Day 123 - just gotta keep on going as I am slowly becoming who I want to be as opposed to what I had become.
This is a very healthy achievement 123 days gambling free.
The recovery program helped me help understand that I needed to heal my hurt inner child.
The recovery program helped me help understand that I could achieve so much more with my life.
I did not understand before my recovery that I had become a very unhealthy person hurting myself and others around me.
The gambling was a form of escape for me.
The work I did in my recovery program helped me write down my needs my wants and in time my healthy future goals.
Before my recovery I was very much a loner living in fear.
By doing the work in my recovery program I was able to do so much more with my time and my efforts.
No more pains, reducing my fears, to stop procrastinating.
Not only are my pains being healed fear no longer restricts my life today.
Yet I thought my healthy life was not about gambling today.
No once I gave up each of my unhealthy habits what was I going to do with my life each day.
Love and peace to everyone
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham
18 weeks (126 days gamble free). Overall a much better person but the urges have come back a little this week - totally manageable though ?
133 days (19 weeks) free - I’ve got this ?
Woohoo ?140 days (20 full weeks) gamble free - barely a thought this week !!!
Day 144 but just wanted to share that we can never become complacent even even the days rack up as all weekend I have had to suppress strong urges. I inadvertently saw one advert for Royal Ascot and although horses were never my problem it has sparked my brain into overdrive thinking of gambling- how crazy can this addiction and recovery be?
Being in the recovery program helped me understand what my emotional triggers were , pains I could not heal, fears I could not face, frustrations due to my unreasonable expectations of people life and situations, loneliness, and boredom.
I got to understand my anger was an unhealthy reaction to pains I could not heal, fears I could not face, frustrations due to my unreasonable expectations of people life and situations.
At what point do you start to peel back the onion and expose the hurt inner child in you?
Well done with 144 gambling free days.
You saw one advert for Royal Ascot was it as memory in the past you had not healed or dealt with.
Was it a time when you were linked to a family gathering.
Were you are able to get focused on more ehalthier things to do.
I have been back ad forth in and out of recovery so many times I have lost count.
The important thing is to stick it with your recovery thnigs get much healthier in our life with out gambling.
In the past by me gambling always made thinsg more painful and worse for me.
Love and peace to everyone
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham UK
Thanks @gadaveuk
Pot Black - 147 days GF today ?
Feeling proud of myself on 150 days gamble free today. Can never be complacent but can at least now see and feel what life can truly be like ?
Feeling proud of our self is the reward for working our recovery.
That is good news 150 days gamble free.
At one time we thought that was impossible.
Not wise to become to complacent about recovery.
Yes we can now see and feel what a healthy life is like and far less pains and fears.
With increasing goals we can achieve so much more with our life today.
Love and peace to everyone
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham UK
Day 155 - going well?
155 days gamble free at one time that seemed an impossible task.
Always be aware of your emotional triggers.
Keep up the good work.
The recovery program is about healing our pains of the past.
The time effort you put in to your recovery today changes our future for the healthier destiny
Love and peace to every one.
Dave L
AKA Dave Of Beckenham UK
160 days GF ?
165 days - let’s keep this momentum ?
165 days Gambling free days that is very healthy and confidence building.
What I had become was a very unhealthy vulnerable person.
Today in my healing I understand more about my wants my needs and the goals I seak to achieve today.
My life has changed from self destructive to self constructive.
A thing I thought was impossible at one time.
Once we exchange that unhealthy habit we have far many choices what we do with our life today.
For me recovery and exchanging unhealthy habits in to healthy habits was slow baby steps.
In time I was able to talk about painful things in my life I had buried and suppressed.
Yet recently did lose my temper by dropping things on my already painful foot.
Pain levels are high at this time pushed my body far to much lately.
As our confidence get higher we find we can do things we were unable to do before.
I am able to ask for help in doing jobs, I am able to ask for help findig things in stores.
And as a man I am able to ask direction to get some hwere.
Asking for help is a sign of strength I now understand.
Keep up enjoying your life and looking afer your self.
Love and peace to everyone
Dave L
AKA Dave of Beckenham
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