Separating from a gambling addict

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First time Post, thank you for taking the time to read and give me your thoughts. 

I've been with my husband since we were 16. He has always been terrible with money but also very kind with it. Both had well paid jobs so wasn't an issue. Just before we got married I found he had spent some of our savings then 5 years later he admitted he had a problem. We split for a month and he got help from meeting. Then stopped going as he said he was fine and they didn't help him. My Mum was very ill at the time so I didn't question it. I took control of all the finances. We then had our 2 kids and the marriage became difficult. He was moody, depressed, hated his job etc, arguments but I always knew there was an underlying issue. I tried to confronting him but he keept denying everything. He had a good job and so did I  and we were able to pay the mortgage etc so we kept going for the sake of the kids. It was just easier to get on with life. We split up again about his moods them got back together and moved house. About 2 years ago he started to recieve debt letters. He was in debt of 70k. When I confronted him about it he was nasty and aggressive for months. I tried to help giving him links, getting GA to phobe him etc. He lost his job, found a new one, wouldn't speak to friends or family. He also had a mini stroke  I moved out with the kids for a few months but wanted him to leave so I could get the kids to school. He wouldn't go and I have to get kids up at 6.30 to make sure they got to school while staying with my parents. Eventually he was physically aggressive and my family got the police involved. He then moved in with his Mum. He continued to see kids and get a flat that his Mum paid for. I've tried to distance myself from him. 2 years later I've just found out his Mum and Gran have given his around 60k in the last 2 years. They just carried on from where I left off. He has never gotten any help at all. His Gran has died and his Mum is dying so he will be made homeless soon as his brother hates him and is putting the house up for sale. His brother has also given him thousands. A month ago I found out he has been seeing a girl 14 years younger 14 months! For the last few years I felt sorry for him and helped him to see the kids, paid bills for him etc. He is not good at paying child maintenance but I got by with help from my parents. I've also got the house in my name too by giving him 60k (my life savings and help from my Dad) to secure it and buy him out. So my questions are should I have done more, what do I do if he becomes homeless. I feel worse now than I did when we split up years ago as he is no further forward and we share kids.  Worried what will become of him for my kids sake. Also heartbroken he has found soneone younger so quick. They are playing happy families as she doesn't know what has gone on or who he really is as she lives 4 hours away. Now he is moving in with her and will never see the kids. Please give me your thoughts, I'm going out of my mind with whatifs? Anyone else in a similar situation? I'm so thankful I have a good job and my parent help me out or I would be homeless too. 

This topic was modified 3 years ago by TammysMum
Posted : 5th November 2021 5:44 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6158

Hello TammysMum

Welcome to the Forum

It is good to have you here, firstly for you to have a safe place to share and secondly to get some support and understanding.

Problem gambling is cunning, powerful and baffling and your story shows that the problem affects  everyone within a family.  Please know that you are no longer alone and that there is a way forward.

Along with the support you will find here in the Forum; We have Advisers available 24/7 to help you through this.  You can contact an Adviser by calling our Helpline on 0800 8020 133 or using our LiveChat option.  I encourage you to contact us so we can discuss the best way forward for you.

I sincerely wish you hope and peace along your Journey to Recovery.



Forum Admin

Posted : 5th November 2021 6:00 am
Posts: 129

Hello TammysMum and welcome to the forum.

Living with a gambling addict is so hard and can have a huge impact on family. You're not alone. There are many people here who gave been in similar situations. 

It sounds like you have supported your husband and tried to salvage your marriage for many years. The real difficulty with a gambling addiction is that the addict has to want to stop. You can't do it for him. 

As harsh as it sounds, now that you have separated and secured your home, I would focus on building a life for you and your children.  Your husband has made his choices and you shouldn't live you life worrying about him. You deserve to be happy. 

I understand that he is your children's father and that you want the best for them. It must also be devastating to know that he has met someon else. Whatever he has done, you have a shared past and probably still have feelings for him. I am sorry that you have been through such a tough time. 

It might be an idea to ring one of the Gamcare advisors to talk things through. They can arrange counselling for you which could help. 

Focus on yourself and your own wellbeing. You and your children deserve happiness. 

Take care and keep  posting.



This post was modified 3 years ago by Jess27
Posted : 6th November 2021 10:25 am

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