Two years and sucked back in...

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Hi Shaun

I had a read of you diary today and (as so many people on here will say) I can relate entirely. Thank you for sharing your experience and well done for making it thus far.

I have got £3,000.00 worth of payday loans at the moments and am working to get these paid off. As long as I do not gamble again I will have a reasonable disposable income when they are paid off. The interest is killing me but if I can bay them of in say sixs months time, I will hopefully be able to take my wife and kids on holiday next year, a long overdue treat that they really desserve.

Good luck with your continuing recovery



Posted : 9th February 2012 2:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Evening Mark,

I get that feeling when I read most peoples posts, its reasuring in a way that we not on our own and we are all in the same situation.

Thats the way mate get rid of the loans and then treat your family this is something I will be doing soon as I have some disposiable cash, one thing I know for sure I wont be wasting it anymore.

keep going mate will be worth it.

Posted : 9th February 2012 7:26 pm
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Well not a bad day today been quiet a positive one with not that many urges not going to get complacant and think the dark days are over with but im heading in the right dirrection thanks to everyones support one here.

Heres to another gamble free day.

Posted : 9th February 2012 7:28 pm
Posts: 0

Nice to hear Shaun. Hope you find something positive to do this weekend.

One day at a time mate

Posted : 11th February 2012 10:02 am
Posts: 629

Hi Shaun

I hope you are having a good day. This is my first weekend clean in years. Definitely feeling those strong urges but I will not Give in to them. Taking son to birthday party which will be a welcome distraction. Shame I need one but I am sure thisthisfeeling will wane in time. I hope you have a good weekend.

kind regards


Posted : 11th February 2012 3:34 pm
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Well what a day yesterday mood swings going crazy dont know if it's just one of those days but damm I was grummpy, today is good feeling better some urges to just try a couple of quid but im not even doing that im not going any where near it.

Mark, it was my first weekend last weekend and it felt weird not looking at score centre see what was coming in (should say not coming in in 99% of cases). Its good you got something to do keep your self busy thats the way to do it.

Iv booked the other half into have her hair done this week only something small but for once I will have enough money to be able to pay for it for once.

Keep up the good work guys we will get there.!!


Posted : 11th February 2012 5:13 pm
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Morning guys hope everyone is doing well.

Stayed strong yesterday and didnt put my self in a situation where I could give into the urges they were strong yesterday but that is because that was my worst day in the past, now it is my best day as I cant just look at the results as they come in and not be to bothered other than my own team.

Today will be a good day got all the family together having a roast so will be busy busy.

Looking forward to thursday night my first europa league match that I am going to as I have some spare money I am going as a treat so should be good.

Take care evreyone and have a good day.


Posted : 12th February 2012 11:00 am
Posts: 629

Hi Shaun

Really pleased you are still on the straight and narrow. Me too. Weekends will be tough but I imagine only for a while.

My boy is better this morning and will be fine for his birthday party on Tuesday. I hope you have great day with your family.

What match are you going to watch and which team will you be rooting for? If it's on the telly I will watch it and enjoy supporting your team with you - as long as it is not Mant U!!! I guess either way the match could be fun with a bet !



Posted : 12th February 2012 12:22 pm
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Hi mark

Doing realllly well mate you've managed your first weekend of many gamble free without a hick up.

I'm a stokie, not been able to get up this season live quite far from there so have been un able to afford it but with being into my 2nd week I have some spare money all the motivation I need to kick it.

here's to making it 2 weeks on Tuesday then payday Wednesday that the day I get my life back in financial order as I will not gamble.

Posted : 12th February 2012 2:58 pm
Posts: 0

It's always really good to be able to treat ourselves with any spare money that we may have.

But only in the RIGHT way.

Bet you're looking forward to a Thursday evening football game.


Posted : 12th February 2012 4:09 pm
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Thats right GT, I will be treating myself in the right ways from now on. Today has been a very good one spent alot of time with my family not thought that much about gambling until my brother kept going on about what he had on the game and what he had won yesterday at this point I took him aside and explained what I was doing and that I had a problem and asked if he would keep his habits to himself and not tell me what he had or hadn't more like won. He was very supportive and said he would no longer talk about it and if I needed anything to ask, so a possitive as another person now knows and if I hadn't explained every weekend I would her about his bets. So all in all feeling very positive tonight find out how much I will be paid tomorrow so will have a better idea with planning the money.

Night all hope we have all had a good day.

Posted : 12th February 2012 11:58 pm
Posts: 629

Hi Shaun

Weekend successfully negotiated - unless I have a last minute blip (the odds of which would be say 50/1 which in effect means it is not going to happen!).

I shall be rooting for Stoke come Thursday. Valencia will be tough but any mid-premier league team can match them on their day.

I just noticed something I said in my last post: "I guess either way the match could be fun with a bet !"

Obviously I meant "without a bet!" If Man U are playing I may as well join the haters (although Man U are really fantastic) which is fun. It would equally be fun supporting any other team you support. Either way, fun but no bet!



Posted : 13th February 2012 12:13 am
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Mark, well done on your first weekend gamble free feels good hay? Having a look in your bank account and you have the same amount as friday is a bonus.

I did notice your little mistake but I didnt want to pull you up on it as I knew you ment without a way of you fall of the waggon mate!!

Hope your having a good day and have taken in the achivement of being a week free of the devil!!

doing well today find out later what my financial state will be so quite looking forward to that..have some money on me to day to buy some food after work and that is what ill be doing with it and not going any where near any betting establishment.

I will be 14 days in tomorrow with out a hick up and feeling alot better for it..I will keep post, reading post and most of all take in any advice I am given and I appreciate everyones help it really does help!!



Posted : 13th February 2012 1:51 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Shaun

Good to log in and see you're doing great. The thing that made me smile the most was that you booked missus into the salon. That's awesome. What did she say?

Making progress on our financial progress and hope you are, too. Not sure about you but with the recent s*i* hitting the proverbial, the idea of gambling makes me feel quite sick.

One step at a time 🙂

Posted : 13th February 2012 7:16 pm
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Hi JS,

She was over the moon asking if we won the lottery or something....shows how often I treat her.

Thats true js, I dont think I could bring myself to go into a bookies now which is a good thing, the thing is I wouldn't only be letting myself down id be letting everyone on here whos given me the strength to get where I am.

Hope your doing good JS ill check in your diary.

Had some good news tonight got a bonus this month which will mean I will be able to pay family back I owe them and then have enough money to put food on table and get little ones some new clothes that they need.

I will not be going back!!

Posted : 13th February 2012 8:21 pm
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