A new life

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CJdan - thanks you for the post and keep on that 'one day at a time' track .... those days will soon add up - well done

Chicagoguy - thanks for the post and well done on 49 days today - keep up the good work

A thank you to both of you for taking the time to post on here it means a lot ... the support on this forum has meant so much to me x

Posted : 25th February 2013 7:38 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks jaq,

I guess it really hasn't sunk in yet, or maybe I'am keeping a guard up. I really appreciate the kind words of encouragement, it's been no easy road to get to 49 days, but I know the support on here and therapy I'am doing are keeping me out of the casino. I'ts a life time commitment and I'am willing to accept that and surrender to gambling, I'am powerless over it. I will rebuild my life and cleanse my mind of it. As each day and week that goes by, I start to find the old me again.


Posted : 25th February 2013 7:51 pm
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my son's2nd counselling session today - went well for him. came home and told him they had spoken about relationships ... his relationship with his father (or lack of it) ... his current girlfriend, that is 'wobbly' at the moment ... him trying to move out and purchase his own property. So glad that he went today as he is a bit down about his relationship with his girlfriend and I am worried that he may turn to gambling again - but he seems positive, I hope he stays stong. I worry about him as I love his so much and hate to see him hurting. He really gets on well with his counsellor and has booked next week's session already ... well done

Well another day and for him day 42 🙂

Hope all is well with everyone and you ar ekeeping ward x

Posted : 26th February 2013 2:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hello jaq,

Glad to hear the counseling is going well for your son. Great of you to get him set up with that. It's been a huge attribute in my success with my soberity, and a place to work my thoughts out. I wish the best in your sons recovery. Great job on day 42!


Posted : 26th February 2013 8:24 pm
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Well day 50 was on Thursday am so proud of my son - but unfortunately yesterday his girfriend told him their relationship was over. I am now worried that he will return to that 'dark place' of gambling. He however is very positive and is focusing on his work and buying a property, but I know deep down he is hurting and is trying to put on a brave face. I am checking his bank online every few hours as I would hate to see him go backwards.

I am pleased that he discussed this situation with his counsellor, also his girlfriend did not want to see him for a few days and he says he was preparing himself for the worse. He has a busy few days doing things and working and then back to his counsellor on Tuesday so I am trying very very hard to be positive and of course support him in any way I can.

Gosh a mother's love is so strong !!

I hope you are all having a good week-end x

Posted : 2nd March 2013 7:21 pm
Posts: 0


Great news on your son having hit the 50-day mark, I've checked in and read your diary a couple of times. I'm reading an autobiography at the moment, and one line I read really stopped me in my tracks:

"You're only ever as happy as your unhappiest child"

That really tugged at my heartstrings. I've never borrowed/stolen money from my Mum, but I also know I've put her through weeks/months/years of torment as she worries about my well-being. Like your son, I am incredibly lucky she's always been there for me, and has helped pick up the pieces. We've always shared a good relationship - particularly since my father passed away a few years back.

My point is it's often easy for compulsive gamblers to overlook the pain and suffering we're causing to those around us. You're doing a great thing - and I wish your son all the best


Posted : 4th March 2013 2:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Jaq,

It made me smile so much 2nite, when I read ur son is doing brilliant and he's still gamble free, I am sure u r soooo proud of him 🙂

U r such a gr8 lady, I have a lot of time 4 u 🙂

Thank u 4 all ur support on my diary, u should be so proud of urself, ur son is lucky 2 have someone has supportive as u helping him!

I'm always here 4 u 🙂

Have a gr8 nite xxxx

Posted : 4th March 2013 8:53 pm
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D123 thank you for your post - what a moving sentence from an autobiography - who's is that ?

Glad you also have the support of your mother, there's nothing like a mother's love x

My son seems to be doing well after his girlfriend told him it was over, unfrtunately she keeps texting him, but he hasn't returned any so perhaps it will stop soon.

He's off to counselling again tomorrow, this is always postiive for him.

Thanks again for your post - it always means so much to me that people take time to respond - have a good evening x

Posted : 4th March 2013 8:54 pm
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Charlotte - so glad to have you back, you too make me smile, you are doing well. thank you for your support it does mean so much to mean - one day I might make the chat room, you seem to havea good following there.

I am so proud you are doing well - I am very proud of my son the counselling seems to be helping - the only down side is the break up with his girlfriend and now she keeps texting him, has deleted him, myself and all close friends of ours from facebook because she can't stand too see all the things she would be involved with - and it wws her that left him - I hope these mnd games don't have an effect on him.

Once again thank you for taking the time to post, it means a lot to me - I always re-read my posts when I am down ! it gives me strength to see the road we have travelled and to know so many people care x take care Charlotte thinking of you x

Posted : 5th March 2013 12:13 am
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Day 57 for my son. Counselling went well this week - he talked about his life when he was younger. talked about the recent break up with his girlfriend and about a stag do next year in Blackpool !

His ex girlfriend is playing a few mnd games with him at present - deleted him from facebook, keeps texting him and then when he answers and ask her if she is ok, she asks why he is being nice - he says he is ok, but I know he misses her and is sad (although he is hiding it well). This situation worries me quite a lot as I hope he doesn;t return to gambling, all I can hope is that he keeps talking to me, and is honest with himself and me.

One day at a time as usual. Hope you all have a great evening x

Posted : 7th March 2013 8:24 pm
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Well Happy Mother's Day ... My son will be gamble free for 60 days - what a lovely Mother's Day present that is 🙂

Hope you all,have a great Sunday, stay strong, enjoy life one day at a time - the best is yet to come x

Posted : 10th March 2013 1:02 am
Posts: 0

Happy Mother's Day to you too Jaq.

Mother's Day will be a double celebration for me - it is also my 50th day free from gambling!

I have a twenty four year old son who I have cared for all his life as a single parent. You are doing an amazing job in caring and supporting your son the way you do. You must get so much out of it, especially as he is doing so well.

He is so young and has the rest of his life to turn this all around and with the support he has from you also, he is onto a winner (pardon the pun) only this is a REAL WINNER if he continues to abstain from gambling.

Take care both of you.


Posted : 10th March 2013 2:59 am
Posts: 130

Happy Mother's Day Jaq! I am sure you are so proud of your son and I am sure he is so pleased to have a mum like you. Congratulations to you both on your success and I hope you have a lovely day x

Posted : 10th March 2013 6:33 am
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Feb thank you so much for your post, it means so much to me and gives me strength (that I sometimes don't have)

Well done to you on 50 days gamble free, a great achievement. I hope you have a great Mothers Day with all your family. Like you I know how difficult being a single parent is, but I am sure you are a proud Mum and have many good times too. Have a great day, stay strong and I will look out for your posts x

Posted : 10th March 2013 9:50 am
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Samorgo thank you for your post it means a lot to me when people take the time to reply. I am very proud of my son for 60 days today, what a lovely present that is 🙂 added to that a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine ... Just perfect, have a great day x

Posted : 10th March 2013 10:02 am
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