2015 Challenge

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Hi I'm Glads Dad

I am 45, I am a compulsive gambler and I would love to join the fabby 2015 challenge.

I have been a slot machine addict since I was about 11..

It all started when my parents bought a caravan at the seaside in the late 70s...with the seaside comes arcades and its from there that my addiction started and that's why I'm here signing in to save my backside again. I stopped for 10 years from 89-99.. Then I stupidly went in for a £20 spin and here we are again.

This war is for LIFE not for a few days weeks or mths, I have learned that from my experiences

So good luck to all who are here and a BIG thanks to Bornagain for taking charge with the 2015 challenge.

Here's to Happy New year and Best of luck to all.

Posted : 27th December 2014 5:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Phil and greetings to all fellow Challengers, old and new - Great to read your message Phil and I know you are going to be an inspiring leader of the 2015 Challenge. Checking in on my Day 300 (I think!) and already looking forward to reaching Day 365 in March, marking a whole year of sanity away from those stupid soul-destroying online slots. Belonging to the 2014 Challenge has made all the difference to my return to a full gamble-free life and I hope it may be so for all. As time has gone by I have felt less and less dependent on the site, which is as it should be, but I still need to touch base each week to remind myself not to be complacent and that the struggle goes on at whatever level. Good wishes to you Phil and to all.


Posted : 27th December 2014 8:29 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Phil and the 2015 Challengers!!

Checking in for the first week of 2015 on 385 days gamble free!! The 2014 Challenge has been updated and will close on 31st December.....final update on Thursday 1st January 2015, with the 2015 Challenge succeeding it after that. I really hope that "succeeding" is the operative word for everyone on the new challenge!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and I look forward to many success stories and watching this Challange grow.

Speak to you all next year!

Mr Brightside

Posted : 28th December 2014 8:01 am
Posts: 0

Checking in and signing up for the 2015 challenge on day 283 of being gamble free.
All the best for 2015.

Posted : 28th December 2014 9:26 am
Posts: 377

Morning folks.

Checking in and signing up 42 days gamble-free.

A little bit about me...

I'm 32 and started gambling at the end of 2003. I played roulette and blackjack mainly and it quickly became a problem. I had gambled a little bit on sport prior to 2003 but it was only £5 a week accumulator at most and it certainly wasn't every week. Once I'd got the bug from roulette and blackjack though I started placing large sports bets too.

I first gave up seriously in 2009 when I first joined the site and managed to go nearly 2 years without a bet but eventually got sucked back in. Since 2011 I've been on and off - off mainly but when I'm on it it's all consuming, big stakes and the fall out is terrible. At the end of August 2014 I got really bad again, winning and losing some huge sums (for me) but it's really taken it's toll on me mentally. After one big loss in October I was at my lowest point and a few months on I'm grateful that I still have my health, house, job and family - it really did feel like I was on the brink of my world collapsing.

I'm 42 days free now. My last bet was November 16th 2014 and at the moment I'm doing well. I'm hoping the 2015 Challenge will give me focus and help stop me getting complacent. I've had enough of gambling, it's just brought me misery.

Posted : 28th December 2014 10:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi Phil,

Doing my first check in for the 2015 challenge, am 244 days clean today.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 28th December 2014 10:46 am
Posts: 207

Hi Phil, I'd like to join the challenge.

I'm Jess, 33 and online slots is my thing. I'd like to use 2015 to make that statement 'was my thing'

I've been gambling for a few years now and things have just got way out of control, long past the point of no return. I've lost thousands of pounds in cash, but more importantly a huge part of my sanity and I'm on borrowed time before I reach breaking point.

I joined the site 2 months ago but it seems much longer. I'm doing this completely on my own in my real life, no one knows my secret other than those here.

I'm 1 day gambling free, after my 3rd failure since joining. I don't want to be a failure anymore.

Posted : 28th December 2014 11:03 am
Posts: 0

Hi All,

My name is elchipper and i'm a 34 year old compulsive gambler. I guess my story will be familiar to many.

Sports betting has been my thing for the last decade. I mainly bet on football, but in recent years when I've been chasing losses, I've just bet on whatever's happening at that moment. I've lost count of the number of times i've been up until 4 or 5 in the morning manically watching NBA or NFL games almost always seeing my money/hope disappear before my eyes. Then heading off to work a couple of hours later feeling shell shocked and sick yet again.

I've never been one to gamble every day, instead going through a few intense periods a year where I fall back in. The trouble is, when this happens, gambling becomes my sole focus. I barely even acknowledge my friends and family during these times. I've also managed to rack up huge debts, but this is secondary to the cost to the other areas of my life and my peace of mind.

Well that was then. Now, I'm currenly 30 days gamble free and feeling really positive. The 2014 challenge has helped give me some insight and discipline during the first month and I'd love to join you all through 2015, absolutely determined not to give one penny to the bookies along the way. I have a beatiful wife and daughter and owe it to them to be the father and husband they deserve.

The road is long, but we'll get there. All the best.


Posted : 28th December 2014 12:01 pm
Posts: 0

Checking In - day 199

Happy New Year to all.


Posted : 28th December 2014 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi all.

My name is Mark and i'm a 34 year old compulsive gambler. I guess my story will be familiar to many fobt and roulette of any form really. I m really giving up a proper go this time so I would like to join the challenge.

hope 2015 is good un.

Posted : 28th December 2014 2:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, I'm Nick, I'm a compulsive gambler, I've been gambling for almost 20 years, since I was 15. It started off with 5p slot machines and over 2 decades it spiralled to £30 a go bookie machines. I've lost friend, family, time and the best part of £100k. 2015 is the year I want to change my life and rid myself of this disease. I know it won't be easy but I am ready to seriously try. This is the first time I have posted this and it's such a relief to be able to express it.

Posted : 28th December 2014 5:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, I am a compulsive gambler and have been gambling since I was 18...all started by accident in a snooker club, found 20p and a friend said just stick it in the machine and like a fool I did....one spin and £100 jackpot in those days....that was the start of it with slot machines for many years and then the FOBT's came in and started having a bigger impact on finances. I am not far off 50 now and want desparately to stop. Sleepless nights, always constntly thinkng about whats been lost over the years and what could have been....nobody can change their past but our brains keep the past as memories and I don't know many gamblers who have great memories about money. Best of luck to you all in the 2015 challenge. This is Day 1 for me.

Posted : 28th December 2014 6:56 pm
Posts: 1143
Topic starter

Wow, been to the football today and I have just come home and logged on to see we are now on 30 members! That is some serious money that we can collectively save in 2015 and just think about the other changes in our lives. The fact we will all feel like better people as 2015 goes by gamble free and also the positive impacts on relationships with our friends and family. Together as a group we can make 2015 our year, its in our hands. There will be highs and lows along the way, but we can share these together and ensure we all stay strong and support each other. Welcome to all the new members and I am really looking forward to the first update next Sunday!


Posted : 28th December 2014 7:07 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Phil

I've new here, been in the grips of online slots and need help and support. Been gamble free 13 days.


Posted : 29th December 2014 3:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi all

I would like to join the 2015 Challenge - lets make it a success.

Addicted to nearly every type of gambling known - especially Roulette and slots both online and in casinos.

One day Gamble free to date since joining gamcare forum.

£28,500 Debt from gambling as just added up all (not including interest) (hell of a lot for a single person on just above minimum wage)

Hence why i can't go on anymore with gambling in my life - need to stop before i homeless and bankrupt.



Posted : 29th December 2014 4:06 am
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