The Final Straw, Join me

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I've said this many times before, but this time is it! I've cleared all my debts so now is the perfect time to give up for good, start saving and enjoy my life, I'm only 23 and the last 5 years of my life have been plauged with Gambling & Debts,

Join me as I will reguarly update this with my recovery and hopefully can all help each other, whether that is with suggestions or giving each other a boost on our down days,

So today is Day 1 of this journey and I don't feel great as yesterday I blew all my wages, around 1,500 in a matter of hours, so it is going to be a long month of figuring out what to do,

Wish me luck and good luck to the others who join!


Posted : 26th May 2017 1:42 pm
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A few days in now, feeling good that I'm not gambling and thinking about the money I can save for travelling which is my current goal, just annoyed at myself for what I've done and the money I've lost over the last few weeks! But this is a fresh start and I will stick to it


Posted : 28th May 2017 3:47 pm
Posts: 363

You will lose that anger about losing the money in time i hope. Setting travelling as your goal is fantastic and i wish you very well with that. Check out plane tickets and see where your savings will get you, it's such a huge world out there and at 23 it can all be yours. Stories on how you rode an elephant and rafted down a river or stories about blowing a months wage in a few hours and spending the rest of the month on the cadge. You really can do it and you can do so much more with that money you work hard for, do not hand over another penny to the faceless money making share holders so they can go on holiday. You deserve it and you can achieve it, a happy life.

Posted : 28th May 2017 3:56 pm
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Thanks Allainepo, appreciate it and you're so right, those stories of travelling round the world are so much better than me living in anger at myself for months on end, I will do it, I know I will and I won't be giving them a single penny anymore, ever again! Thanks again,


Posted : 28th May 2017 4:02 pm
Posts: 0

I have had the last straw and i really want to stop , i have gambled since i was 16 i am 25 now and i have had enough . its not a every day problem however, the one time a month i do go i can spend £200-£800 on the roulette machine sometimes winning big but more times losing big. it has a massive impact on my life fincially and with me and my Girlfreind I have had enough of working all month just to give it to the bookies and stress my life out so decided to join the forum so hello.

Posted : 8th June 2017 11:49 am
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Hi Damzingsj91,

You've done the right thing, I wasted my whole 1500 pay package last month on online roulette! I spent a month earning that and lost it all in a matter of hours and it really isn't worth it! I'm gamble free for 17 days now and it feels good but still gutting having no money to do anything!

But I have already planned out my next month expenditure and what I'm saving, I'm planned to go travelling next year too so I have something to save towards,

Keep posting here and we can all help each other!


Posted : 11th June 2017 6:19 pm

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