Was ВЈ50k, now £14k in debt May 1st 2015 day one

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Day 37 is over!!

Still not too well, so again I have been in bed most of today and have not thought or had any urges to gamble.

I have though read through various diarys on here today and I can fully understand all the feelings everyone has described and I can relate to them. The only way to win is to stop, that is simple.

Day 40 is looming near, this is my next milestone, then 50, 75 and 100 days!!!

Posted : 9th March 2011 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

absolutely right dave... just stop, and of course never start again!!!

glad your doing so well.... when you read thro the diaries it's funny how our moods have changed from those first few days to now... we all sound so much happier and confident dont we?

keep it up

take care



Posted : 10th March 2011 10:28 am
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Day 38 is done and dusted without a gamble!

Still off work ill so again today it has been easy. I have not thought about it, apart from when i have been reading the diarys today.

I honestly can confirm I am in such a happy place right now without the gambling, and if you are reading this and still suffering in the gambling world, please please get focused and just take one day at a time and you can turn your life around. It takes 21 days to break a habit, once the habit is gone you can take on your addiction.

Good luck all.

PS - Jen thanks for the post, and I read through your diary today and see you also now live in Somerset!! Its a lovely place isnt it!!

Posted : 10th March 2011 8:39 pm
Posts: 0

hey dave..

just read elle's post from you and see you live close to glastonbury....

where are you?? if you dont mind me asking i am in congresbury, north somerset!!



Posted : 11th March 2011 12:20 am
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Hi Jen

I am in between Churchill and Winscombe so just down the road from you!!! I know Congresbury very well.

Just starting my day and still not feeling well, but I am sure I will be better soon

Posted : 11th March 2011 8:07 am
Posts: 0

wow... small world...

you really are just up the road!!

hope you're feeling better soon

take care



Posted : 11th March 2011 8:16 am
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Thanks Jen I am feeling better now, still got a small headache but not to bad. Like you said it is a small world. Just out of interest have you thought about or been to any local GA meetings? I was thinking of going but to scared to go !!

Posted : 11th March 2011 3:58 pm
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Day 39 BYE BYE, I beat you!!!

Well i am nearing my target of 40 days, which will be tomorrow and as I never used to gamble on weekends as I am always with my family I am confident I will break into the 40 days with ease!

I just wanted to share some of my gambling highs and low, as I feel I need to put them down just to remind myself how stupid I have been over the years. I once won and lost £16,000 pounds on roulette in a casino in one night off of 100 pounds start!!! How mentle is this, at the time (about 2004) it would have paid off all my debts, but as we all know we cannot win because we cannot stop. I remember the guy spinning the wheel looking at me as if to say, you are such an loser idiot, just go home. By the time I had lost the lot, I was just numb and left and then spent the whole night not sleeping thinking of what a life changing amount of money I had just blown. The truth really now looking back, it did not matter I lost it that night, as I would have lost it over time so does it really matter if its over 4 hours or 1 year ? The outcome is the same.

I really felt the need to share this story with you all just so you can see what a mess I used to be, I say used to be as I am never going back there I promise you that.

Have a great gamble free weekend all and hopefully we can all stay gamble free forever!!

Posted : 11th March 2011 7:50 pm
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Days 40 and 41 done!

Weekend complete without gambling!!!! I also managed to play footy today and scored!!! Everythingbis great st present apart from my wife who has done nothing but moan all weekend. But if that's my only problem I can cope with it!!!!

Tomorrow will be 6 whole weeks, which is great

Posted : 13th March 2011 11:10 pm
Posts: 0

hey dave...

well done on your 6 weeks.... i've just done 5 weeks!! well done both of us...

did think about ga meetings too, but not sure if it's right for me, also whether i could go and talk about it.... it's easy to talk on here because you're not having to see anyone.... also you have time to think about what you're saying... and can delete if you change your mind.... i am feeling confident about my recovery at the moment also...

just had a fabulous weekend in winchester with some of my friends.... ended up with food poisoning sat night tho.... was really ill!!! have a day off work today because still not quite right!!

take care,



Posted : 14th March 2011 8:32 am
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Hi Jen

Thanks for post and well done you on 5 weeks!!

My feelings about GA are the same but I may just go once to see what it is like. I beleive there are two places in Bristol, so I may try this or next week to go, I will keep you updated. I am also happy about my recovery and it is fully due to this diary that I am able to stay focused, its amazing how something so simple could work!! I have had one to one canceling in the past and hypnotherapy and still gambled!! this time though I feel I have changed and fully excepted that I am a complusive gambler and i know i have to keep aware that I could go back to my old ways tomorrow. Take care and catch up soon

Posted : 14th March 2011 9:10 am
Posts: 0

go for it with GA dave.... anything that helps has got to be worth a try....

i think the other thing thats slightly worrying about it is that you might know someone or bump into someone through work!! i have been really honest with a lot of people, but my work colleagues have no idea and i dont feel that i want them to know about it at all.... mainly because of what i do!!

i guess i am still holding a lot of shame about my gambling...

if you do go ... let me know all about it tho!!

take care



Posted : 14th March 2011 9:32 am
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6 WEEKS COMPLEATED!!! 42 days done!!!

I am so happy at this it is unreal, totally different person to the one I was 43 days ago, please anyone who is reading this and struggling keep the faith in yourself and you can beat the gambling addiction. I am not saying its easy its far from it, but when you hit a personal milestone, be it one day or 6 weeks you get such an amazing feeling better then any win I have ever had on a FOBT or in a casino.

My message to you is stay strong stay focused and it can be done!!

Sleep well guys xx

Posted : 14th March 2011 11:39 pm
Posts: 0

way to go dave!!!

i totally agree, the buzz is amazing isnt it



Posted : 15th March 2011 8:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi davebs,

Thanks for the support you have shown me on my diary, it means allot to me that you would take time out of your life to offer me advice and support.

Have read your diary and your doing really well your positivity shines through, and it makes me more confident that my life will improve if I abstain from gambling.

I have had the same thoughts around GA and contacted a member of the local group through email but never went any further than that, I think it could be a useful tool for both of us, I don’t think it can do any harm keep me updated.

You always seem to have a plan and stick to it, I am going to use this in my recovery.

All I can say is keep going and 6 weeks will soon turn into a year now that will be an achievement!

Posted : 15th March 2011 11:23 am
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