It really is possible.

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It really is possible to stop gambling a little insight into my gambling problem. 


I have now not gambled in 47 days after being a compulsive gambler for years who has lost thousands of pounds and wasted so much time. I’ve by passed 2 paydays which was my weakness as soon as payday came around I was sucked into gambling. 

The steps I’ve took to stop gambling, started with admitting to myself I have a problem, once I had done this I had got the courage to contact GamCare helpline for some guidance and the preventive measures that are available. From this discussion I put in place GamBan and Self Excluded from online betting.  

I then started to concentrate on things that are most important to me family, wellbeing, work I started to see the rewards from focusing my attention on these things, being able to spend valuable time with family without worrying about money or thinking about the next excuse as to why I can’t attend a family event because I’m so fixated on gambling all day everyday. I now reward myself on payday buy new clothes for myself when I get paid for example which I’ve barely done for the last 3 year. 

I’ve been reading up about how you can adapt to change and that it really is possible to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life. I’ve watched many videos about how to gain confidence to step out of the comfort zone and make a change, gambling overtook every part of my brain and life and it was my comfort.

Still going strong I know I’m over this addiction now I have the belief after coming so far theirs no going back! 

This topic was modified 5 years ago by Gareth111
Posted : 29th November 2019 9:48 am
Posts: 1492

Hello.. I am one day behind you.. Similar tale to tell. 

Been and had 2nd payday. Put money away.. Rest for essentials.. Feels good. 

Stl have odd days where my self judgement is not good. I find it hard to forgive myself.. 

I can't change the past. But I can alter the course of my future..bedt wishes. Well done

Boo ?

Posted : 29th November 2019 3:12 pm
Posts: 108


I'm day 76 out of ten years!!! It's only last few days when I've thought aboutnit.  I put all blocks in place and it really does alter your view on money.  


Well done on your journey 🙂 

Posted : 29th November 2019 9:18 pm
Posts: 75

Well Done you I'm on day 77 I've also put gam ban in place and I would advice anyone to do the same it makes life so much easier I've also not had to worry I've also slept better my finances or improving slowly but the guilt as gone and I've had to learn to forgive myself for the past and the huge amount of money I've wasted and my head is clearer now to focus on the future 


Posted : 29th November 2019 9:55 pm
Posts: 75

Finally got to 80 days gf be honest I don't actually think about it much lately it's getting easier as time goes on best thing I did joining this site and putting gam ban in place it makes it much easier I no I could still find other ways but for me it was online what was my down fall I did have occasional scratch cards etc but I wouldn't dream of it now or I would be letting my self down x thank for support and everyone's stories it helps x

Posted : 2nd December 2019 9:45 pm

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