I'm giving up on myself

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Hi, I'm a 29 year old male who has a gambling addiction. I've gambled for over 10 years now and as sad and sorrowful as this sounds, I have accepted that it's a part of my life and that I won't ever get better or beat this evil addiction. Of course this is not the mindset or mentality that I want too have but I just cannot find that deep inner strength to STOP. I can go weeks, sometimes months without gambling and I notice all the benefits, the clear mind, I can focus on my son, my job, my life. But then the anxiety kicks in and I have that one 'small bet' and then off we go again on that downward, evil journey again. I've attended a couple of GA meetings in which I enjoyed, but they were before Christmas and they had a break so I didn't return. I've recently had a split from my ex partner which means I've moved home with parents. I'm too comfortable now, I'm scared too move out and live alone because of my evil gambling addiction. Will I pay the rent? Am I responsible enough for all this with a gambling addiction? How can I find a new lady with an addiction over me? No, is the answer. I've lost my soul, my confidence, everything! I've given up before I've even started! Any support or advice would be great fully received. Thank you for reading.

Posted : 28th May 2017 11:21 am
Posts: 0

st I'm a 29 year old female and completely get where you are coming from. We have our whole lives ahead of us yet i keep thinking this is just part of who i am and i cant see a life with no gambling no matter what the consequences are. Ive joined here today for the first time in the hope that i can get support from like minded people but the way i feel right now i just cant see a way out.

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Guys, I'm 23 and been gambling for last 5 years and I did get myself in serious debt, but I finally got help and cleared it all and realised that I have to stop, I'm young and if I deal with it now it won't affect me in the log run! Currently still with the parents but this time next year I want to be out travelling the world, now I have that target I have something to set my mind on and focus on that instead of gambling! One thing I will suggest which did help me, is give someone control of your finances, bank accounts, cards etc.. I sat with my Dad set all my bills up by standing orders/direct debits and then he changed my password so only he had access, I opened a brand new account with a card that doesn't allow online purchases and he would transfer me 50 pounds weekly, it sounds so little and harsh but it made me realise and helped a lot, that way the money that was spare in my account built up into a nice savings pot and I learnt to control the 50 pounds each week instead of wasting it, hope this helps,


Posted : 28th May 2017 3:59 pm

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