Thank God At Last the MP,s might do something

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Morning All

This made me smile today , reducing stake the £2 a spin would really help me and im sure so many others lost in the grips of FOTB , obviously self exclusion the best but for a hardcore gambler i think over due good news on them horrible addictive and destructive machines

in a statement from the bookmakers they now said that this could be the start of end of all high street bookies My heart bleeds for them

Be careful online though still very free market

" QUOTE " 31/1

Despite the bookies' aggressive opposition, Carolyn Harris MP, chairwoman of the parliamentary group, said the time for prevaricating was over and the government should now take action.

"There is now a clear case for the government to substantially reduce the maximum stake which can be played on FOBTs," she said.

"These machines are easily accessed in the most deprived areas, sucking money out of the pockets of families.

"I support a responsible gambling industry, but there is nothing responsible about how FOBTs are currently being operated," she added.

The 35,000 machines, usually offering roulette, have become the biggest source of money for the bookmaking industry and now provide more than half its profits.

The report cited figures showing that in 2015 £1.7bn was lost by gamblers on the terminals, each of which took £48,724 from punters that year.

Posted : 31st January 2017 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Will lower stakes change how much you gamble? Or will it mean you can gamble more often?

What I mean by this is say you had xamount of money and you went out to gamble you lost this amount and session over

If the lowered the stakes how many sessions would you likely have before x amount was also used up.

Lowering the stakes isn't going to change the fact that eventually we will lose. We just lose over a steadier time

Personally I know this a fact as 2 pound way back when was my stake.

The general fobt player I would say maybe comes to this site only having played a relative short period sometimes month's.

Where as a low stake player like myself takes 20 plus to get to this stage.

Which brings about the question which is better a fast death or a slow one?

I'm all for lower limits but the only person losing out will be the player because they will just reset them back to ways of old a jp once in a blue moon

Posted : 31st January 2017 11:43 am
Posts: 0

This will only work if it is accompanied by a time-restriction.

I remember when the jackpot on AWPs (now Cat C) was £25 and the max stake was 30p. A company called Novomatic (wonder if that will get the "****" treatment) released 'Magic Games'. These introduced a new, mini-game that took milliseconds to play and decided whether on not the reels would spin on that credit. This increased the 'actual' stake to more like £1. The jackpot wins would also repeat 3 times which, effectively, increased the prize to £100.

My point is this, the gambling industry are smart, FOBTs make an insane amount of money and they will already be working on technology to outsmart the latest legislation. Besides, have you seen how quickly a slot can take money on a £2 stake!?!

It's good that the government are doing SOMETHING but gambling companies have too much at stake.

Posted : 31st January 2017 12:04 pm
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good afternoon to both of you

i hear what your saying , it will make no difference to slot playing but i think it will make a huge difference in roulette and card games as i for one may put some change in but knowing i can,t win anything significant will not bother playing i know there other poisons out there and the bookies are also moaning that how come they gotta reduce stakes when online and real life casino,s don,t , there a stateemnt on bbc from the bookmakers association saying this could be the end of the high street bookies it be so powerfully hit , and if you think back to when you first played them the lure of a big bet on a number drew you in its got to be good news and youngster and new gamblers might not get the same intensity and addiction as £2 bet on the whole table is not a massive bet and me personally would not be tempted to carry on with little stakes so turns it up to more fun so to speak than risking potentially thousands in minutes which you can at mo £100 a spin is far too much

i imagine your right about the gaming companies using advanced technolgies but they still at the mercy of the goverment who i might add has just gave the gambling commission a good telling off for not doing there jobs properly and letting problem gambling increase and profitable soar for the companies which not there job , its protecting vulnerable users

i feel its a good day and a turning point even if no one else does

Posted : 31st January 2017 2:05 pm
Posts: 154

My stance is 'cautiously optimistic' ;0)

Posted : 31st January 2017 2:23 pm
Posts: 0

Still no update on this following the report recommending £2 a spin

Posted : 1st March 2017 10:14 pm
Posts: 0

Hi I would like to say reducing the stake will not stop the problem the only way to stop the problem is do what Norway has done they have issued gaming cards with connected to social security number where you can only gamble a max of 250 pounds a month brilliant system they had the same problem as U.K. Has now ten years ago when they changed the system

spraggy2014 wrote:


This made me smile today , reducing stake the £2 a spin would really help me and im sure so many others lost in the grips of FOTB , obviously self exclusion the best but for a hardcore gambler i think over due good news on them horrible addictive and destructive machines

in a statement from the bookmakers they now said that this could be the start of end of all high street bookies My heart bleeds for them

Be careful online though still very free market

" QUOTE " 31/1

Despite the bookies' aggressive opposition, Carolyn Harris MP, chairwoman of the parliamentary group, said the time for prevaricating was over and the government should now take action.

"There is now a clear case for the government to substantially reduce the maximum stake which can be played on FOBTs," she said.

"These machines are easily accessed in the most deprived areas, sucking money out of the pockets of families.

"I support a responsible gambling industry, but there is nothing responsible about how FOBTs are currently being operated," she added.

The 35,000 machines, usually offering roulette, have become the biggest source of money for the bookmaking industry and now provide more than half its profits.

The report cited figures showing that in 2015 £1.7bn was lost by gamblers on the terminals, each of which took £48,724 from punters that year.

Posted : 2nd March 2017 6:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hi everyone being a problem gambler for many years now and really have had enough the best system is everyone must have a card to play with which limits there gambling to a small amount each month they have this system in Norway after things got out of hand with gambling. I don't understand why the government don't do this same as Norway and Sweden the government care about there citizens more than money

Posted : 2nd March 2017 7:02 pm

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