18TH JAN 2013 - Time to let go.

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Thank you Charlotte. Lovely to hear from you again.


Posted : 7th August 2014 12:19 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Feb,

Dropping by to thank you for all your support kind words you shared. Wish you all the best on your journey and wish you well.

Keep it up girl and keep reaping the benefits this journey gifts u.

Sandra x

Posted : 12th August 2014 1:24 pm
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Thank you Sandra - supportive as ever!

Take care.


Posted : 13th August 2014 12:25 am
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Still gamble free and benefitting greatly from it. Meeting all my mini and long term goals still (easy to achieve when not gambling)!!

Still think of gambling from time to time but more to do with the negatives of it, rather than wanting to try to win some money. Good old hard work, saving for what I want/need, using old fashioned methods, what my 86 year old mum taught me, are now the way forward!! All working well for me so far.

Take care all and look after yourselves.

Feb - feeling 'normal' on the 'Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 24th August 2014 6:39 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Feb,

Lovely post to read and more than happy for you. Setting goals for ourselves and accomplishing them is wonderful feeling and you should b so proud of what you have achieved so far. Keep it up and stay on the bright side of the road. Sun will always shine there 🙂

S x

Posted : 26th August 2014 10:48 am
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Thank you Sandra - the sun always shines on "The Bright Side of the Road"!!


Posted : 26th August 2014 9:20 pm
Posts: 0

Fantastic to hear lady feb.

Well done on you gamble free time and on getting back to basics, saving for what you want rather than thinking we could win it...

It's nice to back in the land of the living.. Long may it continue

Take care

Blondie xx

Posted : 27th August 2014 12:54 am
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Thanks Blondie and lovely to hear from you again.


Posted : 27th August 2014 10:12 pm
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Still remaining gamble free and still reaping the rewards. Sticking to my mini goals still.

It's so lovely to find myself with money in my purse and my bank account from one month to the next. It makes me often think back to the worst of times when I would have nothing for practically the whole of the month and, no bills paid either!!

I have lots of Birthdays coming up in October, I have now got 3 more great nieces/nephew and it's been so much less stressful, knowing I can again, go out and buy gifts for each of them. Just like old times.

Just read a post from my friend Stu, saying he had reached 'rock bottom' and is in a bad place. It took me back to 18th Jan 2013, when I had realised the same about myself. It feels like the worst time ever but there is always a way of making your life better once we have reached the decision that 'enough' really is enough!

I wish Stu and other people on here at the same stage the very best and you are all in my prayers.

Take care all..

Feb - Living my life on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 21st September 2014 10:33 am
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Thank you Julie and so lovely hearing from you again and knowing you are doing well still. I often think of how you are getting on.

Take care.


Posted : 6th October 2014 11:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hi feb

Just popping in to say hello you were one if the first people on here to help and support me pleased your enjoying life 🙂 x

Take care

The bear x

Posted : 7th October 2014 2:05 pm
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Thanks Bear.

Glad to see things are improving for you. Stay strong and determined.


Posted : 8th October 2014 12:31 am
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Things ticking along nice and comfortably. Had all my family round for Sunday Roast a couple of weekends ago. It was so nice to be back to old times - entertaining and feeding everyone up!!

There are so many lovely things coming back into my life again now I have stopped gambling - bills are all being paid, plenty of food and drink in my fridge, retail therapy when I fancy it, out and about with my family and friends again. Just insured my car again for the next year and paid upfront!!

I continue to remain focused on my mini and long-term goals, which I am sticking to. They really help me in my recovery. I have already bought 10 Christmas presents - and, wrapped them up!!! When I think back to this time three years ago, things were so, so different.

Oddly, this evening, I received a text message from a casino company, informing me I had a 500% bonus!! - oh yeah, really!!! Read it and deleted it straight away. Can't even remember what it said as I didn't give it any attention really.

I wish all my friends on here well, those who are doing great and in particular, those who are struggling - you are all in my nightly prayers.

Take care all. Remain strong and keep your chin up.

Feb - Feeling "organised" on "The Bright Side of the Road"

Posted : 21st October 2014 12:22 am
Posts: 0

Hi Feb,

22 months is so inspiring.

Congratulations on your continued abstinence.

Best wishes,

Suzanne xx

Posted : 21st October 2014 6:48 am
Posts: 0
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Thank you Suzanne for your kind words.

Take care.


Posted : 22nd October 2014 12:36 am
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