What a day!

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Hey wee pal,

No worries about little reminders lol...have to keep you well behaved, while you busy with ur newfound routine.

I will be ur alarm bell for the checking in times lol

Doing well, and I am very proud of you. Keep it up!!!

Hugs Hun

S x

Posted : 26th January 2014 4:35 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Irene,

Just want to say big THANK YOU ...you know what for. I am really blessed to find this kind and lovely soul on here. You have no idea, how little things can make huge difference in life.

Thank you so much... xx

....and...well done on ur continued abstinence...keep on moving sweetheart, you are worth so much more good things in your life, and they will come...everything what your big heart and soul deserves.

Take care

((((((( Irene )))))))

S xx

Posted : 30th January 2014 7:46 am
Posts: 0
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Last gambled 11/11/12

I've not been counting days/weeks anymore and really don't miss the counting (I was rubbish as it anyhow as SA can verify!) I still however take time on a Sunday to remind myself the I can never go back to how I felt that Sunday.

Generally, life is plodding along. This year brings New Challenges....... I stopped smoking 6/1/14 and although I've had a few lapses, I'm happy with my progress and have a wee "emergency" cash stash 🙂

My eating plan's less easy and causing my some angst and my gym attendance is erratic, but I'll keep trying.....remember, progress not perfection is my aim!

I feel that gambling will never be out of my life completely, I'll always try to be vigilant to urges etc but as time passes I think of it less, for which I am thankful.

Although I miss regular GC contact, I feel it was good advice to wean myself away from online time- I'd replaced being hooked on online gambling to online GC!

I'm always grateful to receive correspondence from my buddies and I do pop on intermittently to keep a beady eye on folk. My wee pal Sandra's been a massive help offline (especially reminding me about check ins!) and Feb keeps me grounded!

Oh, the "new romance" is going well. I'm happy and think he is too. Don't think I'll ever share my gambling issues with him- he knows about (some) of my debts, just doesn't know how they were accrued.

Son's doing well in his new home and my relationship with him is stronger than ever. He's settling into his new career and I'm so proud of all he's achieved, but also feel I can claim some credit for being a good mum who's raised him to turn out as he has.

There are some issues in my family just now that are difficult for the people involved- illness and addiction issues. I've accepted that I cant "fix" other people, just be here when they need me.

I've got some exciting projects happening at work which will keep me out of mischief (or drive me bonkers!) over the next couple of months.

Generally, I'm doing good. Life is better. I've enjoyed posting today......its lovely to be able to see the positives, something I doubted that I'd ever be able to do.

Posted : 2nd February 2014 6:59 pm
Posts: 0
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Last gambled 11/11/12

Its been a couple of weeks since I last posted. Dunno why I felt drawn to GC this evening. If I think about gambling (which I seldom do now), its usually on a Sunday.

Since I last posted, I've had a lovely birthday, lost 9lbs and saved more cig money.

Not everything in my life is rosy however, but I'm trying to focus on the positive stuff. I have accepted that I cant make sick people better nor can I cure others' addictions- I can only be there when they need my help/ support. I can't afford to be pulled down by other people's issues- in order to help them, I need to keep myself physically and emotionally well- I'm no good to anyone if I go to pieces.

Its taken a while to accept that my recovery is mine- my way works for me and I need to work to maintain it.

Ha! just realised why I was "drawn" to GC tonight - I needed to offload!

Posted : 13th February 2014 10:13 pm
Posts: 7071

Hello wee pal,

Such a lovely post...birthday eh??? Not sure how good wee pal we are for keeping it secret...lol...Very happy birthday darling, i know that all ur dreams will come true, u are soooooo worth it!!! xxx well proud of you girl, keeping fitness going(I will challenge u for a long run one day lol), quiting smoking taking all the good out of life...music to my ears darling..

You made me cry on my tread girl, I do feel like I started my journey here, being so vulnerable, shy and quiet..god how things had changed!! Confidence sky high, full of belief and determination...and I know you told me i can go far in my recovery, I believed your words and kept moving forward. For that I will always b thankful girl, you are really important person in my recovery and I have to thank you so much for everything. Onwards we go my friend, be proud, you not only helped urself, but also this girl to keep on the right track in her life... 🙂 thank you for being here...

((((( Irene ))))) xxx

Will speak soon my friend

S xxxx

Posted : 14th February 2014 4:08 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Irene... well if I am on day 453, that makes you day 460 gambling free. Well done!

I like the fact that you are focussing on the positives. I'd like to take a leaf out of your recovery book. Take care... S.A 🙂

Posted : 14th February 2014 9:24 am
Posts: 1172

Hi Irene. Nice to read your last couple of posts seems things are moving forward with your recovery and life in general. Lots to enjoy and look forward to. You've earnt every success that comes your way so enjoy it. Your head seems to be in a good place and your dealing with things the way they should be dealt with not cowering away or anything like that - the way us gamblers used to deal with stuff. Take care and well done for your continued success.

Posted : 28th February 2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey wee pal :)))

I nearly got search team out looking for you lol..my poor ticker stopped couse thought u took ur diary off lol,, skipped one page and missed your name lol..gone all the way to **** 20 lol...all good now, u was hiding on **** 5 :-))

Great to see you still moving confident steps forward. Way to go girl!!! We get out of our lives as much as we put in. You are doing fab and b proud!! Grab ur life with both hands and hold tight, never let go, cause you worth all the good things, and so much more on top 🙂

Speak later

Day at a time

Be happy and keep smiling!! :-)))

S x

Posted : 6th March 2014 4:32 pm
Posts: 0
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Last gambled 11/11/12

I actually hadn't realised I hadn't posted on my diary for so long. I've been on "chat" couple of times and happy to see it seems to be popular and busier again.

I've not got much to report in the way of gambling urges- I've never really been a lottery player but have recently thought about it....then thought again and decided to maintain abstinence totally is the way forward for me- its too risky for my to participate in any form of gambling.

Oh! I'm still an ex-smoker. Still using NRT but my groups finished now. It was really useful to check in weekly. I'm definately noticing the financial benefit (also with my dental bill- had a check up today and no treatment needed, which is previously unheard of in my smokey, yukky mouth!).

Life's moving along nicely. Family things have settled. We all seem to be working towards our goals. Son's still settled in his new home, new job and relationship- seems so long since the mortgage angst last year. I appreciate him even more now that I don't see him daily- we spend our time chatting/laughing and catching up together (rather than me complaining about his mess/noise/etc!)

Paddy's tucked in with me on the sofa as I type. He's still my wee companion and still privy to all my secrets- thank goodness he cant talk lol. Big intro tomorrow- he's going to meet beau's cat for the first time....I must be nuts!!!

Posted : 7th March 2014 9:15 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Irene... as with you I occasionally think about the lottery but then I think again!!

Glad to read that all is well in your world and recovery moves along smoothly. Your on day 482 gamble free by the way. Just thought I'd say... regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 8th March 2014 2:03 pm
Posts: 944

Thank you so much Irene.

No time now as running late for appointment but will send details tomorrow to get in touch.


Posted : 15th March 2014 2:19 pm
Posts: 0
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Last gambled 11/11/12=70 weeks ago

Just had a wee hour on "chat". Its still inspiring to meet others and share ideas etc- great!

I'm doing OK still, plodding along and enjoying life (I think I'll enjoy the next 2 weeks even more as I'm off work on holidays....long lies, wine, catch up with pals!!).

Hope all my buddies are doing good- I'll catch up soon......should have lots of spare time in the next couple weeks.

Posted : 16th March 2014 10:02 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey wee pal :-)))

Great to hear from you. You doing rather fantastic girl, never stopping to inspire us all on here and should be proud. You have turned ur life around 360° isn't it amazing!!! I know it can be done, you prove it over and over again. Really admire ur strength and determination, you have a belief, patience and ambition to move forward. You are doing it girl, with each day you abstain, you are coming closer to complete peace and happiness in ur life. Sooooo Proud of you and hope you know it yourself. 🙂

Way to go!! Enjoy your holiday, wine, lie ins and everything you can get out of this crazy but amazing world 😉 you so deserve it 🙂

Keep it up and speak later

we can't change the past but we can create new future

"Dare to BE" ;-)))

S x

Posted : 17th March 2014 9:54 pm
Posts: 0
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Last gambled 11/11/12

Off work on annual leave and chillaxing at home. I've been spending some time reflecting on my "gambling" vs "non gambling" time. I definitely never want to go back there. In my life, there have been no great highs and no great lows recently and I can honestly say I don't miss them. I don't live in hiding (from family, friends, debtors, myself) any more. I rarely discuss gambling with people and still work to avoid situations which may be difficult.

Generally, I'm plodding along with my life as I want it to be, doing simple things that make me and other's happy.

Today, I have organised a plumber to come and unblock the sink properly (its been blocked for more than a year and although I've learned to manage it, feel its time to get it fixed!). This wouldn't be a great excitement for most folk but for me it's immense- What a difference having money aside to be able to pay a workman and get a job done properly 🙂

Posted : 21st March 2014 3:27 pm
Posts: 4422


A huge well done from me on your continued abstinence.

Thanks for taking the time to share you recovery with the forum, it goes to show what making the right choice can gift.

For us that is to

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 21st March 2014 7:04 pm
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