80 days gamble free

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After gambling almost daily for 10 years and on/off even before that I've got blockers in place and today celebrate 80 days gamble free. 

Life is so much better, credit score is increasing and debts and decreasing and I'm enjoying treating those I love after years of mistreating and lying to them. 

It's a pleasure to nip to the shop and not worry if I have enough money due to gambling. 

I've won and lost thousands over the years. 

If you get chance check out "thegirlgambler" on tiktok she has quit gambling and makes you feel not alone as a female gambler. Her book is wonderful too, it gnawed into my stomach as she described those familiar feelings.

Nobody knows my secret at all and I'm proud to finally be turning it around. Life is so much sweeter gamble free and I hope you can all experience it too. 

Posted : 7th November 2021 10:22 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6160

Congratulations Melissa Peach on achieving 80 days gamble free!!

It sounds like the blocks have been really helpful for you and I am glad to hear that life is much better for you now and you have taken steps to address the debt. 

Continue to use the tools that you find helpful in your recovery journey and keep posting! 

All The Best 


Forum Admin

Posted : 7th November 2021 9:19 pm
Posts: 10

Wow thanks for this I’m 65 gf! And relate to everything you’ve just said! I will check out thegamblergirl! Im feeling great aswel, it’s true with the credit score lovely to see it coming up!! 

keeping going ?

Posted : 9th November 2021 4:57 pm

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