Hi folks,
I’ve been on here before, probably about 5 or 6 years ago, having accepted that I was a problem gambler. At that time I found the strength to stop gambling for a period of time and I really valued my life.
Fast forward to the present and I am right back in the depth of the addiction once again, however it is probably more severe than back then.
I now find it really difficult to control the urge of gambling. If I get a hint that I want to bet, I will go and do it. I have the usual online blocks in place and now find myself attending betting shops.
I am now married and have a 3 year old son and all I feel is the guilt whenever I look at them both.
I would really appreciate any advice that anyone would recommend or any techniques that others use to assist me.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I want you to know that I even feel a little bit of pride in myself for reaching out in this post, which is unusual for me.
Thanks x
How hard was that post to write and I guarantee you had tears running down your face.
You took that step of accepting you are back in that horrendous situation.
I recently posted 'A New Life' maybe have a look for it and give it a little read.
My biggest suggestion is to admit it to the closest people to you. We all fear that they are going to leave us but that is the inner devil telling us that you can't tell them your gambling they will leave, you need to make the money back.
You never will make that money back you will lose a lot more than you gained. How I found the strength to tell my husband I will never ever know but I had to.
355 days ago my life changed for the better, it isn't perfect and I wake everyday with fear of failing but I also pat myself on the back every night as it is another day done.
You are currently in a tunnel with no light but the minute you admit your addiction a small pin hole of light will appear and each day you don't gamble that pin hole will get bigger and eventually the light will shine through and guide you out.
Just remember it has to be for you as well not just everyone else
Take care
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