*** and *** - Self Exclusion

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I see they have been part of the same group for a fair amount of time. Does anyone know why if you are self excluded from *** can you still open brand new accounts at ***? This does not seem right at all and is something I may pick up with the GC. Any feedback/info appreciated here.

(Note: Edited by forum admin to remove company names, as some forum members find these triggering).

Posted : 7th February 2018 11:58 am
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*** are *** Group.

(Note: Edited by forum admin to remove company names, as some forum members find these triggering).

Posted : 7th February 2018 11:59 am
Posts: 545

I here what ur saying cause some online sites you exclude from one and ur exluded from a few so why can't you do same in shops esp those 2

Posted : 7th February 2018 4:48 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6157

Hello EKJR,

You could contact the customer services of the gambling companies you are concerned about, to query their self-exclusion procedures, if you believe that something is amiss. If you find that they are not following their own terms and conditions you could complain to them about that. The Gambling Commision have a webpage about how to complain, here: http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/for-the-public/Your-rights/Complain-to-a-gambling-business.aspx

Take care,

Forum admin.

Posted : 7th February 2018 8:44 pm
Posts: 0
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Christer1 wrote: I here what ur saying cause some online sites you exclude from one and ur exluded from a few so why can't you do same in shops esp those 2

This is two online casinos both part of the same group, not shops. I have had an exclusion on one since July and was allowed to open another account with *****.

Posted : 7th February 2018 9:32 pm
Posts: 0
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Forum admin wrote:

Hello EKJR,

You could contact the customer services of the gambling companies you are concerned about, to query their self-exclusion procedures, if you believe that something is amiss. If you find that they are not following their own terms and condition,s you could complain to them about that. The Gambling Commision have a webpage about how to complain, here: http://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/for-the-public/Your-rights/Complain-to-a-gambling-business.aspx

Take care,

Forum admin.

Thanks Admin, will give it a go.

Posted : 7th February 2018 9:33 pm
Posts: 0
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Apparently, according to a ***** online manager, when ************** merged with ********** they specifically sought clarification from the Gambling Commission that they would not be obliged to merge self exclusion databases from both companies and ******* (Owned by l*******s).

And they were given the green light they say by the GC to effectively ignore any self excluded customers from *********** online or *******, for which there already existed a policy of cross brand self exclusion between ********** & ******, in respect of ***** online accounts.

So basically, if you are self excluded on *************, as it stands you are automatically self excluded from ********** and vice versa. But you are NOT self excluded from ****** online.

Which means ********** ***** are perfectly happy to know that whilst you are self excluded for problem gambling (what other reason is there?) from ******** online and ********** online they have no problem with you betting on their ******** brand online.

Staggering both from the perspective of ******************8 as it appears their self exclusion policy only applies for some of their customers and also from the Gambling Commission who seem to have no power what so ever to bring online gambling operators into some sort of cohesive sensible line where self exclusion is concerned.

The proposed but long delayed industry wide all in one self exclusion database will never happen in my view. The resistance is clear from bookmakers and the above farcical situation just highlights this. It is simple for them to merge their SE databases and protect all of their group's customers, not just some of them. But they actively sought permission from the GC to avoid doing this and the GC gave them the green light. It all tells a story.

So if you fall into the trap described, do yourself a favour and SE from ****** and all of ************* brands now. Because they will not do it for you, they'd rather take some more money from such vulnerable problem gamblers. A final bite of your cherry if you like.

Totally immoral and I think open to challenge.

Posted : 8th February 2018 1:03 pm
Posts: 545

That is terrible. The multi online self exclusion is like u said never gonna happen.

Posted : 8th February 2018 3:50 pm
Posts: 2148

I understand what you are saying EKJR. I am slightly uncomfortable with this line of reasoning in that do we really expect the people who peddle the dopamine fix to effectively police their own operation.

The main issue is the deregulation of gambling and a government with a vested interest in gaining tax revenue. If I self exclude from Bookies A but then go into Bookies B the self exclusions are not effective blocks for me. Whether den A and den B are linked in some way is a secondary point when tackling an addiction especially if Im walking into both of them. Even if they are under the same umbrella name I wouldnt really trust them to care

I wouldnt expect them to be red hot on running a banned register but I do actually appreciate that they have a self exclusion process which helped me.

The way I had to look at it was they arent going anywhere soon so I had to find blocks that worked for me. I started with the self exclusion process and found it did draw a line of shame for me that I wouldnt break. The test was whether I would break them and it was all discussed with people close

If I found I would have broken tham I had other plans for no cash access and increased family monitoring. I had long discussions with family and measures were put in place. One example is money does not come my way without them seeing proof that bills are being paid . Over a certain amount Im not given the money and they stand in the bank with me while transactions are paid. Another example is regular reports on my bank balance and my rent status

Now I appreciate they run an exclusion scheme because it does help people. However in many ways its like asking the drug dealer to go easy on the addicts and send them away.

So Im not saying you are wrong in what you are saying. I just think the focus has to shift more towards protecting ourselves. As I said before the challenge would be against the dens and the government and thats a big challenge.

I call them dens because I have a hard time calling that an "industry" I fear that as long as the dens are deregulated there will never be an exclusion process as strong as we would like to see.

Best wishes

Posted : 11th February 2018 1:06 am
Posts: 1098

I may sound a bit dumb here but if you self exclude online with a company, say WH for example, are you self excluded from betting in their Highstreet shop?

What I’m trying to say is, if you self exclude online with a place, does that carry into being self excluded from their shop too? Or does that have to be done seperately. I’ve spoken to many, many people in the past, through their respective Live Chat system and they’ve told me contrasting answers.

Posted : 23rd February 2018 3:32 pm
Posts: 1098

The funny thing is, when I questioned them about ‘How do you know that a particular customer is self excluded online if they go into any random shop in the UK to place a bet over the counter with cash?”.... their response was “we have a system, we’ll know if you’ve self excluded online!”.... hahaha didn’t make sense to me personally

Posted : 23rd February 2018 3:34 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6157

Hi DeterminedDan,

to answer your question, no, you are not automatically self-excluded from the shops if you self-exclude online. It is a different proceedure which involves providing the shop(s) with some passport photos which you don't have to do for online self-exclusion.

To be on the safe side, I would recommend you get in touch with the Multi-operator Self-exclusion Scheme here.

Hope this helps.

All the best,


Forum Admin

Posted : 23rd February 2018 9:31 pm
Posts: 1098

Ok, thanks Eva!

I was assured by one particular site that my self exclusion online meant I couldn’t bet in their shop either. I didn’t believe this to be the case at all!

I’ll look to self exclude from the shops tomorrow. Thanks again.


Posted : 23rd February 2018 10:22 pm

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