Relapsed after 3 weeks

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Absolutley gutted yesterday 


Do not know why I did but I only have myself to blame so I was off work went to my friends she was playing online and I watched and thought just send her some money one thing led to another and before I knew it lost all my money yet again. Back to the not sleeping ect.


My friend knows I have a problem I'm not looking for blame but can someone advise me as Im fine when im not round my friend. 



Posted : 11th November 2021 10:05 am
Posts: 13

Hi @Rhellis1991,

I know from previous experience that relapsing feels like everything is ruined and you must start again from day 1 but this doesn't have to be the case, I would try to keep a record something like 3 weeks (21-1) meaning 21 days GF and 1 for the relapse. This way instead of starting again from day 1 you can keep adding to your record and continue with the progress you have made for example 22-1, 23-1 etc.

With regards to your friend if they are aware of your gambling problem I would try to have a brief conversation and make them aware of your plan to stop gambling and when they are around you to respect your recovery and help by not gambling at these times. 

If that is too much to ask your only options are to leave when your friend starts gambling and you are around them, or ask yourself if this friend really does care about you enough to have your best interests at heart. If not then you have to decide on that one yourself,

Good luck.

Posted : 11th November 2021 7:51 pm
Posts: 4
Topic starter

Thank you for your kind words and taking your time to reply to me on this. 


I will take your note on this one about the days ect. 

My friend already knows I've spoke to her previously about this and she said she would support me, but am I just thinking she isn't by what happend not that I'm looking to blame but I don't think it helped me at all? If that makes sense.


Thank you 

Posted : 11th November 2021 7:58 pm
Posts: 13

It's hard to know exactly what your friends thought process is without being closer to the situation, if she also has an issue with problem gambling and her emotions are being overriding then maybe she isn't thinking logically or actively trying to be inconsiderate to your feelings.

On the other hand if she knows you have a problem and is still just gambling in your presence for fun I would class that as insensitive to the situation and not being supportive, even so I would try again to explain kindly how you feel and the struggles your having if that doesn't work I would then maybe take some time away from them to focus on yourself for a while, that's just my thoughts anyway.

Posted : 11th November 2021 8:15 pm
Posts: 17

Hello I feel you relapse are so hard, I'd recommend getting blocking soft wear on all your devices bet blocker and it's free this really helped me 

Posted : 12th November 2021 12:30 am
Posts: 5

hi, I would advise you keep away from your friend for now, if they are aware of your problem and care about you they wouldn't participate in something that would be unhealthy for you in your presence unless they also had a problem. We are well aware it doesn't take much to succumb to the urge so if talking to your friend re your gambling problem hasn't been taken seriously, your approach to this person has to be!

 i wish you all the best and hope your friend is indeed, a friend ✊

Posted : 12th November 2021 11:11 pm

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