3 month challenge

127 Posts
18 Users
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Posts: 1828

Checking in, Day 46.

30th Sept - I think your idea of a Christmas challenge is brilliant; count me in! And if you're happy to run it, all the better 🙂


Posted : 26th September 2017 4:37 pm
Posts: 1172
Topic starter

Wow the last week is upon us. Can't believe it's been 3 months - almost. I will try and get the final update done Monday morning. Congrats to those still going strong and still checking in. See you or read you next week.

Oh and yes Mixer I'll run it I just feel that I don't get involved as much as I should running these things but with the commitments I have I can only commit to a weekly check in post and not to much more. But I'm happy to run another as I'd like to help if I can. I'll put some brief details in next weeks post on here and put up a new thread approx mid way through October then start the challenge 1st Nov.


Posted : 27th September 2017 10:58 am
Posts: 0

Checking in safely x

Posted : 27th September 2017 9:55 pm
Posts: 1828

Congratulations everyone who's***t a 3 month target on this excellent challenge. I only joined half way through, so I'm half way there. Thank you 30thSept, and also for continuing till Christmas. And what a Christmas - one that's gambling free is always very special indeed.

Posted : 30th September 2017 8:19 pm
Posts: 1172
Topic starter

Here we are, the goal has been reached, 3 months gone, 3 months that flew by. I guess time flies when your not gambling. Only Casey and Mixer checking in for the last check in is a bit sad but I know others are still gamble free just not checked in and that's the main thing. So a big congratulations to all those completing the challenge and that goes to all that done 90 days or right down to 1 day, because staying off gambling for just one day is an achievement, taking it day by day, hour by hour when necessary we will all get to where we need to be and that place is a place where we are in control and not a slave to this addiction.

I hope this challenge has helped keep people strong and moved us all in the right direction. It is all a matter of choices and we just have to find the strength to make the right choices. That is number one for me getting that mental toughness to quite simply say no, take the time to evaluate that urge and realise what giving in to it would really mean. Also get those blocks in place anything that will help you is worth it. The further I get away from gambling the more I hate it, I think my eyes are more open and I realise what a terrible destructive addiction I have and I won't no part in that world. Right Im gonna stop myself cos this a day of celebration. We're stepping away and changing are life's. I applaud you all.

As mentioned there will be another challenge beginning in November look out for that appearing in the next couple of weeks. If you feel something like this would help please join us weather your on day 1 or 1000, new or old to this forum, if it can help then your more than welcome.

Best wishes for all taking the next step and hope to see you on the next one. Take care and congrats!!

Posted : 2nd October 2017 9:18 am
Posts: 0

Thank you for your hard work running the challenge, it is much appreciated x

Posted : 2nd October 2017 11:12 am
Posts: 1828

May I add my thanks too, 30thSept. It makes a big difference to my GF journey. Looking forward to the next challenge, if you have the time. I'll certainly join it!

Posted : 2nd October 2017 9:04 pm
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