Failed after 6 months without a bet :-(

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Well, after 6 months plus of no gambling I sadly let myself down yesterday and am now back to square one.

I found myself with an hour to kill and cash in my wallet, and it sadly led me to the betting shop. My loss was not massive, but it brings back the guilt and regret that we all hate.

I'm starting again now with a target of 6 months to beat.... wish me luck

Posted : 3rd June 2017 8:13 am
Posts: 1037

You haven't "failed" - you didn't gamble for six months which is a great achievement!

Perhaps setting yourself a target of six months+ (admirable) is putting too much pressure on yourself? Maybe set yourself smaller and more manageable targets initially - a week or even a day?

All options are available - self-exclusion, GA, GamCare counselling, starting a recovery diary if you haven't already etc.

Best wishes, Phil.

Posted : 3rd June 2017 9:04 am
Posts: 56
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I'm quite strong with it Phil, one big loss and it tends to keep me away for a good three months at a time anyway. If I get through a year and only have 4 losses though I guess it puts me in a better position than that of a regular gambler that suffers the highs and lows day in day out.

Half the battle for me is to avoid the anxiety and worry you get on the back of a big loss. The financials I can deal with but I hate owning up to my actions once I leave the bookies or casino

Posted : 3rd June 2017 12:23 pm
Posts: 397

How know how you feel n22cks! I envy you that you've managed to stay away from it for 6 months . Last year I've only gambled twice . This year I lost £2000 January and on Friday lost £3000 I'm feeling very depressed and I felt that I let my wife and little boy down :(. I even thought of doing silly things to end this . I don't even gamble every day I only do it twice a year but when I do , I do it big 🙁 . I don't know how I feel. I feel crushed inside . I'm 37hrs gamble free now and I will recover and I will stay away from it forever 🙁 .keep up the good work buddy .

Posted : 3rd June 2017 7:54 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6163

Hi n22ckcs,

Thanks for sharing your story with us. Much as we don’t want you to relapse after all those effort for 6 good month, situations like that do happen sometimes. The important thing is that you haven’t given up, and you’re still trying to help yourself with these strategies.

I will encourage you to reflect on how you managed to abstain for 6 months, and then try those strategies again. Also try and look out for new ideas about stopping gambling from the forum posts.

Also make sure that you don’t carry extra cash on you when going out; only take the daily minimum amount for your food, drink and transportation. Also, leave all your bank cards at home. This is so you’re not tempted to withdraw more money to feed your gambling habit.

Try and remove yourself from being complacent, as that is where the unexpected can happen – you might be thinking you’re in full control but, once you get in there at the bookies, you become oblivious to your surroundings. The same thing can also happen online too.

I think you’ve been brave about it, and good on you for not giving up but, you have taken the necessary steps to put you back into shape.

You managed to abstain for 6 good months, which means that you can repeat it, and even go further if you put in the effort.

Try not to beat up yourself too much, but rather, focus on your recovery, and look forward to a gamble free future.

Above all these, keep posting!

Posted : 3rd June 2017 10:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi n22cks,

I know exactly how you feel. I was 271 days gamble free and as mentioned above I came a bit complacent and confident that I had finally beaten my addiction. One late night I found myself bored, slightly drunk and found an online betting account that I hadn't self excluded from. Then the worse thing that could happen happened...I won! I won £1500 playing blackjack and rouulette. I am sure you can guess the rest. One voice said "cash out and close the account you have been very lucky." The other voice said "you can win some more and then take the cash." Soon lost the £1500 then another £3500 chasing losses.

Account now closed and I am hoping lesson learned. Tomorrow will be day 14 gambling free and I am determined to also beat my previous record and beyond! Like Sars27 when I relapse, I relapse big.

I do feel awful about the relapse but then I focus on how life was so much better when I wasn't gambling. I had more money, self respect, confidence and much less stress. As the previous post said dont beat yourelf up, remind yourself that gambling does absolutley nothing for us and creates even more pain than that the tempoary bad feeling we get with a relapse.

Wishing everyone all the best

Posted : 4th June 2017 12:16 pm
Posts: 397

Chaser 1508 we had the exact situation . I feel sick and guilty . You are right . And I'm taking that as a lesson from you buddy "'life is so much better without gambling " . Onwards and upwards .

Posted : 4th June 2017 2:17 pm
Posts: 56
Topic starter

Hey I appreciate all your positive responses guys, thanks very much. I will go back to basics with it today, no bank card and minimal cash should keep me out of mischief!

In a way it's a little comforting to see there are others out there in a similar position, and the fact that I only lost a fraction of what you guys did helps me get over the pain of my loss and concentrate going forwards.

I'll keep you updated as I progress

Thanks again guys

Posted : 5th June 2017 5:43 am
Posts: 1037

Just remember N22 that the money is ​one issue but think about other issues - the effect (potentially not necessarily you) compulsively gambling can have on your mental health, relationships, work, friendships.

I lost what I lost and on a personal level have had to take responsibility for the money I borrowed to gamble and pay it back as part of my (interpretation) of recovery. The money's gone and isn't coming back but life can get better. Best wishes, Phil.

Posted : 5th June 2017 12:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hi n22cks!

I think it's great that you've stopped for six months. Always think about the positives. Don't feel down just because of one incident. Use that as fuel for you to hold yourself back from getting to that lifestyle again. Cheers!

Posted : 5th June 2017 5:25 pm

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