Hi, my name is darren and I have recently admitted that I have a gambling addiction, I did not find it easy admitting the fact but decided to tell my partner a couple months back, I had received my monthly wage earlier than the usual date I get paid due to a weekend falling on my pay day, I kept this from my partner and decided to put some money in to my online betting account, i had been gambling for months before this but not to this extent, I only deposited £20 or so in the beginning but got drawn in and before I knew it I was hundreds of pounds down, at this point I felt like I’ve already messed up, I may as well keep going, I felt myself chasing losses and before I knew it, more than half my wage was gone, I felt so low and depressed that I could have blown everything I had earned that month with absolutely nothing to show for it, but even when I felt this way, I couldn’t help myself. Trying to win the money back that I had lost, I got a few little wins but nothing to cover the money I had blown, this money was meant to pay rent, car and other household bills, I decided that it was time to tell my partner so that hopefully we could battle this together, i was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself for being so selfish and so stupid, we got through that month after a lot of talking and I felt great, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, I didn’t think about gambling because I knew if I did, there was a huge risk of losing my partner and that’s something I’d never want, but due to the money I had lost, I had borrowed off friends and family (which I hadn't told my partner about) and found myself in a hole because I owed everyone money and thought I could win back the money I had borrowed, turns out it made matters worse, I blew more than I had borrowed and I couldn’t fix the problem anymore, I was too embarrassed and scared to tell my partner that I had got myself back in to this hole again incase I lost her but she found out herself anyway as I wasn't acting my usual self, my mood and behaviour completely changed and she knew something was up, I tried denying it but I wish I had just told the truth from the start and I wouldn't be in this mess, I acted like a complete idiot and I wish I could take it all back, even through all this she has stuck by me and we are trying hard to make things work,  I am more motivated to change than ever and I am willing to do whatever it takes to stop gambling for good and make this relationship my main priority, I realise I have taken so much for granted and it’s time to change, I am going to speak to someone about my problem and have granted my partner access to my bank to keep me on the straight and narrow, gambling is such horrible addiction and it’s so hard to get out of the frame of mind where you want to gamble but I am sure I can make this work this time.Â
I can hear your mind chasing the answers to the million questions you have flying around in your head. Sometimes it is just a huge maze we just do not get out of.Â
Stop trying.....
Take away the money. The addiction, the guilt the pain the anxt the partner the job the bills... everything.
What do you have left? Who are you?..... Who are you?Â
In a way I love this question because everybody becomes huuhhh...?Â
We just do not know ourselves that well. We define ourselves. We brand ourselves but we do not really know who we are.
Start finding out more about you. Start getting out of that maze of chasing and fixing and making others happy.
Talk to a counsellor here . You will get some good help. Go to meetings. Close of your gambling access with blockers. Give yourself a chance to get to know yourself better. You will find yourself an amazing person on the other side of that mirror.Â
We cant wait until things are easy to be happy ( A woman with 2% survival chance from cancer said that.)
She is right. Time does not stand still for anyone.Â
"We cant wait until things are easy to be happy ( A woman with 2% survival chance from cancer said that.)
She is right. Time does not stand still for anyone."
I really like what your saying so so true
Welcome to the forum
Home truths and tough love are often frowned upon here but reading your post it doesn't sound like you are too far down the rabbit hole just need a good kick up the a$$
First of all gambling is not a source of income , its gambling a fraction of the time it will come good ,most of the time you will loseÂ
It cannot be used to generate extra income , pay debt or buy your self gifts
It's prime function is supposed to be entertainment and it is ....to a point until the greed sets in and then the addiction slowly sets inÂ
I think you are somewhere in the greed stage , perhaps money is a bit tight , debt repayments too much , outgoings too high , job not paying enough
Get self exclusions completed on the accounts today , delete the apps and start scouring the internet to make some extra money and clear those debts
(there are plenty of ways )
If you ignore the advice you will find yourself back here in January in an even bigger messÂ
Affected by gambling?
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