂

Take care of u and ur family xx

Posted : 19th December 2012 12:18 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Just been in chat and spoke 2 Patricia about swapping email addresses.. In order 4 Gamcare 2 do this we both have 2 email -"> and say that we want Gamcare 2 pass on our email addresses and who 2 so they know for certain that we both agree. So if u send them a quick email and then let me know and then I will also email them!

It will be gr8 2 keep in contact away from here, So I can hear when u reach ur yr gamble free:)

Have a gr8 nite xx

Posted : 19th December 2012 10:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Just been in chat and spoke 2 Patricia about swapping email addresses.. In order 4 Gamcare 2 do this we both have 2 email -"> and say that we want Gamcare 2 pass on our email addresses and who 2 so they know for certain that we both agree. So if u send them a quick email and then let me know and then I will also email them!

It will be gr8 2 keep in contact away from here, So I can hear when u reach ur yr gamble free:)

Have a gr8 nite xx

Posted : 19th December 2012 10:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Thank u 4 ur support as always, it means a lot 🙂

I have just emailed them 2, so hopefully we will get an email from them with each others email addresses!

I'm sure ur little girls r excited 4 Christmas now.... 6 more sleeps 🙂

Speak soon xx

Posted : 19th December 2012 11:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

I have ur email address now 🙂

I will send u a catch up email after Christmas 🙂

I just wanted 2 wish u and ur family a gr8 Christmas, I know ur girls will have sooo much fun and there will be lots of smiles 🙂

Thank u from the bottom of my heart 4 all ur support on my diary and in chat, thru the good and the bad times...Without ppl like u here, I would never have got this far 🙂

Have fun 🙂

Speak soon xx

Posted : 23rd December 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

Thank u soooo much 4 all ur support 🙂

I know u don't post nemore, but just wanted 2 say a huge congratulations 2 u 2day on a yr gamble free... I wanted 2 also post here so ppl can see wot can be achieved with strength and determination!

I am so proud of u... it has not been easy 4 u, but u have worked so hard 2 get here. So a huge well done from me!

I am also so proud 2 call u a friend!

U r a gr8 guy, I hope u have a huge celebration planned 🙂

I have also sent u a congratulations email 🙂

Speak soon xx

Posted : 31st January 2013 8:53 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thanks Char for your post you know it means alot all the support you have given me I really do appreciate it.

So today is one year fully gamble free I honestly can't believe iv got here and I wouldn't be if it wasn't for this site. Iv not posted for a while but I just wanted to show people out there who are just facing upto this addition and the people who have tried to stop that it is possible to break the cycle which I never thought I could.

This past year there has been many lows but alot more highs, iv been able to do things that when I was gambling I couldnt, seen more of my girls that I did when I was gambling enjoy nights out, all this I missed while I was gambling.

It's not been easy and I urge anyone who wants to kick this addiction to keep trying and if you slip up try again!

Just want to say a big thank you to everyone on here who has supported me this year I really do appreciate it.

Good luck with your own recovery.

Shaun x

Posted : 31st January 2013 9:33 pm
Posts: 1423

Hiya Shaun

Like u a year ago tomorrow we did our 1st posts our paths av been a little different but were both still standing tall and leading better lives

A massive congratulations to u


Posted : 31st January 2013 9:45 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Castle,

Was going to post on you wall tomorrow 🙂

Thanks for your support mate it means alot, feels so much better being gamble free ay?



Posted : 31st January 2013 10:02 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


I was using this site some two years ago and have managed to stay away from all forms of gambling...until one day a month or so sago I thought 'what's the harm in a couple of pounds'..and you guessed it it's gone on to where I am now.

Iv got so much in my life to look forward to but this just seems to hang on my shoulder and not wanting to leave me alone!

Those two years gamble free we're the best..I was happy...I was able to treat my family...go on days out and just live month to month not day to day.

I can't turn to my other half again and bare all as it would/will break her and our relationship, I'm going to have to back to basics and start again.

Today was pay day and this was all ways a hard time for me and it proved the same today..I'm making this pledge to myself and my partner (if she reads this) I WILL be gamble free starting again from now.

My last best was today at around 3pm I put 20 on and won in the region of 500 and in the space of twenty minuets this had gone and had nothing left...there is only one winner when gambling and that's the bookies! This all so shows what ever amount I win I won't be happy and will always want more.

I'm sorry for opening up and telling all I just needed to get this of my chest..I'm of to bed to try and get some sleep and I will be fighting fit for tomorrow to fight this addiction.

Thank you and good luck with all your recoveries.


Posted : 15th July 2014 11:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun

You have done it before and you will do to again. Take small steps one min, hour, day at a time.....concentrate on the present and future as what happened yesterday and last few months cannot be undone.

Keep posting and be strong


Posted : 16th July 2014 3:29 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shaun,

I don't post much nemore hardly get a minute 2 myself atm lol but just wanted 2 say I no u can do this u did gr8 b4 and u can do it again. Gambling takes away everything, u can do this Shaun I believe in u 🙂

Always here if u need me, I read most days!

Stay strong xx

Posted : 16th July 2014 5:24 pm
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