a new way of thinking

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Thanks Rachel,Del and Womble:0)

Womble ive given up caring about stuff that goes wrong hun as in my life its something every week so i have a little cry and then get on with it, tomorrow is coming weather i like it or not so i deal with it when it gets here.

Dont really know why im posting tonight,havent really got anything to say,im knackered to bloody hot and having trouble sleeping over the last week,still waking up at stupid o clock and not being able to get back to sleep.

Waffling night night

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 28th June 2012 11:34 pm
Posts: 0

Awwww hun,

Feel for you!

Even in my early stage of recovery sometimes feel I can waffle away and find something constructive to offer and other times can't string 2 words together....Maybe moon and sun in weird alignment!!

You have your 2 beautiful boys...and from the sounds of it they worship you.

You are bloody fantastic mum Lizzy, don't ever doubt yourself!

Hope you feel better tomorrow!

Oh and congrats on being gamble free!

Sue....14 days..(did you know that was 2 weeks...LMAO)

Big hugs

Sue xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 29th June 2012 4:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hi E!

How you keeping?

Sorry to read about your money/tax problems.I know how money proplems feels.I owe alot this year in tax,but like i said to my good friend wp,i'll worry about that when it has to be paid.September/October time.Untill then i won't get down about it!

Glad to see your still going strong on the gambling front....and have to say a big big thumbs up on staying off the cigs!

I'm still puffing away...but i know if i really wanted to quit i could!

Stay strong and don't worry about coming on here with nothing to say...we all do it from time to time....it is good though that we do have a place where we can just waffle!

All my best.


Posted : 29th June 2012 5:12 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Womble,V and Ade ;0)

Lovley to hear from you V glad you are well.

Had a very lazy weekend annoyed my kids by watching the tennis all day lol i seem to be the only one who enjoys it their going to hate me when the olympics come on i find myself watching all sorts of weird sports ive never had any interest in before lol.

Also makes me wonder about the different types of gamblers as i watch alot of sports but have never had any desire to bet on any of them its just online slots that get me.Excuse the pun but i suppose its horses for courses.

Hope everyone is well

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 1st July 2012 11:49 am
Posts: 0

Hi E,

You sound like you could be my sister..........Did you manage to watch Murry till 11pm last night?

Cant wait for the Oylmpics either!

On line slots are the devil........I never sports bet either!

On a positive note was typing away earlier and "I can see clearly" was played on the radio......Gave me ginormous goosebumps!

Hope those gorgeous boys of yours are well?

Keep on plodding Liz...there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sue....16 days


Posted : 1st July 2012 5:46 pm
Posts: 0

HIya Libby...

Page 3????..Page blummin 3!!!.......gonna haul you to pole position hun...

totally get it with the sports......I'm watching football deliberately! and I hate football....

Tennis is cool though and it means strawberries and

cream..do they even have tennis hooligans...

Shed a romantic tear when Agassi and Graff got together and got all sentimental but that was years ago...plus he has his hair cut so I went right off him...lol ....fickle...moi?

I reckon if we lived in the US a load of us women would be right in at the baseball games with a packed lunch and flask...its more family orientated isn't it...and reminds me of rounders!

Anyway lovely lady....just noticed i'm rambling like a

rambling thing from rambling town.....still wading through poo but can see some sunlight.....(unless its a piece of sweetcorn....eeewwwww)

Rach and Doo ((((((((((L))))))))))))

ps ...Am hoping I can process this lot under 2 years ...as you mentioned in a previous post.

Hope all is well with you and that you are dealing with the ex factor and roaring Simba style if he goes over the line....

Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hi E .Thanks for post!

Not a lot to say tonight but doesn't Rach write some goodposts?

Keep on going hun


Posted : 2nd July 2012 9:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hope things good with you E?

Watching Murray and thought of you hun....Doesn't look too good at the mo!

Keep on plodding!

Sue xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edited to add....He's just won a set...whoop whoop! xx

Posted : 4th July 2012 5:33 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Rach and Womble

Oh yes watching the tennis looks like he will do it.

More cr** keeps coming my way LO threw up on me at 1.30 this morning its not funny whoever is laughing,he was fine this morning but was sent home from nursery with a temp and isnt aloud back for 48 hrs so have lost all my private customers money today and have had to to take the rest of the week off work some unpaid as i cant use all my holiday dont get much.So with the tax credits and loss of wages i feel like im living on thin air.Its not his fault but once again i would like the world to stop so i can get off for an hour

Onwards i march to the next disaster :0)

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 4th July 2012 7:15 pm
Posts: 0

Awwww E,

No words can make things right hun........

But on the tennis front..........

Hugs xxxxxxxx

Posted : 4th July 2012 7:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hello JTW Simba ( juggernaut )

A fly by hello Simba. Shoot theres no stopping you hai, the S***e rolls down and you duly kick it back up.

Really thinking just round the corner good things coming your way... no brainer really with the strength you show on these diarys...

A massive strength and Honor...

Keep moving forward and Up will come...


Posted : 5th July 2012 7:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi E,

Hope things on the up a little?

In time when wee un's older and wiser you will look back at this time in your life and feel a huge sense of achievement............You have most definitely beaten all the odds Liz.....You are winning!

Keep on going Liz, you are doing so well.

Sue xxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 5th July 2012 5:22 pm
Posts: 0
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Thankyou Womble and TM Exmug lovley to hear from you hun.

Although ive lost quite abit of wages this week its actually a blessing in disguise as i seriously needed some time off and its been great not doing my ususal blue arsed fly routine from home to nursery to school to work back to nursery to school and home again, its only when you stop that you realise how tired you actually are.

Anyhoo early night for me as although i havent done a huge amount today im tired and LO is better today temp and sickness gone just waiting for the other end to clear up now lol.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 5th July 2012 7:29 pm
Posts: 2966


you are having a rotten time too, by the sounds of it hun. I completely relate to the feelings of like "for goodness sake, what next?". It is hardest when it is stuff out of our control, like LO getting poorly.

Doesn't it feel kind of good though, marching on, covered in the s**t that has been hurled at us, shouting "nothing you can throw at me will make me gamble!!!!!"

Have you ever tried applying for a crisis loan off the social? just a thought if you hadn't looked into it. You have to say you have no food left in the cupboards etc. Your local jobcentre can tell you how to apply.

I'm holding your hand, fellow warrior chick! we would P**s all over Zena so called warrior Princess! ; )

Posted : 6th July 2012 8:27 am
Posts: 0
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Thankyou Freda and Ade

Have reposted to both.

Wage packet very thin yesterday after 3 days off work have paid what i can and my uncle is helping me out so i can avoid some bank charges.

Have i thought about gambling to try and get some back actually no i havent:0)

Not doing much this weekend as no money and its raining again.Although roll on sunday afternoon come on murry.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 7th July 2012 11:00 am
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