Checking in, Day 31. A month. Eleven of these to go... one day at a time 🙂
Just 3 more weeks to go, where does the time go? Well done to all. A few shout outs - Sars27 welcome to the treble figure club. Neveragain22 hits 2 months nice one and congrats to mixer for getting to the one month mark.
Checking in 93 days GF. Keep the faith everyone
Checking in. Let's keep rocking and rolling. Challenge ends soon proud of myself and proud of all fighting and beating this addiction. Well done everyone
Still here!! 64 days gf
Checking in, Day 35. Not stopping now. And will vow to stop every day.
Checking in safely, keep marching soldiers x
Well done to all those checking in and keeping up the fight. Gambling doesn't need us and we certainly don't need it. Keep up the good work.
Checking in Day 38. I won't relax until I hit day 10038 (or I fall of my perch, whatever's sooner).
100 happy days GF. Keep up the good work everyone.
Nice one Gazza welcome to the treble figure club!!
Thanks for the mention on the Guru challenge, 30thSept.
Meantime, I've only got one target here, and that's to be GF on 30th Sept.
I really hope you keep the challenge going after 30th Sept, 30thSept. But, for the moment, we're not running before we can walk... it's one (blessed) day at a time ...
(deleted - repeated post)
Hi Mixer and all, I have been thinking about wether to continue this challenge beyond September 30th. Originally I did think of finishing it as I don't feel I give it the attention it deserves. So if someone would like to continue with it and run it then I'm more than fine with that but if no one fancies that and people do wish to see it continue I will continue with it. If it can help even one gamcare member then I have to continue it.
So I've been thinking and if I do continue I'm thinking of going with a Christmas challenge. Putting it on the site in October but it runs from November 1st for three months like this one. November and December are tough for gambling addicts as we panic over the money we will need for everything and then January is dangerous as we're all skint and looking for the quick and easy buck. So it's the perfect time for a challenge to keep everyone motivated and on the right path. So if anyone would like to run that or something else please let me know or if your interested in taking part but can't run it then I'll take the reigns once more no problem. Take care all.
Checking in and still GF ! 114 days
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